they leaned my fz6 against a wall


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Mar 27, 2010
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So i went in to target to grab a flash drive for my computer . and when i came out my bike was no longer on the kick stand it was leaned over about 12 inches on the opposite side of the kick stand side so somone leaned it over it scratched 3 parts on it so pissed i bought it a week ago :banghead::banghead:
lots of stores have security cameras, i would go in and see if they will get the tape for you, other than that file a police report for vandalism and they will get the tapes.
I hate that for ya!

Yeah, get the tapes, file a report and let insurance fix the scratches. Make sure your rate won't go up first.
Let me know if you get any cooperaton from Target. If you don't, I'll stop shopping at Target myself, because if anything happened to my bike like it did yours, I would be in the same situation.

I'm assuming that you had your bike parked up on the walkway next to the bulding? That's where I park my bike.

Probably some little kid.
Let me know if you get any cooperaton from Target. If you don't, I'll stop shopping at Target myself, because if anything happened to my bike like it did yours, I would be in the same situation.

I'm assuming that you had your bike parked up on the walkway next to the bulding? That's where I park my bike.

Probably some little kid.

I'll go one step further and throw an incendiary device through their store window!!!
You're not supposed to park on the side walk, a buddy of mine got a ticket for doing that. I bet some ass hat didn't like the bike right there and tipped it over.
I dont mean to be nosey, but can you post a few pics, I want to see how bad the damage is, there are alot of parts of fz6's on this sight being replaced in and out and odds are you will find what you need.
You're not supposed to park on the side walk, a buddy of mine got a ticket for doing that. I bet some ass hat didn't like the bike right there and tipped it over.

+1 ........ this is what parking spaces are for.........

There was a case in OR recently, where a club member on an American cruiser parked his bike in the striped area between handicapped spaces, which makes it darn difficult for the people with wheelchairs to get in and out of their vehicles. I view that as highly inconsiderate.

Apparently, the person with the handicap placard thought much the same, and pulled a gun on said cruiser rider. That ended up with the gun owner shooting himself, and the other party not being cited.

Police: Fight over mall parking spot leaves one shot | Vancouver News

This kind of 'crud' is completely avoidable.
+1 ........ this is what parking spaces are for........

Although I absolutely agree regarding the parking in handicapped access areas I disagree on the sidewalk parking. It seems silly to me to take up an entire parking space for something as small as a motorcycle, especially somewhere like target where there is a half mile of sidewalk between the curb and the store. Just my 2 cents.
Although I absolutely agree regarding the parking in handicapped access areas I disagree on the sidewalk parking. It seems silly to me to take up an entire parking space for something as small as a motorcycle, especially somewhere like target where there is a half mile of sidewalk between the curb and the store. Just my 2 cents.

Like most things along these lines, we can debate the gray areas all day.

Someone who rides a motorcycle is typically more fit than someone who needs wheelchair access..... why is it acceptable to put all the pedestrians out, who have trekked further than the handicapped spaces?

Regardless of how wide the side walks are, the designers made them that wide due to the traffic they expected the store to generate. Concrete costs money to install..... it wasn't put there to provide convenient parking to motorcycles.

I understand the desire to protect your bike. Parking on the end of a row, where it's striped off to keep cars from clipping each other is in my view acceptable.... so long as it doesn't interfere with foot traffic. Or strollers, or handicapped folk.

The sidewalk thing eventually comes down to it's wrong, and it's rude in many many (non motorcycle) people's eyes. No matter how much justification you can come up with on your own, you're not there when the bozo who takes an opposing view vents his anger on your 'inconsideration'.

When I compare the possibility of a car tapping my bike in a parking space to the angry shopper tipping my bike over..... I think the odds are pretty similar. But I am also much more likely to be able to claim the damage on someone else's policy if it happens in a legitimate parking space.

Obviously, the best solution is to park in designated MC parking spaces..... lacking that, my first inclination is to park in a car spot, in such a way as to make the bike as visible as possible. If another rider can 'share' my space, so much the better.
Like most things along these lines, we can debate the gray areas all day.

You're right, and I should probably be working instead of debating.:D

Someone who rides a motorcycle is typically more fit than someone who needs wheelchair access..... why is it acceptable to put all the pedestrians out, who have trekked further than the handicapped spaces?

Interestingly, I thought I was being more considerate by leaving a full size parking spot for a car that has no choice but to park in a space. But I guess I see your point too.

Regardless of how wide the side walks are, the designers made them that wide due to the traffic they expected the store to generate. Concrete costs money to install..... it wasn't put there to provide convenient parking to motorcycles.

No, but all that unused space is a happy biproduct of the architects' designs.

I understand the desire to protect your bike. Parking on the end of a row, where it's striped off to keep cars from clipping each other is in my view acceptable.... so long as it doesn't interfere with foot traffic. Or strollers, or handicapped folk.

Yes, I prefer this as well.

The sidewalk thing eventually comes down to it's wrong, and it's rude in many many (non motorcycle) people's eyes. No matter how much justification you can come up with on your own, you're not there when the bozo who takes an opposing view vents his anger on your 'inconsideration'.

True, misunderstandings can often arise in many different circumstances

When I compare the possibility of a car tapping my bike in a parking space to the angry shopper tipping my bike over..... I think the odds are pretty similar. But I am also much more likely to be able to claim the damage on someone else's policy if it happens in a legitimate parking space.

Odds, yes. But will the potential damage be similar?

Obviously, the best solution is to park in designated MC parking spaces..... lacking that, my first inclination is to park in a car spot, in such a way as to make the bike as visible as possible. If another rider can 'share' my space, so much the better.

Also agree on the MC spaces. I don't know about your town, but if its not a bike shop, bike bar, or Cabela's you're not going to find designated bike spaces around here. I absolutely respect your opinion, and I'm certain there are plenty of views from both camps. Either way, sucks for the OP and his new ride.