Thank You Wa. State Patrol


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Apr 30, 2008
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Camano Is Washington
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I was headed south in I-5 this morning to my first job of the day. Up ahead of me was a couple of Harley rders in the middle lane, the speed limit was 70mph. I was in the fast lane in my work van. I looked in my right side mirror an saw this cager comming up fast and thought to myself there is no way he is going to cut in front of me with those bikers so close. That is what he did, he cut so close I had about 10 feet in front of me and the Harley's had about the same behind them. As he passed the bikers one of them gave a gesture, mind you we are going 70 mph. The cager contuined on his way south. About 10 miles later I saw a State Patrol off the side of the road with his light bar flashing, with that same car,too bad the trooper didn't see what had happen a few miles before.I felt like telling him. I hope he got a good ticket. :spank: This time there was a cop when you needed one. :cheer:

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Yah it seems like there are never any cops when you need them or when sombody deserves a visit from them. About time that guy had his karma come back on him. Some people are morons and should be taken off the road. :spank: