Wearable airbags

Saw a rider with one of the airbag jackets at a WERA race this year. Yes he went down in a relatively slow lowside and the jacket inflated as you would expect. Didn't catch it on camera though :-( The jacket looked kind of like a life preserver and I don't know how much protection it would have provided but was certainly better than not having it. Will look and see if I have a photo of it.
Hopefully this will work - photo of airbag which deployed during lowside. Looks like it would provide additional neck protection as well as the chest.
Hopefully this will work - photo of airbag which deployed during lowside. Looks like it would provide additional neck protection as well as the chest.

looks like a winner to me. anything that puts a cushion between me and a ouchie is a winner.
I did some internet research on the Hit Air and Armored Air systems. I found some Fox and ABC news reports on You Tube where they claimed lives were saved with these in crashes. They look promising, but I am on the fence. The vests start about $249 on sale. Search You Tube for the news reports. Anybody have one??
Rossi & Lorenzo have been wearing airbag race leathers for the last 2 years as far as I know :thumbup:

Rossi definately has been , I watched them deploy when he crashed out at Valencia in the last race :thumbup:
Hopefully this will work - photo of airbag which deployed during lowside. Looks like it would provide additional neck protection as well as the chest.

I am all for these. I am interested in the one in the photo snce the Armored Air and Hit Air are dark colors. I already ride with hi-viz, so a hi-viz vest makes sense to me. What brand is in the photo?
:eek:EEK!!!:eek: Maybe these things are safe, but I dont think I could bring myself to wear it. How far are we going to go? The ultimate "safe" thing to do is not ride at all, but who wants that? Flame me if you want, just my opinion.
I did some internet research on the Hit Air and Armored Air systems. I found some Fox and ABC news reports on You Tube where they claimed lives were saved with these in crashes. They look promising, but I am on the fence. The vests start about $249 on sale. Search You Tube for the news reports. Anybody have one??

which ones are for $249? the price was the only thing holding me back from getting one of these
Those jackets are cool and can definitely be helpful in a crash. They've been around for quite a while now. Knowing me thought, I'd inadvertently set one off. I can see it now. Get off the bike, forget to disengage the hook, "Poof!" Stay Puff Marshmallow Man!

i watched a video on the webiste that is selling them and it looked like they had to pull the cord pretty hard to trigger the vest.. i think you would be able to feel the tension on the cord before accidentally triggering it while getting off the bike.
for the Hit-air brand the strength of the cord might actually pull over a small bike or scooter. i think we would be fine on the FZ6.

I think i am getting one (vest to go over my jacket)for next season. i will look into getting a jacket with the airbag built in for my wife.