What do you weigh?

What do you weigh?

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184 pounds in ride gear and helmet with a BMI of 21. Ah, the perfect ride weight.
13 stones and a few pebbles here and there. Other wise its 195 pounds or 88.63 kilograms. My BMI is higher than what I would like it to be, started working out so I expect to drop my weight class and hopefully my BMI as well.
I'm also in the population bulge of the chart, but I started the Body For Life challenge three weeks ago. Haven't lost much weight but I'm seeing some definite composition changes.

What I want to know is where you folks in that 210 plus range have your rear shock set?
230 lbs in the winter and 210 - 215 in the summer since I'm NOT a winter person and tend to put it on through the holidays... 5'10" . . . wearing it well all over but still want to drop that 31 lbs and get below 200 again. Beer and ice cream (not together) are my pitfalls. Outside of those two items I eat rather healthy. I'm not fat, I'm big boned!

Problem is I have a 25 yr old mind in a 43 yr old body. When I try to do the 25 yr old suggestion my mind gives me, the 43 yr old body starts letting me know the difference in years.
nothing worse than fat old men on sport bikes, with full leather, looks like an egg on a bike from behind.

I always try to hold my gut in when riding, can't do a thing about the side overhang !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just love to ride!!!
From your pictures, it looks like you don't need to worry about your weight. My Wife is about your weight and height (although she is quite a bit older), and she complains about being fat on a regular basis! She is not, but what she feels and sees is that she doesn't have the toned muscles that she used too. We both need to start exercising again! Not necessarily to lose weight, but to tone up a bit.:)

That's my problem too. I am in right around 140 right now, give or take a few on any given day, hoping to be down in the 130 area in the next few months. Unfortunately, when I lost all my muscle in college, I didn't actively get it back, because I didn't actually gain any weight or size, so I didn't notice it, so now all that weight I have gained after college is noticeable (even if reio says it isnt). We are both currently working on strength training and I'm doing quite a bit more cardio than I have in years.
I was 205 at the end of 07 but I have started lifting again and also do alot of cardio. My diet is now PERFECT with 40/40/20 Protein/Carbs/fat. I feel great and am starting to see my abs!

Getting so much more attention from the ladies too! Jaw line is now defined and chins have gone away. My FZ6 goes alot faster with the lighter rider also!!!

Im now 183 and pretty cut aiming for 175 at 6 foot in the next few months. Then im gonna pack on some muscle and get up to 190 at 8%body fat.

I want to look like a spartan! AHOU AHOU AHOU!:rockon:
I knew I should have spent the extra jing and got the fz1. Or maybe I should just get off my azz and get back in shape.

I just got off the scale, fully dressed with the steel toes on and came in at 210.5.. If I was like 6'1 or somthing it would be ok..
More than I should but less than I did :)
Moving is stress and stress is food, having moved over 15 times it is a wonder that I am not as big as a house! Enough said!
I'm glad to report that I just made a big move down. I committed that by my birthday (April 12th) I wouldn't weigh over 200 lbs. I haven't been below 200 in 15 years with a high of 257. I started my journey on 12/8/07, and as of this morning weigh 198 lbs. It feels good, and I had to buy a bunch of new clothes because everything was just too big. My eventual goal is 185 lbs which is what I weighted when I was like 30. I'll be 52 this Saturday.