'The first time I got drunk, I...' Storytelling


College Graduate??
Jan 27, 2011
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Hello everyone,

I wanted to know who has funny, odd, or embarrassing 'the first time I got drunk, I' story.

I will kick it off:

The first time I got drunk, I was in high school in Texas and began playing pool with a friend. Someone started giving me drinks and almost halfway through our game, it started hitting me. I never experienced drunkenness before and the same person told me to just burn it off. We went outside and others were playing basketball, so I joined by yelling and taking the ball. I 'attempted' to dunk and completely missed the goal by a foot to the left and soared into the bushes. I was scooped out of the bushes by some friends and passed out after they gave me some water and placed me on the couch. I woke up with scratches all over my arms and partially on my face with bruises to my ego.

Please share to delight your fellow moto-enthusiasts!
I wasn't quite 13 years old.. Wedding dance, about 100 miles from home. Pitchers of beer everywhere... After about 5 glasses I started talking smart with some old fart..

We shared a lot of thoughts on the world.. Had a blast!!! That was 33 years ago!!

I was a smart 13 year old.. I wish I was as smart as a 45 year old. :thumbup:
You had to do this....
Okay you asked for it and some of this may not be for chillin's eyes but I think it was sort of comical and it should be a lesson to all. It is a true human experience.

I was about 12 years old and had spent a warm spring day where I had stopped and engorged myself with little green crab apples while I sat in this beautiful tree on the side of a bridge by the railroad track.
There was a young couple in our neighborhood that were good friends with my parents. They had a couple of young kids and wanted to go out. They liked me and asked if I could babysit for a few hours on a Saturday night. They said they'd pay me and I could have any food in the house I wanted. That was a special treat for a growing boy with 6 other brothers and sisters in the house. There was no such thing as extra or late for dinner.
When they opened the pantry at their house to show me the treats I could have I was in awe. Very cool. Snacks and I get paid!!! They left a number they could be reached at. Big color TV all to myself...wow FTW at this moment I felt like a king! What strange twist of fate had altered my life for these few hours. Yes at this moment, for these hours, I am king!

They left and I kicked back with an already opened bag of chips The chips had a strange taste to them. I had never tasted chips like that but I was going to have my fill with a big glass of cola on the rocks.
I was kicking back and watching the big color TV. I noticed a cool looking cabinet with a glass door and a closer look revealed it was wine. We always had wine at our house especially on weekends when our family would come and visit. My 12 year old pea brain says, "Hey live it up a little! It's not like you've never tasted wine before. So I pour myself a nice size glass of red wine. I'm drinking this great tasting wine with funny tasting tater chips enjoying color TV at it's finest! :D

Then it happens. Why is the TV moving!?!? :eek: Oh crap! why is every moving!?!?! I don't feel so good! :( I realized I was going to throw-up.

Now this part is not for the squeemish or maybe young kids. So you all have to leave the room...This really happened to me....

I start to run up the stairs to the second floor where the one bath room is in the house and as I'm running another urgent bodily alarm goes off.:confused: The "Your gonna 5h1t yer pants" alarm goes off. Oh my God! :eek:
The funny tasting chips were rancid. The oils in the chips had turned to a toxic poison. I'm a 12 year old runt on a drunk with no alcoholic tolerance. I live with 6 other kids and nothing ever goes rancid!
I dropped my pants just in time!
I hit the toilet just in time as a violent torrent unleashes from my body that makes Linda Blair in "The Exorcist" look tame. Remember my big crab apple meal? Undigested pieces in enormous quantities where violently shooting out of the back of me like a fire hose. The combination of smell and violent reaction brought probably the worst throw up I'll ever experience. I made sounds I have never made before as I launched a never experienced before, violent barrage of puke.
I didn't know that you could throw up pieces of crab apples through your nose!!!! And to top it off I tried to aim for the bowl between my legs but there was no way a toasted kid could get up fast enough, so my natural lurching forward put the goods shooting out of my nose and mouth straight into the crotch of my underwear. Amazingly there was nothing on the floor!
I was still gasping for air trying to get the chunks of crab apple out of my nose when I could hear them coming in the door downstairs calling Cliffy Cliffy!
Nothing says your reign as king has ended like pulling up your pants and shorts and sinking your tenders into cold chunks of green crab apple and barf. I thought I might get away with it but that was that 12 year old pea brain again. They took me home. I had to pay the price. My parents were and still are the best!

