Strangest thing you've ever had caught/found in your helmet?

A Harley-riding friend and I were discussing helmets, and I brought up getting bugs in your teeth (yuck) without a full-face helmet with visor. His answer:

"Close your mouth."


I guess that's why they always look so serious as they roar down the road: they're taking bugs to the face!
Had a bee in my helmet last year.

Riding the Mogumber Road north of Perth. Saw something on my visor. Tried to brush it off. Wouldn't budge. It was IN my visor :eek:

Pulled over pretty quickly (was a twisty road, but found somewhere to park), opened the visor and the bee flew straight out :thumbup:

Very scary. He was right in my vision line by my eye.
Ok you guys gotta stop the spider stuff.

I had to get out of bed, turn on the lights and look around. Those things give me the crrrreeeeepppssss.
I caught a hot 18 year old girl in my helmet. :BLAA:

I mean, I caught her wearing it and dancing to the music on my Sena Bluetooth headset.

I'm pretty sure this isn't what you meant though. :D
Well, it would be both strange and dangerous if there was a hot 18 year old in my helmet...

Strange cause I must have had one heck of a night...

Dangerous cause I probably shouldn't go back home after that night...

I was riding with a full face helmet at about 70 MPH on a highway out in the Southern California desert when my right eye began to burn and shut all the way. I had to pull over one-eyed, raise my face shield, and massage the eye until it recovered. Best I could figure is some sort of bug had smashed against one of the air inlets and its guts made it to one of my eyes. If it had got to both eyes, I would have been in serious trouble.
Haha! Funny thread this! Couple of years ago I had a wasp in my helmet. The difference was that somehow the little bugger had got inbetween the shell and the lining. He must have hit the helmet, got pinned by the wind but managed to crawl in through the front vent port! I could feel him walking around on the top of my head :eek:

I took off the helmet, and shook it for ages trying to get him out! Thought I got him, put my lid back on and started riding but then felt him again! I think I ended up pulling some of the liner out to get at him.

I always keep my vents half closed now :D
A Harley-riding friend and I were discussing helmets, and I brought up getting bugs in your teeth (yuck) without a full-face helmet with visor. His answer:

"Close your mouth."


I guess that's why they always look so serious as they roar down the road: they're taking bugs to the face!

Sorry, but I simply could not do this. When I ride, espcially the back roads and twisties, I have a stupidly large grin on my face. If you can't enjoy what you ride, then why ride at all?:rockon:
Not exactly in my helmet, but I've caught a wasp on my braid and had it bite me just up under my ear! I batted at it with one hand, then when I could pull over, I looked down and it was crawling around on the tank. It got squished.... :Flip:

My father-in-law had told me a story of riding along an feeling something tickling at the top of his head (just a little shorty helmet) and banging himself on the top of the head to try and squish what ever it was. It didin't work so he pulled over, took of his helmet and out few a giant moth!!! :eek:
Some funny stories here!! I have had nothing get into my helmet yet, but after reading this thread, I'm sure I'll have something get in there on the way to work tomorrow morning, as it's cold each morning and I need to regularly "vent" to defog my shield and glasses. :rolleyes:
I had a bee fly up under the chin bar on my helmet and get stuck between my visor and my face while sitting in construction traffic last year. It couldn't find it's way out and freaked out. I couldn't tell what it was so I freaked out then it landed on my visor. I tried to shoe it out but all it wanted to do is crawl around in my helmet, so as the flag guy was waving me to go and the van behind me blew the horn I was taking my helmet off trying not to get stung in the face. I ripped my helmet off and it flew out. I have no Idea which way it went I was as close to the fetal position as I could get while still holding the bike up, then I just put my helmet back on and rode away like nothing happened wondering if the construction crew even knew why I was freaking out.
Not in my helmet, but once I hit a large butterfly in just the right way that he stuck dead center on my visor.

I had that happen to me, too, but it was just in front of my left eye. Very pretty colors for bug schmear!! :BLAA: