Well, I did it. I sold my FZ6 :(


I'm a girl dammit!
Premium Member
Aug 7, 2007
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Cape Cod
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Sadly for the last 4 years I have struggled on and off again with vertigo. I had hoped by now the docs would find a solution or cause but so far nothing. I decided that I would sell my bike since all that she does is sit in the shed and wait to be ridden. I didn't post her or anything, my friend that works in a correctional facility had a coworker that was in love with the FZ6s and was looking for one so he sent me an email with an offer. Since he seems like a great guy, I took the offer. So yesterday he came and picked her up. I am truly sad, but glad that she'll be in good hands/thighs...hehe I hope to get another bike at some point. I will still visit the forum as I still love the sport, and you guys are all great!

Sorry to hear that, Deb. :(
You know what this means, though...
time for a Can-Am Spyder!!! :cheer:
sorry that you had to get rid of her, I hope they figure it out soon so you can get a new one and re-join us on 2 wheels.
I can't imagine that you haven't tried the "epley maneuver" but I'll mention it anyway. I've had vertigo a few times and it is hard to deal with. I was with a friend who was passing away and it hit me hard. I had ridden my bike that night and had to ride an hour and a half back home at night. It was a trip! I had to do some quick adjustments. When you have the epley maneuver done, I believe the doctor has to read your eye beating to know what way to do the maneuver. I hope you get better soon!
Don't give up Deb! :hug:
Deb, very sorry that you had to sell the bike and even more sorry you have to deal with vertigo. My Mom had it for about 5 years and then it mysteriously went away. I pray that, should the Doc's not be able to help, that you have the same good fortune as my Mom.

I don't know what the procedure is that Cliff had done, but I'd sure look into it! (Thanks Cliff!!!) :rockon:

Don't give up the fight... keep researching. :hug:
Thanks all for your words of encouragement...I think I have had every test on the planet...several MRI's, several Epley Manuevers, VNGs, EKGs...totally stinks. It started out intermittently now it is constant. Thankfully I can still drive the car and truck...and thankfully I bought my husband a mustang GT for his birthday in February...so I can have some fun in that. Eric I hope that I have the same luck as your Mom too. I hope to be back on 2 wheels soon.
