thinking of starting a "wave" revolution!

moo cow

Junior Member
Apr 18, 2008
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athens, ga
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well this might rub some folks weird but now that gas is a solid 4 bucks a gallon it seems like EVERYBODY is on a bike these days. i have no problem with this, actually i'm really happy about it. BUT, the hand wave, signal, whatever you call it when you pass another rider is KILLING ME! i mean, i'm waving to my entire commute everyday. i'm all about being friendly and letting the other rider that 'i'm down with 'em' even though i don't know them from adam. but i'm thinking about starting a revolution and just not waving anymore. a nice head nod is my new wave. very little effort on my part and they know i still love 'em!! so don't get offended when i don't wave at you anymore, you are still "in the gang", i guess...
There comes a point when bikes are so prolific that it's counterproductive to wave at each and every one.

Keeping your hand on the bars and near the clutch lever while in traffic is more important than propping up somebody else's ego. Save the waves for chance encounters on empty roads.
I'm with you. I've turned to nods due to the vast amount of bikes on the roads now. I only wave if I'm taking a longer trip and bikes are few and far between.
I think the waves need to be earned. When everyone is out on a bike I don't care to wave to anyone. Now when it is cold, raining, or something going on the prevents the fair weather riders from going out they will get a wave.
People don't wave down here in Oz, the head-nod is the way to go.

And... (as easy as that is), you still get some snobs that wont give the 'ol nod.
(Also, guys on cruisers/harley's will not even acknowledge guys on Jap bike's )

guys on harleys/cruisers are such image-centred &@^#$ bags. they rly are. they like being "hard-a$$es" and big and tough...well that doesnt mean you can be a jerk. society values those that are tough as well as kind. those that are tough but jerks...are no different from apes.

i stopped waving to cruisers unless i see a "friendly looking" cruiser...which just means either they have a lot of luggage or they are not wearing the tough-guy official uniform of balaklava/skull-cap/vest/etc.

and by comparison:

any and all sport bikes are ridden by kind-hearted, amazingly tough and courageous, thoroughly admirable gods among men....
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I don't mind waving at all. There have been few times when I'm in the middle of a shift or need both hands to manuever but I think the other rider understands. Sportbikers, always, it seems, are exceedingly eager to wave at me on FZ6. The second it takes to wave is a priviledge. The other week I accidentally waved at a CHP. I love riding. I realize that riders don't wave to each other while way over on the otherside of a busy multiple lane city/urban freeway. When I wave I don't require/expect a return wave. No strings are attached nor do I take offense if no time/desire to reciprocate. I'm not doing it to build up ego.
Mixed combo here. Mostly wave though, sometimes I'll throw a nod here and there. Not alot of bikers on my way to work yet, usually the same lot I see in the morning. Yes including the ones that don't wave. Sometimes I'll miss a few because I was paying extra attention to the road at the moment (increased traffic, or cager on the phone), the usual hazards of commuting.
I don't want to consider myself lazy or rude. I will always wave if I have an opportunity to. I like the comraderie. Just part of biking.
I wave to everyone but mopeds. I wave to the neighbors, people out mowing, Children out playing and I really make sure to wave to people who see me at intersections or side streets and do not pull out. I am sure to give the ol' one finger salute to the ones who dont see me.

So wave to everyone, positive or negative.

I wave whenever it's possible, e.g. not shifting, going through an intersection, or maneuvring through heavy traffic. And I wave to whomever, I dont care if they are a on Goldwing, HD, a fair weather rider or whatever, we're all on two wheels, we are all bikers. If they dont wave back thats cool, I'm not gonna go home and cry about it. :thumbup:
I'm with Bryan and Tailgate. Wave regardless if it is safe to do so. I don't get nor expect a wave from the Hardley crop but eventually, they just might catch on.
In England a nod of the head is the done thing. Somedays you got to work with a tired neck after all the nodding!! When I moved here I used to nod to other bikers out of habit but rarely, if ever, got a response.

The majority of bikes here are either the HD guys on a Sunday morning or the shorts and T shirt brigade on their sportsbikes, with their helmet on the holder rather than their head of course.

If I see the more "serious" biker, helmet, clothing etc then I will wave, normally by waving with my left hand a bit but not taking it off the bar. But there are not that many of us about here.

Apart from these guys, I must admit I have stopped waving/nodding nowadays as it really does get tedious with no response whatsoever.
I wave when I can... even to the mopeds. Kids in cars really enjoy it. I remember being a kid a loving motorcycles. It really makes their day.
During the commute it is usually just a Nod. There is WAY too much traffic and other things I'm looking at/for.

Oh yeah... the other day i waved at a HD rider on my way through a residential area. He just gave me an angry look and wrapped the throttle (with his shorts, t-shirt, flip-flops, and no helmet).
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I've mounted a fake hand... in an old leather glove... on a spring... on top of my helmet... IT waves for me... all...the...time....... to....EVERYBODY!!!

I wave to everyone but mopeds. I wave to the neighbors, people out mowing, Children out playing and I really make sure to wave to people who see me at intersections or side streets and do not pull out. I am sure to give the ol' one finger salute to the ones who dont see me.

So wave to everyone, positive or negative.


Thats how I was back in Illinois in my town of 3000, ohh yeah, except people without helments on. They get no wave. I wont wave to HD's unless they wave, then ill simply lift my fingers off the bar. Now that im in San Diego, Im not sure what to expect. I surely wont be waving at someone while tearing up the cayons!
Kids in cars really enjoy it. I remember being a kid a loving motorcycles. It really makes their day.

It's always fun when you see a kid going nuts in the back seat of a car trying to get you to wave at them. I'll even blip the throttle a little bit if I think they can hear it. :D
i have a bicycle bell on my handlebars, i give it a rrrrrring rrrrring when passing little kids who are in suburban areas playing on the street and stuff....they love it.
Waving is pretty common here, and I wave to just about everyone, why not be freindly. My wave is usually just a hand down to the side, not so much trouble.

Last week a ran across a pack of Harleys, well more of a herd, there must of been at least 50. I intentionally kept the wave going to see the response and probably about 75% waved back.