thinking of starting a "wave" revolution!

I'm still waiving at anything that doesn't look like a cruiser. Almost waived at a cop the other day. Anybody else ever do that?
I wave, or nod if I'm busy. I agree though it's getting to be too much. People on the other side of the highway doing it, and what about scooters? They're multiplying like rabbits. I hate scooters and their rediculous owners wearing a huge round half face helmet like an episode of chips, their plaid shorts and pink polo shirts and brown loafers with no socks... this isn't France buddy. Don't wave, and don't EVER try to pull up next to me at a stop sign again. It's my lane and I don't wanna share it or acknowledge your presence. I almost hit you making a right not knowing your dumbass was creeping, sure as hell didn't HEAR you there.

Sorry if I offended anyone on here that fits this description, just a little annoyed :thumbup::D
I wave, or nod if I'm busy. I agree though it's getting to be too much. People on the other side of the highway doing it, and what about scooters? They're multiplying like rabbits. I hate scooters and their rediculous owners wearing a huge round half face helmet like an episode of chips, their plaid shorts and pink polo shirts and brown loafers with no socks... this isn't France buddy. Don't wave, and don't EVER try to pull up next to me at a stop sign again. It's my lane and I don't wanna share it or acknowledge your presence. I almost hit you making a right not knowing your dumbass was creeping, sure as hell didn't HEAR you there.

Sorry if I offended anyone on here that fits this description, just a little annoyed :thumbup::D
Oh man, lighten up. You probably make their day by acknowledging the scooter riders. Have you thought about how they probably look up to you on your FZ6? What did you start out on? I get a kick at waving at scooter riders. They rock! (heh, heh)
I'm still waiving at anything that doesn't look like a cruiser. Almost waived at a cop the other day. Anybody else ever do that?
Answer: Yup! It was an accident. Afterwards, i was thinking "Oh well, F it! so what. Next thing you know, one of them will wave at you!"
I'll wave at everybody.
This morn. on the way to the gym I slowly crept up to the back of a scooter & I could see he saw me back there cause he looked in the mirror a coupla times, but I didn't pass him. At the 4-way stop he was going straight & I was turning rt. so I came alongside him way to his rt. & he looked at me & the bike w/a small grin. :eek: I was busy getting ready to turn so I just gave him a nod..................and left him! Yuk, yuk
But, again I don't mind waving/nodding.:rockon:
Being new to the Motorcycle thing, I like the "wave". I can also say my favorite wave is to the (excuse my Copyright infringement -FZ6 in NH) Hardly Guys and Gals. When they don't wave back I kind of chuckle and wonder when they became better than the next man. I mean they must realize the persona they show is mostly if not all show and very little go. I realize a wave back should not be expected, but we know most of those Hardly Folks don't because they feel better than then rest. Oh well either way its all good as they say.
Harley guys around here wave most of the time. I must admit, they have to coolest waves. I wave at everyone on two wheels and only nod if I'm busy. Maybe I should get a life, but it is one of the things I love about riding.
Haha yeah i did that too on accident, i'm still waiting to hear from someone who gets a wave back from a cop :p

I wave to motorpatrol officers all the time here in Vegas, and get the wave back all the time. But once I didn't, he hit his siren and lights for a second as we passed. Guess he was really lazy to wave.
Do any of you make it a game? Sometimes when up in the mtns, I try to stick and hand out and wave mid corner. I find it fun. I always wonder what they people I wave to say to each other when they gather back up.

"Bob, did you see that guy in the left hander? His fingers were about to drag when he waved!"

Maybe they dont say that, I dont know. Im an only child. I had to make up games with myself. lol

I wave to motorpatrol officers all the time here in Vegas, and get the wave back all the time. But once I didn't, he hit his siren and lights for a second as we passed. Guess he was really lazy to wave.
Cool! Now, if you were really in good with Las Vegas m/c officers maybe you could even fly a finger at each other (but this would probably ge the cop fired, huh?) At any rate, glad to hear that Las Vegas has friendly bike cops. Now, if city could get over with all of the strip construction mess/dust....
i've always waved at cops too. sometimes no reaction, but usually at least a head nod back from them

I always wave to cops and always get at least an acknowledgement, I think someone who enjoys riding all day can't be all bad ;)

Seriously I have met several motorbike cops and these were great guys. I even went on a days ride with one (a friend of a friend in England), it was great, he knew where all the radar traps were, so he would warn us before hand :thumbup:
I wave to everybody even ppl on mopeds. But if I don't wave for what ever reason I will nod at the least. I have even shaken one guys hand. It was funny as hell. I was riding down a two land road both ways called Hwy 221 about a week ago. I was traveling 40mph and was passing gradually a white car in the fast lane beside me. I glanced inside the car without turning my head to see two teen thugs with there thug music blaring. I continued on and soon as my back tire got around there front bumper jackass blew his horn trying to scare me. I didn't jump and just continued driving. I turned to see them and they were laughing and smiling. Then my tempt chanced and I began to not care and started smilling inside my mirrior tent shoei. We came to a red light and I let them pass me and stop first. Then I came right up beside them and shook the passengers hand that was hanging out the window and started screaming to the top of my lungs. That crap was funny as hell dude started screaming and trying to role his window up. I just sat over there looking at them til the light turned green then they flew off. They thought they were funny.:rof::rof::rof: wish I could have done this to them with a bat:spank:
I wave to everybody even ppl on mopeds. But if I don't wave for what ever reason I will nod at the least. I have even shaken one guys hand. It was funny as hell. I was riding down a two land road both ways called Hwy 221 about a week ago. I was traveling 40mph and was passing gradually a white car in the fast lane beside me. I glanced inside the car without turning my head to see two teen thugs with there thug music blaring. I continued on and soon as my back tire got around there front bumper jackass blew his horn trying to scare me. I didn't jump and just continued driving. I turned to see them and they were laughing and smiling. Then my tempt chanced and I began to not care and started smilling inside my mirrior tent shoei. We came to a red light and I let them pass me and stop first. Then I came right up beside them and shook the passengers hand that was hanging out the window and started screaming to the top of my lungs. That crap was funny as hell dude started screaming and trying to role his window up. I just sat over there looking at them til the light turned green then they flew off. They thought they were funny.:rof::rof::rof: wish I could have done this to them with a bat:spank:

That's hilarious! Glad he didn't grab on and yank your arm though. It would be funny to low five unsuspecting motorists with their hands hanging out there. We could make a sport of it.
I will always wave and when I can’t I’ll give a head nod.

I especially like waving to Harley riders. The other day I was riding down a two lane when I see a Harley coming in the opposite direction. Instead of giving our usual wave, I sat straight up in my seat and threw a big wave right out there. He didn’t wave but when he passed he had a big grin on his face. Isn’t that what it’s all about?
People don't wave down here in Oz, the head-nod is the way to go.

And... (as easy as that is), you still get some snobs that wont give the 'ol nod.
(Also, guys on cruisers/harley's will not even acknowledge guys on Jap bike's )


I thought it was all in my head that cruisers wouldn't wave at me but here you are saying it also. Thanks for making me feel "not crazy"
I always wave regardless of the make/model of motorcycle. There are occasions where I'm mid-shift, or in heavy traffic where a wave is not safe or practical. Sometimes the other bike rider won't reciprocate, and thats no big deal. I've got thick skin, and I'm still enjoying myself on the bike.

I've noticed HD and Gold Wing riders will often blow off a wave, but I still wave anyway. Maybe someday they'll all realize that we're all the same despite different brands of motorcycles.
guys on harleys/cruisers are such image-centred &@^#$ bags. they rly are. they like being "hard-a$" and big and tough...well that doesnt mean you can be a jerk. society values those that are tough as well as kind. those that are tough but jerks...are no different from apes.

i stopped waving to cruisers unless i see a "friendly looking" cruiser...which just means either they have a lot of luggage or they are not wearing the tough-guy official uniform of balaklava/skull-cap/vest/etc.

and by comparison:

any and all sport bikes are ridden by kind-hearted, amazingly tough and courageous, thoroughly admirable gods among men....

All the more reason to wave at those cruisers - loosen them up a little.

Does a mini-wave, lifting up your fingers but keeping the heel of your hand on the grip count?

I just wave when I can.