What do you weigh?

What do you weigh?

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I'm in the most popular group but am shooting for the next group down by April 15th. Sucks being a great cook.
why april 15
The guys I work with have a "Chris Farley Memorial Weight Loss" contest every year; you weigh in after the Holidays, pay $20, and whoever can lose 5% of their weight by April 15 (that's Tax Day here in the States) split up the pot.
I have additional incentive this year, as the Air Force Reserves will give a "referral" (that's bad) Performance Report to anyone not meeting weight/fitness standards, and I'm currently not! :(
Wow, I am in the top group.

This sucks,
Thanks for pointing out my physical disparities....

Naw, just kidding, big and proud baby!:thumbup:
232 here, god I am getting fat. I went for a ride on saturday with sportrider and my leathers barely fit. JENNY CRAIG HELP!!!!!!!!!!
121 here. No real need to lose any weight, but I do need to start changing the fat into muscle. Except that I hate exercising. Blaah...
121 here. No real need to lose any weight, but I do need to start changing the fat into muscle. Except that I hate exercising. Blaah...

From your pictures, it looks like you don't need to worry about your weight. My Wife is about your weight and height (although she is quite a bit older), and she complains about being fat on a regular basis! She is not, but what she feels and sees is that she doesn't have the toned muscles that she used too. We both need to start exercising again! Not necessarily to lose weight, but to tone up a bit.:)
13 stone 10. Whatever that is in lbs. There was a great line in a UK programme called Shameless recenty. The story revolved around a mum who, to be gentle, would be the same height lying down as standing up. She said, tearfully, to her thin daughter:

"I hate being a fat f*ck. I've always wanted to be thin but I don't want to stop drinking, I don't want to stop eating and I don't want to do any f*cking exercise. It's like I'm a bulimic but I can't stand thowing up"
13 stone 10. Whatever that is in lbs. There was a great line in a UK programme called Shameless recenty. The story revolved around a mum who, to be gentle, would be the same height lying down as standing up. She said, tearfully, to her thin daughter:

"I hate being a fat f*ck. I've always wanted to be thin but I don't want to stop drinking, I don't want to stop eating and I don't want to do any f*cking exercise. It's like I'm a bulimic but I can't stand thowing up"

I think a lot of people can relate to that.