To this day I have no physical tolerance for anything harder than a soda. I can drink a beer just fine but that's it......
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Cliffy! Cliffy! Bwahahahaha
Mine wasn't exciting. I was just over 21 and some buddies found out I'd never been to a club or even drank anything before. So they took me out and babysat me. We wound up hooking up with a group of British chicks, and had a good time.

I was too drunk when we got back, so she slept on the couch. But she was still hot when I woke up, so we went on a few dates till the novelty of dating a "real cowboy" wore off. No regrets, tho.
My first time being drunk story wouldn't be an exciting one even if I went into full details.

My sophomore year of college, some friends were drinking and managed to talk me into having a few drinks - next thing I know I'm dressed in a toga, wearing a crown and carrying a trident at a dance party.
Hello everyone,

I wanted to know who has funny, odd, or embarrassing 'the first time I got drunk, I' story.

Please share to delight your fellow moto-enthusiasts!

Shortly after the first time I got drunk, your mother and I decided to keep it. Nine months later, you were born.
I cant remember a whole lot about it but an old friend of mine has pictures of me in a Sydney park , wrapped up like a mummy in toilet paper :eek: doing a cartwheel across the cricket pitch :rockon: :rockon: Ohh happy days :thumbup: I was 16 at the time.....
I cant remember a whole lot about it but an old friend of mine has pictures of me in a Sydney park , wrapped up like a mummy in toilet paper :eek: doing a cartwheel across the cricket pitch :rockon: :rockon: Ohh happy days :thumbup: I was 16 at the time.....

Well then.................

C'mon Kazza! There is no use (or fun for us) in being a silent observer.

Hump and Cliff, in favor of hearing Kazza's story, "I"
First time drunk...

Well I would have been over in Germany a fresh Private in the Army in a country that will let you drink before your 21... I don't remember much but I do remember being able to walk up to the bar and ask for a drink and not being asked for an ID. :p I also remember that Jack tastes better on the rocks than warm.

(in favor of hearing Kazza's story, "I")
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Bump... There must be some more good stories out there. I'd tell you mine but I have absolutely NO recollection of it!! Must have been a good time:D

And secondly, Kazza we can't let you get away with not telling us. Edit it if you want.:BLAA:

And if you're still not going to tell then I see no reason why we can't hear about your "second time drunk story"

Or maybe we need to rename this thread to best drunk story!!
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Mine was when I was 14 and on a rotary run camp to learn about the cattle industry (did a lot of ag stuff at school was good fun) they thought it would be a good idea to leave us to sleep in the bar/canteen of the local racecourse (horses) being a small country town this was used a bit.
We also thought this was a good idea and had thoughts of getting into the locked bar to have some fun. All of our 14 and 15 year old ideas came up with me going through the roof and chucking out a crapload of grog. Well it worked and on the p1ss we got. All without a care in the world being loud as can be and not even stirring the 80ish year old volunteers staying in a caravan just out the door "watching" us.
I remember running around with a few mates around the grand stands, jumping fences and not landing on my feet, pushing each other around in trollies, devouring a fresh pav with cream and writing on the fridge that we had a trip to maccas the next day for breaky.
All was a great night until the next day. This camp involved "breaking in" stud bulls, so bringing in bulls from the paddock and chucking a rope on it's head then trying to make it walk where you wanted it to. By the day after the drinking the bulls were starting to get a bit better and would do what you wanted when they felt like it.
So here is a 14 year old who weighed about 50kg walking a stud bull that would have been around 1500kg with his first ever hangover, in 40 degree celsius heat.
It was a loooong day and the school who sent me on the camp and the people at rotary never even found out :)