Strangest thing you've ever had caught/found in your helmet?


Electronic Repair Genius
Dec 22, 2010
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Houston, TX
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Just wondering what everybody's had.

Sunday I had a wasp fly in my helmet while I was riding cause I had the visor up. I'm minding my own business and I hear the thunk. I don't think anything of it until I notice something at the edge of my vision moving. When I realized what it was I stopped in the middle of the road, (I was in a neighborhood) and threw my helmet. Didn't even bother to take my glasses off, just tossed it. My cop friend was behind me and turned his lights and ran to see what was wrong.

"You okay dude?"

"Wasp! Totally chillin in my visor!"

"No way." Walks over and checks. "Holy crap dude! He sting you?"


So we commence trying to coax the wasp to leave my helmet. While doing so, an on duty cop witnesses what can only look like an off duty cop trying to subdue a crazy biker swinging his helmet like a madman. He flips his lights, hits the siren, screeches to a halt, jumps out and draws on me and screams for me to "Get on the ground."

About this time, the wasp decides he's had enough and proceeds to fly at my face. I scream like a little girl, although I'm not sure if it was because a cop was pointing a gun at me, or because the angry wasp decides to make a run for my face. And I hit the deck.

Gabe (my friend) explains to the other cop what was really going on, we all share a laugh and hang out talking about motorcycles for awhile.

I really need to get a camera. I can only imagine the halarity of watching this unfold through a helmet mounted camera. :BLAA:

Any crazy "WTF is in my helmet" stories?
That's quite a story! I've not had anything that dramatic, but I did have a small insect in my helmet I could feel crawling around my ear. I was going over 50mph at the time on a relatively curvy road.. creepy feeling I must say.
Yeah, it was different, but an honest misunderstanding. I can see how swinging a helmet would look like an attack.

I probably had a crazy look on my face too. "OMG don't sting me! OMG don't sting me!"
Well let me tell you what it's like to be stung by a wasp in the side of your head while doing 60 mph....

I had a bee get in mine last summer, visor up. Sucker got stuck between my helmet and riding glasses, and was just able to reach my temple with his stinger, but not well enough to do much more than just poke me with it. He didn't get a real sting in but it did get pretty sore after about 50 pokes in the same spot. I remember wondering if I really wanted to remove my helmet, thinkin I has him trapped but holy crap what if he gets in my hair or falls down my collar?:confused:
The best part of sneezing with a closed visor, is when you totally forget about it cause it's dried and you take your helmet off thinking how awesome you look cause you ride a motorcycle...
A few summers ago in Maine I was doing maybe 30 through a little town with the visor up, and saw something coming at me out of the corner of my eye. I had no time to react, it just... zzzzZZZZZZZ-THUNK. It was a dragon fly, and it went head-first into the gap between my helmet padding and my temple, just over my glasses. His butt was sticking out still, and I could see it wiggling right there over my eye, and yet I had to caaaaalmly pull over. I grabbed him by the tail, pulled, and tossed him all in one motion, and God as my witness he flew off like nothing had happened.
This thread makes me wonder how anyone can ride with anything less than a full face helmet.
I guess it would make the sneezing easier.

That's for sure.

But I don't get riding with a shorty either. First day I took my new (to me), shiny (matte black rattle can paint) '99 katana for a spin (first bike ride after MSF in 2009) I took the one rock to rule them all to the visor. Scratched the crap out of the visor so bad I had to get a new one.

Now I'm scared to crack my visor even at slow speeds. I crack the visor and think "OMG! Bee!!"
Brown Recluse, Missouri is notorious for them venomous critters.

Lived down at Lake of the Ozarks Missouri for about five years. Those Brown Recluse are nasty. Venomous critters is an understatement. Had a buddy my freshman year of high school get bit by one. By time that he realized his shoulder was sore and the doctors figured out what it was they had to remove about half a golf balls size chunk of flesh from his shoulder. Would not want to be bit on the face by one of these buggers.
Lived down at Lake of the Ozarks Missouri for about five years. Those Brown Recluse are nasty. Venomous critters is an understatement. Had a buddy my freshman year of high school get bit by one. By time that he realized his shoulder was sore and the doctors figured out what it was they had to remove about half a golf balls size chunk of flesh from his shoulder. Would not want to be bit on the face by one of these buggers.

Yup, that sounds about right.
Hit some sort of crawling bug with my face and it got pushed back to the left inside of the helmet. I had plugs in at the time, so I knew he wasn't getting in my ear. It was really creepy feeling it just cruising around my ear and into my hair! I eventually got annoyed by it and got it out.

Also hit a blue jay on the highway with the front fairing! POOF! haha

Nicked a VULTURE with my helmet riding some back roads. Came around a corner, and he was just chilling in the road eating some roadkill, not concerned with me at all. Took off at the LAST possible second, I ducked down and just heard a *click* off the helmet. Probably his claws. That one was scary!
:rof: :rof: I've had stuff fly into my helmet & put my helmet on with a Huntsman spider inside it :eek:

but nothing is ever going to compare to that story :rof: :rof: You win :thumbup: :D
I had a sweat bee fly into my helmet with the visor DOWN. Must have been a STUNT bug to make it in and onto my visor, still alive and walking around. It was making me crossed eyed, so I lifted the visor briefly and let the 60mph breeze take him away! :BLAA: