The Accident at ZERO MPH


SportBike No0b
Nov 28, 2010
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Okeechobee, FL
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Okay, so I work for the Seminole Tribe of Florida as a Surveillance Technician, so if I can get Pics of the actual FAIL I will, these are just the Aftermath. After working 10 hours that night I cranked up my bike and hopped on and adjusted my tank bag and was adjusting my helmet. the kickstand is down and my feet are on the pegs. in the midst of all that, I some how managed to brush against the shifter and got it into first gear. 1 thing happened that was both good and bad, the safety switch on the kickstand killed the engine, this stopped me from rolling forward, wich maybe would've gave me momentum to keep the bike upright giving me time to stop safely. But NOPE! the bike rolls forward about half a foot, knocking the kickstand back and me trying to regain control put my left leg down too slow, there was no way I could bring it back up from where I was, so I eased it down on the grass next to me and heard the most horrible crunching sound ever. I grinded my front fender and nose of my fairing up against a concrete pylon, please hide your kids and if you have weak stomachs look away. This is horrifying.






Sorry for your mishap but it will help others be conscious of the shifter and foot on the peg.
Engine running, stopped = feet on the ground.
Thank you for sharing! It does really help others and see if you can get the video!
Sorry for your mishap but it will help others be conscious of the shifter and foot on the peg.
Engine running, stopped = feet on the ground.
Thank you for sharing! It does really help others and see if you can get the video!

I have to go through the proper channels, but it may be just a few pics. and you're right FEET ON THE GROUND WHEN STOPPED, learned my lesson, too bad it had to end up damaging my bike that bad though. I say :ban: all pylons lol.:D
Happens to everybody at some point in their riding career! Bikes will drop...

thats correct sir, used to have a '74 Honda 350Four. loved it, loud and slow! lol I dropped it a ton of times doing thoughtless stuff, ahh back in the day... when youth was mistaken for stupidity, lol
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Although this sucks, it makes me feel a little better! I just dropped mine at zero mph today too... although my bike was left looking a lot better. Needless to say I put mine down in the middle of a 45mph road going uphill... I had to stop to wait for a car to pass before turning into my driveway. The clutch slipped in my hand right as I was starting to go again... needless to say that silly little thing ended up with me and my poor baby on the ground too.
Man, I have to say that this is one of the classic hall of shame moments.
Getting a copy of the video would be classic!

Thanks for sharing, we have all done it, just differently
I second the motion to go naked probably cost you what it would take in repairs, and you can still sell parts of the front fairing. Might even come close to even if the cards play out right.
I second the motion to go naked probably cost you what it would take in repairs, and you can still sell parts of the front fairing. Might even come close to even if the cards play out right.

the problem is, the left Blinker bracket lower mounting hole snapped off of the front fairing, so i either have to replace the fairing, $450.00USD... or be the first to install flush mount LED's on the 2007 fairing as a last resort, that way if I mess up and have replace the fairing anyway, I don't feel so bad.

and according to the Seminole Tribe of Florida, "...The images captured are property of the SToF and cannot be removed from the premises." :(
well actually I think I can do you one better.
I did this too. Before I was even allowed on a bike. Just playing around with a good friend's BMW.....:spank::spank::spank:
I was sooo sorry+embarrased and obviously paid for the (rather extensive) repairs needed on the fairing.


hope that's the only time I have to do *that* kind of a drop.
One reason I try to make it a habit to secure bags and don all gear before mounting and starting the bike...not knocking you; sorry for your mishap. :( :(
Ouch .... that's too bad. Oh well, no one physically hurt and lesson learned. I always make sure I have all my gear on and adjusted and tank bag or luggage secured before i throw my leg over the saddle. Then I put the sidestand up and with both feet on the ground start the engine. Both feet never get on the pegs until the bike is moving. Good luck with the repairs.
If it makes you feel better, I tried to stand my Nighthawk on the side stand one day, leaned it over, and found out too late that I'd forgotten the "minor" detail of putting the stand down. :welcome: