What made you buy an FZ6?


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Birmingham, UK
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We have seen people comparing the FZ6 to other bikes but not what sold it for them.

So what was the deciding factor in your purchase?

For me it was the styling, I did not like it at first but it sort of grew on me. So when I walked into the showroom there was one, just arrived, in the right colo(u)r, it sold itself. Oh and it was a good price.
I suppose the reason why I went for the FZ6 was the fact that the only other bike that is better than this one is the R1 and I just couldn't afford one of those!!

They have a solid frame (I dont like the look of other bikes with their welded frames!), the styling really did appeal to me too, the fairing was great, the passenger handrails and comfort for pillion was also a deciding feature! The price was another and the fact that it was red was the final deciding feature. I have seen black, silver, white, blue bikes on the road but rarely do I see red ones...so I just had to have it! :)
A advertisement in Motorcyclist that I cut out, taped together and carried in my pocket folded up, for a couple months at 33 years old after sitting and staring at if for hours. Something about it spoke to me. I dont know how else to describe it. I had considered the ninja650 but it is not even close. I mean R6 power in a comfortable chassis? Give me one of those. LOL
We have seen people comparing the FZ6 to other bikes but not what sold it for them.

So what was the deciding factor in your purchase?

For me it was the styling, I did not like it at first but it sort of grew on me. So when I walked into the showroom there was one, just arrived, in the right colo(u)r, it sold itself. Oh and it was a good price.

Believe it or not the wife found it(forever in her debt now)
in a local biketrader magazine.The guy selling it lived less than a mile away.Took one look and bought it,too much of a good price to just walk away.:)
after a year of vstrom riding , i wanted to buy a 4cylinder bike with a little bit more comfort than a race bike,,,i was down to fz6 and cb599 in the end....i just wasnt a fan of the digital tachometer of the fz6's...just because of that reason i was leaning to cb side but then a little bit more research ,,,i found out that the 07 fz6 's have the regular tach,,i also liked the other improvements like the front brakes and the front fairing,more torque in the low end..so i decided to go for the 07 FZ6...and im glad that i did the right choice...
also i 've never owned a yamaha before,,this is my 12th bike....i had to try it :)
I was looking for a bike in the first instance to commute on, comfortable with a bit of wind protection, and thought a bit of umff would be nice too.

I had hired a Fazer a couple of times in the past and enjoyed the ride.

I had planned to test ride the new Bandit and the new Fazer, but after the Fazer test ride I was sold, especially when the dealer did me a good deal on my old motorbike.

I must admit the Fazer is not as fuel efficient as my old bike, but that's not to do with engine's consumption but the change in my riding style, the Fazer does love them revs :thumbup:
This picture on the cover of Sport Rider Magazine....

Then when it came in it looked like this.....

Need I say more....

Please note they chose the faster Galaxy Blue for their awesome photo...
at first i was going for the R6, then the sales person showed me the FZ6 and said that the FZ had allmost the same motor, but it was a little heavier, and de-tunned. I could have bought the full faired bike(being the R6), but i wanted to get a bike to build "A LA CARTE". I am very happy with my choice, i just wish parts were a little easier to find, but thats the whole point of originallity.
wanted a sport bike but at 45 yrs old I also wanted to sit upright... solution the FZ6. the sales guy said most if not all of his buyers were over 35... he said the younger guys want the full fairing bikes and had mentioned to me the part about sitting upright for comfort and commutability... Zinger:thumbup:
I was looking for a second bike that my oldest son could ride so we could go on rides together. He mentioned the FZ6 to me, I had never heard of it. When I saw it for the first time I was impressed, to say the least. I made a cash deal and walked out paying $6400 for the bike. I think it is a lot of bike for the money.

Like Zinger, I liked the upright riding position. When I want to go ride the twisties and the son can't ride, I will take the FZ6 for a change of pace. I like it. Now I've got two other sons reaching riding age, and I'm sure they will be riding it more than me.

I know a fella that is pushing 75, he bought the FZ1 and can't get enough of it. I thought I was twisted for wanting to ride the FZ6, after meeting him I don't. I'm hoping I'm still riding anything when I get to be his age!
Last June I got tired of the $55 fill-ups on the car, wandered down to a couple dealerships and talked to coworkers, and thanks to a full-length mirror in one dealership realized I looked silly on a scooter. One coworker kept telling me a guy my size needed the Honda VTX-1800. I've never had a bike before, and that thing scared me, and weighed a ton. Happened to notice an FZ-6 in the next row, sat on it, and it felt pretty confortable and light.
Did some internet searching, the FZ always was well-spoken of, and several "shootouts" claimed it was the best bike for tall folks.
I stumbled onto this forum and several folks had me talked into a 250-size Ninja, but then I found a local used '07 FZ-6 with 1,400 miles, $5,500, and jumped on it.
Never a regret, and karma's been good to me during the learning period! :thumbup:
I came back to bikes in January of this year after a long....very long...layoff. I started out with a new XT225, but realized after a month or two that it just wasn't doing it for me. I initially looked at getting a Ninja 500R because something about it reminded me of my old Triumphs, but I really wanted 4 cylinders. I tried a few sportbikes, but the clipons were just too much. Then a Yamaha store sales guy showed me a blue FZ6. Initially, I thought it was too much bike for me, and I didn't care for the plastic "mufflers" and the weird digital tach.
Then I saw a red one. SOLD!! :D
I was sold on the styling and the amount of development that went into making the bike. It has so many biking firsts. I had narrowed it down to two bikes SV650 and the
FZ6. I thought that the quality was better on the FZ6 as the starter motor on the SV collects so much crap. I test road them both. For my style of riding I didn't need to much low down grunt. I found this forum, and felt that there was a good feel about the whole FZ6 experience and that was it.
Oh yeah, I thought it would be years until I was able to get another bike. Then one day out of the blue last March my wife said. You miss bikes don't you. "Why not get another one". So that was it, threw my daughter in the back of the car. Drove 40 miles to the nearest dealer and put a deposit down before any minds could be changed.
I walked into the bike shop looking to buy a Ninja 250.
Not being in a hurry I took home a few brochures, Yamaha ,Suzuki and Kawasaki. The dealer did not have the FZ6 so the first one I saw was in the brochure. It had everything I wanted. It was a standard with a center stand and undertail exhaust. I also liked the front brake resevoir. those clear round ones look like they forgot to put one on and stuck it on there at the last minute.
I went to the shop and told them what I wanted and they said. we dont sell many of those.we will have to locate one.I sad great, I want a blue one. two days later I was riding.
People still say "what is that thing".
i have always been a Yamaha guy and after racking up 34000 miles on my 04 yzf i decided it was time for a new bike with some new technology built into it but i was not willing to sacrifice the comfort. I have always been a fan of the FZ6 but prefer fully faired bikes but the 07 called to me and i bought it. I will most likely get some lowers for it as soon as they are available in the US (and i have some spare $)
I went with the looks and the awesome engine.:Sport::Flash:
Has anyone looked at this one:

Click here: Versys?
I really really liked it, Its just to exposed for the amount of salt they stick on our roads. + its a twin. It has rave reviews by the bike jurnos.