today was a hard day



I type this with a heavy heart, I had to say goodbye to my Bull Mastiff "Hooch" today. the cancer had spred pretty bad and his medication wasn't helping anymore. I think keeping him alive would have just been selfish. I think that has had to be one of the hardest things I've done. I know it was the right thing to do, but I wish he had gone on his own.
I am so sorry to hear that. Pets are such a big part of our lives and our families.
Let the Pooch RIP. As hard as it is; at least he will not suffer pain any longer. Sometimes I like dogs more than people.
You definitely made the right decision. It's always tough to lose such a close companion. Just know that he's got lots of friends waiting for him and he will suffer no more.
Sorry for your loss Bro. You made the right decision, your dog is in a better place now.
I know where you're coming from; I lost both of my Corgis two years ago, and it still hurts. But, as said above, they're comfortable now, even if you're not. :(
sorry for your loss Danny. He is at peace now, I know it doesnt help much.
Thanks all.

He was to the point where he couldn't stand up on his own. I had to pick him up (all 120 lbs.) to get him to his feet so he could walk (stumble) 10 feet to urinate. He wasn't eating and I had to literally put a bowl of water right under his nose for him to drink.

He was just in terrible shape. My heart hurts so bad right now.
Sorry for the loss of your companion. Dogs are so loyal and unconditionally loving. They have to be the hardest pet to say goodbye to. You've done the right thing for Hooch by taking away his suffering.
Hey D & J, sorry to hear the "master of tea" has past on. Sorry, don't know what came over me there.... ;) Respectfully though, R.I.P.
Its always nice to be remembered for the good things. I think you made the right decission Danny as hard as it is.

Sorry for your loss, a tough decision any way you look at it. I had to do the same thing to my wonderful Golden Retriever "Sadie" in August of 2006, as I could not stand to see her suffer, as the cancer had spread to her stomach. As tough as it is, you made the correct choice.

I ended up getting another dog, a Boston Terrier. Time does pass, and soon you will be ready to get your next four legged adventure!
Sorry to hear, you definitely made the right choice, we had to make the same decision a little while back about one of our cats. It really is sad to lose a family member, but its the right thing to do:thumbup::(