things you hate being told about your fz

I live in charlotte and most of the sport bike crowd around here rides at night to the local bike night events and thats about it. So when they see all the bags and intercom they always ask what all that is for... I tell them and then ask how many miles they have on their bike. This usally ends up with them asking how many are on mine. :) I enjoy riding off while they are still picking their jaw up off the ground.

ppl that say its a cheap bike made from discount parts. a bike built to fit a price-tag in otherwords.

isn't every bike that way? discounting the ones over 20k of course.
Actuallty!,, I hate this the worst

I will be riding down a road or highway and a car full of kids will do the gesture "wheelie" with the arm and I just grumble..... I get this like 4 times a day.
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ive gotten the wheelie gesture too. i just thought "yeah im gonna drop 3 gears and pop the clutch for this guy"
getting the wheelie gesture... I was at an opposing stop light from a group of full dress harleys and one guy started making a nuisance yelling and making the "Wheelie gesture", so i told him that i would as soon as he did and rode off...

I also hate when people compare the FZ6 and the FZ6R, it just drives me nuts...
I think i might of posted this story in another thread, but just recently, a guy pulled up next to me at the traffic lights, on a Harley, and said to me, "Why dont you get a real bike instead of a rice burner?", my instant response was something along the lines of, "The Queen Mary 2 is leaving town today, and they want their boat anchor back!" his facial expression turns to rage, the lights go green, and i leave him "Standing" at the lights, as my front wheel skims the road surface on take off!

But the most common comment i get is usually after a long blank stare, "What is it?", When i tell em it's an FZ6, the blank stare returns! Aint many FZ6's around in Australia i suppose!

getting the wheelie gesture... I was at an opposing stop light from a group of full dress harleys and one guy started making a nuisance yelling and making the "Wheelie gesture", so i told him that i would as soon as he did and rode off...

I also hate when people compare the FZ6 and the FZ6R, it just drives me nuts...

comparing the fz6 and the fz6r? SMOOTHPAPA comes to mind...
I did the naked conversion using the Buell headlight and today a guy at work told me I had a headlight out!!! (I used to get that every once in a while when I still had the fairing, just like everyone else). But to STILL be getting it, even after converting, is just crazy. Of course, I've got the Buell headlight set up like the stock headlights, so I guess it's expected.

I did get a funny comment, as well as a new nickname for my bike last week on a group ride. It was the first time one of the women that rides with us had seen my bike since the naked conversion and she said "it looks like that muppet know, the one in the lab???"

Yep...Beaker. LMAO! So, I guess from that day forward, my bike is officially known as Beaker.

What do you think? Do you see the resemblance? I didn't before she said that, but now I totally see it. :rockon:



Yeah, but your beaker looks like he could totally kick the other beaker's ass.
Years ago I was riding my Interceptor with a friend of mine who had a Harley and all his Harley friends when we all got pulled over by a LEO. The cop picked me out to ask why I didn't get a "real" bike. :Flip: After giving him a blank look he kept asking me how fast will it go? After replying 55 mph a half a dozen times he got annoyed and sent us on our way...
getting the wheelie gesture... I was at an opposing stop light from a group of full dress harleys and one guy started making a nuisance yelling and making the "Wheelie gesture", so i told him that i would as soon as he did and rode off...

I also hate when people compare the FZ6 and the FZ6R, it just drives me nuts...

Fz6R is stylish but I dont think I would like the drop in HP..... Ill keep my fz6 fighter anyday. But when I ride with a group of friends, they all love it, it looks alot different than everyone else. I LIKE DIFFERENT!

I think i might of posted this story in another thread, but just recently, a guy pulled up next to me at the traffic lights, on a Harley, and said to me, "Why dont you get a real bike instead of a rice burner?", my instant response was something along the lines of, "The Queen Mary 2 is leaving town today, and they want their boat anchor back!" his facial expression turns to rage, the lights go green, and i leave him "Standing" at the lights, as my front wheel skims the road surface on take off!

But the most common comment i get is usually after a long blank stare, "What is it?", When i tell em it's an FZ6, the blank stare returns! Aint many FZ6's around in Australia i suppose!


My boss calls my bike a rice burner, but I just tell him, why dont you learn how to ride a motorcycle first than you can come back and talk sh**. My boss is more like my friend but its funny.
You should have bought the red one... it's faster. :p

"I'd have bought the 6... a liter bike is simply toooo much bike.!"

What kind of bike is that? (Jeez, the FZ1 in three spots and the fricken' tuning forks aren't a subtle enough hint?) :spank: :thumbup:
1- YOU ride a motorcycle??? (No, I just dressed up in this strange outfit because all my other clothes were dirty.) In Bill Engvall's words: "Here's your sign."
[ame=]YouTube - Here's Your Sign Part 3[/ame]

2- A guy at work told me that riding a motorcyle is stupid because it is very dangerous no matter how safely you ride. (By the way, he is an avid bicyclist.) WTF??
Never gotten the busted headlight comment, although I've certainly had my share of "pop a whellie gesture" from kids.
What I hate the most is "burn some tire" gesture, like who the hell are you for me to waste a perfectly good tire for.:Flip:
so far, I have had nothing but compliments. Maybe its my selective hearing and when they say "thats one ugly beast" I hear "thats one beauty beast"

But still, the comments that I get are
"thats a fast bike"
"thats a sexy machine"
"my ass would look great on the back of that thing"

yah- that last one was my GF, but still...

I haven't heard anything that's really bothered me, but I do have funny story.

Two kids - i dunno 16 or 17 - were sitting a light in a Camry when I pulled up. The passenger looked over and said, "Nice bike, what cc is it?" When I replied 600, I couldn't help but notice the glaze settling over his eyes. He then said, " How fast is it?"
The driver busted out laughing and told his passenger he didn't know s&%t about bikes.
Two things:

1.) The wheelie gesture. My reply = :shakehead:

2.) What is that? My reply = FZ6. What? My 2nd reply = FZ6. Huh? My 3rd reply = Yamaha. Blank stare on strangers face. My 4th reply = :shakehead: