To wave or not to wave, that is the unorigionally named poll...

Who do you wave at?

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I find it curious that some people "wait" for the other ride to wave. What if he's waiting too?

But really, when I throw out the wave I don't even look for a response or anything. I catch a bike down the road or in my periphery and I throw it out. Rarely do I take my eyes off of what's going on around me. Then again, I'm in traffic 90% of the time I'm riding, if I was out in the country maybe I'd be singing a different tune.
I do remember reading in "Stayin Safe" (fantastic book, btw) how Larry said he was waving to all in Europe and no one was returning his wave. He finally asked the tour guide what the deal was and the guide replied with something like: "We concentrate on riding here, not on saying hello" :thumbup:

I'm in England, and at first I was very confused that no one waved, but then I realized they all nod their heads at you. Given the fact that roads require paying attention here, it makes perfect sense. I always prefer to keep both hands doing their job even in "safe" stretches.

I give a nod to everything two-wheeled and motorized except scooters. This includes the bike cops. I almost always get a nod back.

Someone had mentioned the hands down wave... I reserve that one just for cars that move over so I can pass in heavy traffic!! Some cagers aren't so bad!
I realized they all nod their heads at you. Given the fact that roads require paying attention here, it makes perfect sense.

This has more to do with the fact that they drive on the "other" side of the road. If you're a rightlane-country you can wave with your left hand, in a leftlane country you'd have to wave with your right hand and let go of your gas to do so ... hence the headnodding
I wave to anything/anyone with 2 or 3 wheels and a motor. Unless i'm in a corner and just cannot waive. :thumbup:
I wave to anything but scooters. I see about 20 of them on my 9 mile ride to work, and it gets annoying! It's funny when I wave to the Harley guys and they give me their wannabe 'tough' look... hahaha
I wave to anything but scooters. I see about 20 of them on my 9 mile ride to work, and it gets annoying! It's funny when I wave to the Harley guys and they give me their wannabe 'tough' look... hahaha

I just give em *my* "tough guy" look. Haha.
I generally wave at everyone on two wheels with a hand dropped off the to the left 2 fingers extended with and occasional pinky for the shocker if I am feeling goofy.

I also wave at cager cops if I am not speeding as if to say :Flip: politely
I'm still new, so I was surprised to see a bunch of bikers wave at me, so now I will wave at all unless I'm in a turn or somewhere I know I need to being paying attention
I wave to anything that can be classified as a motorcycle, or require a motorcycle license / permit to drive on the road (including dirt bikes etc...).

I also wave to cyclist as I am among that crowd too.
Being on my bike makes me feel free and uninhibited. No job title, no issues, just wind and RPMs. Therefore I tend to be really happy and inclined to wave at anyone on any type of motorcycle. I've told myself that if I wave to someone and they don't wave back its on them.

Unfortunately I guess I'm still a little immature for a 42 year old because I've waved at so many Harley's only to be ignored that I'm hesitant to wave at them. The majority of the time three of my fingers and my thumb end up pointing back at my palm.

Guess the fact is that allthough I would like to feel that I'm enlightened I'm still a male with testosterone that gets pissed when disrespected. I know that all Harley riders aren't A-holes but there sure does seem to be alot that are. I don't know what it is about a pot belly and a do-rag that makes a guy feel tough..
My rule is simple, if they are wearing a helmet I wave. Which during summer rules out about 75% of sportbike riders.
I wave to everyone on two wheels. Two wheeled transport is still a minority population here. Even in the summer I may only come across half a dozen bikes in the week.
I still see an old fella on a 400 cc scooter most mornings. We always wave at each other, and I hope that when I'm in my 70's and can't ride a bike anymore, for what ever reason, I won't be discriminated against because my choice of two wheels don't fit.
I wave at the Garda (police) because I respect what they do and also it shows them "Yeah I see ya".
I wave because it reminds me that as a whole I am saying to the other rider "Its you and me brother / sister" and if you need me I'm here.
The wavers are also the ones who will stop and chat or help if required. Its kind of like a code, the wavers get it. My dad taught me that and I still live by it.
I don't mind if I don't get a wave back. It's possible that the other rider simply didn't see me.
I'll end with a big old virtual wave to my forum friends who "Get it":thumbup:

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If I can get a hand off the bars I wave at anything that is not a cage,4 wheelers and side by sides included.... yes I see side by sides on the roads here.... Rednecks..... gotta luv em... lol :BLAA: :rockon:
I don't wave... no disrespect intended. I don't know the other rider especially the wild hog types.:Flip:
Be'in the social butterfly I am, I dun wave ta everybody.

I generally wave at everyone on two wheels with a hand dropped off the to the left 2 fingers extended with and occasional pinky for the shocker if I am feeling goofy.

I also wave at cager cops if I am not speeding as if to say :Flip: politely

Ahh yes 2 in the pink 1 in the......