The Riding Game!

Hopefully OP chimes in! Although a mess of motorway, I think he wanted multiple streets to meet at one point as opposed to many on/off ramps. Such as this:,-87.717779&num=1&t=h&z=19

It has been a while since the challenge was posted, though, so I'd say it counts lol
Yesterday it was raining a lot so I've made myself a list of challenges from the first post that nobody did. The list is 13 places, today I've managed, just before work, to do one of them, challenge number 33

Your bike with the welcome sign to your town/city. FAIL!!!

So here it is :)

The List ;)

Figured out I could do the tank, speed limit, toll both and 5 road crossing on one jump in the same city :)
well this takes care of number 12 ha ha ha , but i took it back in November 2011, so if you want to refute it I can live with that as I havent gone out specifically to get a shot for this competition and thats what the rules state!!!. I took this for BOTM, but I really need to get out for a ride just for the sake of it and pics for the riding game and the current BOTM not to/from work.

I do like your idea of filling the gaps tho' --- great incentive to ride goodonyer!

and Martin, hasn't no 5 got your name on it?
The list is just another reason to get out there and ride. :) I believe some points might have been already covered as the list bases on a 2009 post. Still, I'll try to fill the gaps just for fun. No way for me to do the 50th Street challenge so at least I'll try to do the rest.

I don't understand the question about my name in number 5, but maybe the question wasn't for me?
The list is just another reason to get out there and ride. :) I believe some points might have been already covered as the list bases on a 2009 post. Still, I'll try to fill the gaps just for fun. No way for me to do the 50th Street challenge so at least I'll try to do the rest.

I don't understand the question about my name in number 5, but maybe the question wasn't for me?

Great Idea Marcin :thumbup:, BTW the question was directed at the Dutch guy ;)

I do like your idea of filling the gaps tho' --- great incentive to ride goodonyer!

and Martin, hasn't no 5 got your name on it?

Adrian I guess Hollands got the largest concentration of windmills per capita, so I guess I could manage at least one pic :thumbup:
laugh, I'm still smiling over a possible spelling error,
okay Martin (Cloggy) you have the home team advantage here and Marcin I reckon you are up for the challenge to beat Martin to the windmill shoot.....
On you marks, get set......GO
and may the best man win, rep points to the winner ( and loser if you get a shot within 24 hours)

I love this forum,it is always interesting
oh now that just confuses me more, lol
ok lads its over to you, game on
laugh, I'm still smiling over a possible spelling error,
okay Martin (Cloggy) you have the home team advantage here and Marcin I reckon you are up for the challenge to beat Martin to the windmill shoot.....
On you marks, get set......GO
and may the best man win, rep points to the winner ( and loser if you get a shot within 24 hours)

I love this forum,it is always interesting

I pass several on my way home after work, but I haven't even got my phone on me, let alone a camera :spank:

I believe you might not know it but my name is Martin in English ;)

I didn't realise Martin, now I understand the mixup, BTW Great name, but then again I would say that :thumbup:
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Sorry I haven't been back on since I the last post I made in this thread. A few hours after this challenge I met the pavement at about 40 MPH. Bike had a small hole in the frame which made her a total loss. I have been dealing with the insurance ever since, and just got the new bike last Saturday.

Bike in the pic is a 2007 Red FZ6 with 2,500 miles on it.
New bike is a 2009 Black FZ6 with 1,400 miles on it.

As for a new challenge. How about a shot with a view, any view. Could be a mountain top, could be lake side, it could be with bikini clad ladies in the background. Just any shot with a view.