What helmet should I upgrade to? I have the HJC-CSR1 now and I hate it...

I have a Nolan flip-up. I LOVE the flexibility of a flip-up. :cheer: The Nolan is well made overall.

Unfortunately, it appears that they don't protect as well as a true full-face :(
You need to look at the akuma helmets i am going to order one in i a couple of weeks they are awesome auto tinting shields and led lights for greater visibility for people behind you, with integrated power system and still lightweight.

Yeah, I'd recommend you find one and try it on before you buy it. I bought my Akuma Stealth a couple of months ago based on recommendations from here and elsewhere and I've been less than impressed -- especially for the dollars. They look incredible and the design/paint is outstanding. The LEDs are nice to have but I've found I don't use mine as much as I thought I would and the battery life per charge isn't exactly stellar. My main complaints are with the quality of materials used for the liner and the chin strap. The liner feels kind of scratchy -- much like the cheapest of the cheap helmets I tried on when looking. It's definitely not cushy like the Aria's or Shoei's, or the Nolan I tried on. In fact, I bought a very cheap Seven-O-Seven helmet ($100) to get me by until the Stealth arrived and I like the way it fits and feels much better than the Stealth. And it's not sized wrong, either. I tried on the medium and large -- the medium didn't fit front-to-back, at all, and the large is nice and snug. They do have a more round than oval profile on the interior, but not drastically. The chin strap uses Velcro to fasten the tail of the strap and I cannot say with enough vigor and emphasis how bad it SUCKS!!!!!! It sucks hard, deep, and completely. The velcro catches on freakin everything you don't want it to catch -- gloves, the fabric tab, the inside of the helmet -- you name it. It is a major inconvenience, IMO. It's also flimsy. I've had to re-stitch the velcro patch already and it's clear that with enough pulling to fasten/unfasten that's it's going to need to be done again at some point. I'm so annoyed by it that for this BS feature, alone, I'll never buy an Akuma helmet again until the change it to a regular snap.

The noise level is OK. The air flow is OK. And that's the problem -- all the features other than cosmetic are just "OK". Nothing outstanding and nothing that justifies the $300 price tag, IMO.

Just my take on it. YMMV...

Ok, I am going to buy one of these 2 helmets today... I can't pass up the deal...

They are both Shark S800 But the silver/black one says S800 Sensor. What is the difference?
as far as I know its just the name of graphic pattern. Like my AC-12 Yikes, or My spec 1-R extreme Fabrizio
I just got a HJC AC-12 Carbon....love it love it love it! Light, good fit, looks great, top spec!:Flash:
Ok, I am going to buy one of these 2 helmets today... I can't pass up the deal...

They are both Shark S800 But the silver/black one says S800 Sensor. What is the difference?

I just ordered the Black, Gunmetal, and Silver Shark S800 eBay Motors: Motorcycle Helmet Shark S800 XLarge Gray/Gray/Silver (item 350074247514 end time Jul-26-08 20:02:19 PDT), to go with my FieldSheer Kinowa Jacket Get Your Motorcycle GEAR at The Iron Pony: Looking for MOTORCYCLE CLOTHING? We sell MOTORCYCLE ACCESSORIES, ATV ACESSORIES, MOTORCYCLE STUFF, MOTORCYCLE PARTS CATALOG, MOTOCROSS, MOTORCROSS GEAR

Sweet deals, thanks everyone!
It all comes down to what fits your head as others have said. The main reason I bought a shoei rf 1000 is because it fit my head the best. Not just because it cost $450 so I could sound cool. Shoei's are known for being tough, reliable, light and quiet. So once you find the helmet that fits you, go up in down in levels of quality in that specific brand and try to find one that meets your budget and requirments.

Cool. I have the kiowa jacket as well. Crash tested once, and hit by a trucks mirror once. No damage to me either time, except for sore neck and shoulder.
I just received my Shark S800 Helmet, let me tell you the quality of this helmet really surprised me. It’s like night and day from my HJC CS-R1.
It is a little snug, it’s a medium (my HJC is a large, and feels huge compared to this one) however I guess you want it a little tighter when its brand new.
Just letting everyone know that for $79.00 (eBay) I feel like I have a $300 helmet.
Try it on, but I'm about to pickup a Shoei RF-1000 as soon as my last paycheck clears.

Parts411.com Product sku is is 3 portions xx-yyyyyy-zzz. If you put the yyyyy portion in as a comment during checkout, the 400+ dollar helmet comes down to 275!

Matt, that is awesome! Thanks for sharing this tip! I'm getting the RF-1000 Strife and with the discount, it is down to $341.99! :steve:

Cheapest I had found it elsewhere was $427.00. Nice savings!!!
I just got a HJC AC-12 Carbon....love it love it love it! Light, good fit, looks great, top spec!:Flash:

I was going to get this one too, but after reading the WBW review and the reader comments, I opted out. It appears the clearcoat doesn't hold up at all on this helmet and blisters a lot. Plus, it only offered 3 visor stops for opening. Shoei offers 7 stops on visor opening. It's one of my pet peeves! :D
One more thing about my new Shark helmet... I've noticed it doesn't go down on my head as far as the HJC, its like a totally different fit. The Shark sits like 1/2 inch shorter on my head... Is that going to be a problem, or am i just used to the HJC?
I have Scorpion 700 series. Had to buy thinner face padding because original was too tight. I am glad they sell it as spare part.
Anyway I would not buy it again. Not that helmet is bad, I would just like to search for quieter one. Above 70 km/h (45 mph) engine noise disappears and wind noise becomes dominant and actually very annoying.
Honestly, I don't think that other helmets are much better (if any) so that means only trial and error would help. How you do that??
In regards to looks and shape and safety I would say that all helmets are good looking and up to the standards. Manufacturers do really nice jobs with designs and painting. In full store you don't know what to take. They all look very appealing.
I actually have suggestion for manufacturers, if anybody is listening. Build helmet with active noise cancellation. I have Audio Technica headset (Bose even Logitech have similar) and I would not travel by plane without them. They are totally amazing. Take wind noise and hum in the cabin completely out and you can actually hear the music. You can still hear if somebody talks to you because they don't cancel that kind of noise completely. I would say it would be ideal for bike use. You would still hear honking and some other noises, but wind noise would be gone.