today was a hard day

Thanks all.

He was to the point where he couldn't stand up on his own. I had to pick him up (all 120 lbs.) to get him to his feet so he could walk (stumble) 10 feet to urinate. He wasn't eating and I had to literally put a bowl of water right under his nose for him to drink.

He was just in terrible shape. My heart hurts so bad right now.

I am terribly sorry for your loss but you made the right choice. I know exactly how it feels. I had a pet Sammoyed for 14 yrs (Yeah, literally grew up with him)
The best remedy is get a puppy real soon. I have a couple of dogs now and it definitely helps.
Hooch was the best dog, he was very obedient....I could leave the gates open and he knew not to step foot past the fence line. He was a well trained dog and he loved cats. I will miss him terribly.

We still have our boxer, so we will not be getting another dog. I don't want another dog. When my cat died, I subconsciously tried to replace him with 5 cats....I have gotten rid of 2 cats, but I still have to deal with my heart being broken 4 more times (3 cats, 1 dog).

My kids have not asked where Hooch is......strange.
J , Danny you know deep in your hearts, even tho it must have hurt like hell you have done the right thing by letting him rest with no pain in peace.

My thoughts are with you both.

Dogs are so loving an loyal right up to the end. Thats why we love them.
Great pics J, great memories.
ok...fine, make me cry....I am deeply sorry for your loss.
I was going to ask how the kids were taking all this, but since they haven't asked,well, maybe they understand more than we give them credit for.
thanks for the shoulder everyone, I hope it's a long time before we have to go through this again.
So sorry to hear about your loss guys.... I love my pets too... they are part of my family.
My dog passed away last month. I am only 20 and she was 15 so I grew up with her and it was very hard to actually let go. She just collapsed and died a few hours later. I watched her take her last breathes and she died in my arms.

She had puppies when she was 3 and we kept one. now he is 12 and I am concentrating on him. He had been howling for her every morning for about 2 weeks. I had an old sheet that my dog used to lay on and he sniffed it and he lit up and was anticipating of seeing her again and it was horrible to know that he is still holding hope that she will come back. As time has past my heart has healed and I can smile about her life.

Although some songs get me lol
Some ppl say that putting humans to rest is easier than losing a pet. But being an avid dog lover, I know how bad it hurts. So my condolences.
It's probably better that we outlast our pet. That way it's we who are left to suffer the loss. Pets are great. It's so cool that we can bond with a 4 legged friend. We should celebrate the positive.
Awww, sweet looking dog! I bet he was caring for the kids too.
Know how ya feel - been there as well, soory for your loss, but you do have more there to concentrate on.