This is embrassing...


Insanity is Sanity
May 14, 2009
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Los angeles, CA
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I was spooked by another rider today while riding to work. I was on the freeway going with the flow of traffic, 70ish mph on the fast lane. Suddenly, this rider roared on by with his R1, two brothers exhuast, at about 90 to 100 mph on the second lane. I "jumped" in my seat. :ban:

You're asking, How do you know it is two brothers exhuast at that speed?
This is how I know... About 1 kilometer away the same rider laid the bike down. He was splitting/filtering lane at the speed mentioned above, maybe slower. From a witness's account, a cager change lane and cut off his route. He reacted and lost control of the bike. The bike have damages in the front, top of the gas tank (might have flipped), and the whole backend was loose (sneak a peep at the pipes) . Amazingly, no other vehicle was involved.

I stopped to help out and see that he has no gears on except for a helmet. He has road rash on the left shoulder blade, left lower back, and some cuts on his hands. :squid: Another great reminder to gear up and slow down.

P.S. He has gears but decided not to wear it today. :(
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It remained me last sunday.....LOL
I was on the way to fill up gas w/new ride...Futura and I came accross Gixxer just w/helmet
Came on red light he stop & look and go....:spank:
I just dont understand rider like that...put him self in dangerous & deathly situation eventhou nothing happen...
I guess those croch rocket is different then Fizzer rider...:thumbup:
I'm more critical about a motorcyclists riding recklessly than riding w/o gear. On a side note, the state of Florida recently recinded its mandatory helmet law. During my visit to Key West and Miami Beach last month, 95% of riders (including me) wore no helmet which made sense for the islands because scooters (everybody seems to rent one) can barely attain 35 mph, the traffic is a lot of stop 'n go, and the weather is hot, humid and sticky. Riding around on the scooter wasn't all that much different from riding around on a bicycle. The same principal applies to, say, riding a liter sportbike 25 MPH down the block to pick up a newspaper or pack of cigaretter---overkill to put on boots, gloves, helmet, upper and lower leathers/mesh, etc. for the errand. So, I see some rationale to Florida backing off on the helmet law. Back to the guy you posted about: yeah, if you're gonna ride recklessly and at high speeds all the more reason to gear up---since you're asking for it.
I put a helmet on even when I'm riding my mountain bike. I was doing a maneuver on a trail a few years ago and I wacked my head pretty hard on a tree. As I just continued an my journey I was glad I had that little extra protection. If your helmet is available, where it. I never would have thought that tree was waiting for me.

Dont have a choice over here but id wear a helmet everytime and a least a proper jacket with jeans etc...friend of mine lost his Dad cos he took his scooter round the block without a lid on and hit the corner of a house at 20mph...died due to swelling of the brain from the head injury he recieved, doc's said he still be alive if he had only worn a helmet...i see a lot of new riders out today wearing t-shirts and shorts on their scooters some dont even have their helmets fastened.....what price for skin grafts? compared to some proper gear?
I agree, if you feel you want to wear a helmet and/or full gear riding around the block on your bicycle or whatever, you should put it on. It's weighing the risks against the benefits. One will always find anecdotes to support a position. Heck, I was witness to a man who, while walking on a sidewalk at the Golden Gate Bridge south end area, suddenly collapse. He fell and hit his head hard on the concrete sidewalk. Off-duty nurses nearby administered CPR for over 15 mins but he never came to. Do I think elderly people should take a walk only while wearing a helmet now? I know somebody who fell out of the top bunk and hit his head. Do I recommend that people who take the top bunk wear a helmet?. I think, sometimes, people go to far with trying to tell others how to live. Reminds me of the abortion debate...
Tailgate...really? I have never and will never understand the people that argue that it's a personal choice to wear a helmet or not. It's just my opinion, but if you choose to NOT wear a helmet, you're an idiot. And trying to compare an accident like a walkway collapsing or falling out of a top bunk to participating in an inherently dangerous past time such as motorcycling is asinine. If you can't see the difference, I can't open your eyes.

BTW, if wearing a helmet is a personal choice, then let me make a personal choice of my own. I CHOOSE TO NOT WANT TO SEE ANYONE'S BRAINS SPLATTERED ON THE PAVEMENT. That's an image you can't get out of your head once it's in there and I don't want it.

There...I've made my choice.
guy died near where i live in a parking lot on a bike doing 15kph or so. trauma to the head from no helmet.

wear a helmet.

if ur just going down the block then skip the knee pads, spine protector, full leathers, sidi boots, race gauntlets.........but wear a helmet.
When I was 19 years old my best friend died of head trauma because he fell off his skateboard. When we were at the hospital a doctor told how easy it is to get a serious head injury. He said there was another kid under his care who was in a coma because he was hit with a squeegee.
In hindsight it could have been anyone of my friends including myself that was killed as we all had accidents on our boards and we never wore helmets. You can bet that that changed. RIP Denis...

Helmets save lives.
P.S. He has gears but decided not to wear it today. :([/QUOTE]

Go figure LOL...

Honestly, he got what he deserved. That kind of riding is the reason why so many people are against motorcyclist.
Firstly, I'm so glad that the guy survived with minor injuries even though he rode recklessly. He is a biker after all, like rest of us even though he might be a bit of a nut. Nobody is commenting on him being cut off by a cager?? Wearing or not wearing safety gear is an option we all chose to do or not. I myself always wear all gear I have and similarly can not understand those that do not. Wearing gear is the last line of defence we have.
Nobody is commenting on him being cut off by a cager??

I won't get involved on the helmet debate. I wear mine. That guy, hope he had learn something.

The cager cutting him of: I'm a THINK BIKE guy when I'm in the cage, as I think all of us are, but sorry, if a biker filters at more than twice the speed than the traffic goes - you won't see him before it is to late...
The gear debate goes on...

There will always be people who weigh up the risks and make their choices on whether to wear gear or not. I'm a 'wear gear no matter what' person myself. I understand that people make choices, but can't always understand why they choose the option to not at least wear a helmet???? This option just seems crazy. And if the weather is hot, well I'd rather be hot than in a coma or dead.

I see a lot of people here in France wearing shorts and t-****s and flip flops (thongs) and wince when I see them climb on a bike or scooter. I saw one guy on a Varadero the other day with his daughter on the back wearing a tiny little summer dress and filp flops - I thought how can he put his own daughter at risk like that???

As for the guy you originally posted about, he was riding stupidly filtering at such speed. I feel little affiliation with other bikers who give the rest of us a bad name....Of course I would have stopped to help him out nonetheless (and probably lectured him on wearing his gear! lol! :spank:)
95% of riders (including me) wore no helmet which made sense for the islands because scooters (everybody seems to rent one) can barely attain 35 mph

At LESS than 35mph I broke both my arms, right leg and lost all my front teeth as my full face smashed into the screen as I passed.

I have just come back from Italy where it was very hot. I was in all my gear and all the locals were in shorts and T shirt BUT all had helmets.

I can see why it is nice to ride in shorts and T shirts but I would rather break my arms than take the skin off my body.

If I had hit the car without a helmet you would not be reading this. Never ride without the helmet is my advice.

At LESS than 35mph I broke both my arms, right leg and lost all my front teeth as my full face smashed into the screen as I passed.

I have just come back from Italy where it was very hot. I was in all my gear and all the locals were in shorts and T shirt BUT all had helmets.

I can see why it is nice to ride in shorts and T shirts but I would rather break my arms than take the skin off my body.

If I had hit the car without a helmet you would not be reading this. Never ride without the helmet is my advice.


"ey yey yey... ouch" did this happen on an FZ6?