Seriously... WTF

Aw, man.. really sorry to hear about that --- but glad you're ok. It seems like everytime you hear about something like this, the other person (at fault, of course) could care less. Like others have said, unfortunately it's going to be your word against his, unless he turns out to be an upstanding citizen who took off b/c he got a stat call to scrub into surgery...
Sorry to hear of your fall. The bike is repairable; and you aren't injured..... probably the best result from this scenario you could realistically hope for.

I have to think it would come down to 'he said, she said' sort of a deal. If you don't have any info on the bozo that caused this, it's probably not going to go anywhere legally.

Gravity eventually wins, and pretty much every bike touches the earth in ways we do not want... Everything on your bike as far as damage does not affect it's function. Cosmetics, you can fix over the winter. :) Touch up the paint as best you can, and ride until winter 'as is'.

Keep your eye out for the guy, and if you get lucky enough to find him, present him with a parts list for what's been damaged. You could go to small claims court with this.... the requirements are not as strict as in a criminal case; but that won't go anywhere if you don't have anyone to claim against.

In the meantime, price out the parts, and see if it makes sense to contact your insurance agent. If the parts are less than your deductible.... there is no sense in involving them.
That sucks Rob! Hope you catch up with the guy. I think the fact that he left the scene might give you something the cops can hang on to.

Wow, sorry to hear about your mishap. That guy will gets his in the end. The damage is repairable, I sanded my engine case cover when this happened to me. The lady did offer to call EMS in case I needed any, although as soon as I said I was fine, she BOLTED. What a b*tch.......
I wouldn't go naked yet with that damage, not bad enough. You did mention you wanted Pazzo's, maybe a good time.
Glad to hear you're okay though.

Sorry Rob. I wish that hadnt happened.

Dudes a asshat, and it is my sincere hope that he gets butt herpes from a bear.
S-O-B. Have half a mind to come up to NH and help you find him, IYKWIM.

I have my stock levers tucked away and will be more than happy to give them to you. PM me with your address.
That sucks Rob! I'm not sure how it works, esp when there is no contact made. You can go to your local police station and talk to them, and call the insurance company, but I don't think anyone is going to help you. Part of me says go hunt him down, but you never know what type of psycho you're dealing with. Remember, you need to be around for your girls :thumbup:

Yep have to agree with Chuck, as a family man you need to tread lightly with this asshat.
Karma does have it's way of getting even although I'd really like WRIGHTME43's take on the butt herpes to be they way he gets his pay back.
Damn Rob, that sucks.

Idiots in cars, the curse of us all. Thankfully you weren't hurt, and the bike is not too bad.

Let us know what your LEO mate says... (and get those bloody frame sliders... :spank: )

Well, things have cooled off a bit with a night's sleep. We are awaiting response from our LEO buddy, and plans to track him down (so far as I know) are on hold until that happens. Don't know how moto-friendly our town is, either, since we just moved here last fall, so we haven't decided whether or not to report it anyway just to have it on file...
That is really annoying. As long as you are OK thats the main thing.

I bet if you waited at the junction he'd come thru again.
Sorry to hear about this Rob. Frame sliders probably would have helped some - remember my bike? I have Motovation sliders and they are awesome, I have no doubt that my bike would have suffered severe damage without them when I low sided at the track (you saw the damage). Anyway, I am glad you are ok and I would defnitely report the incident to the police. Take care and ride safe!
Sorry to hear about that Rob. Cagers are bad enough on pavement where you have traction. This morning I had yet another car run a red light when I was first in line to turn left on a green arrow.. :spank:
Sorry to hear it. I was in NH riding just on Sunday.

I have had a similar experience (albeit I was in a car). Short story is; I got cut off by a guy pulling out of a driveway, I had to swerve to avoid and took out mailboxes causing a lot of damage. His insurance paid, but not without a fight. I took a few months. I just threatened to lawyer up and they paid. Fortunately my mother has always worked in the legal field and her advice came from an attorney: (In Maine) If they caused the accident, they pay. Regardless of if there was a direct contact between both vehicles. This being said; I had a police report immediately after the accident, where the officer could "see" what happened and put it in his report, which gave me the "proof" to get the insurance money.

It would have been wise to stay put and call the police. Then you would have a report and that guy likely would have got written up for leaving the scene of an accident which almost always means his insurance will pay because getting that infraction implies he is at fault.

That would be my legal advice to anyone; if you are sure you are not at fault, don't move, get a police report. If you think you may be at fault, never admit it, avoid calling the police, exchange insurance info, and let your insurance fight it out.
+1... I can't believe you did not have frame sliders... "won't happen to me" syndrome huh? :D

Glad you're ok...

I would contact my lawyer and ask them what to do (most likely they'll tell me to contact my insurance and have them fix the bike)...

Good luck with it.
charges... failure to yield right of way, leaving the scene of an accident.... just to start.

on the civil side, you can always sue, regardless of how weak your case is. A police report, citation conviction can help. When you sue the dude, sue him personally, let him get his insurance company involved. for the minor amount of damage, it would cost them (the insurance company) a lot more to defend the suit than simply pay you off.