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  • I went to TISS as well, grew up on Hwy 2 near the Barn with the huge flower on it. I think it was Family Farm Market?! How old are your daughters? My sister and brother both went to BCI. Traitors lol. And as I am a bookaholic, I will definitely look for your store. Do you live close to Chimney Island? I think that is the area you are talking about?

    Oh, by the way, if you respond to this on my profile, I will get a notice that you responded. It was fluke that I saw this. I clicked on your name to check :)
    I grew up in Brockville,went to Tiss, my daughters went to BCI. We now live on the Parkway 3km west of Mallorytown Landing almost to Rockport. We run a used book store in one level of the house, so if you are ever on the parkway drop in you can see the sign from the road, I will give you the fz6 owners discount!!!
    Thanks for the reply its my first since joining the site.
    No, It's the Mississippi River in Carleton Place. But I did grow up on the 1000 Islands, in Brockville! Whereabouts are you?
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