San Diego: Fook it! Let's ride! 4-27-13

So here is the deal... I have absolutely no idea what made me turn around TWICE, but yesterday was great. I have been riding my bike a lot (solo) to clear my mind. I'm sure you all know this type of meditation - riding requires concentration and allows everything else to fade into insignificance.

In case you were wondering, I'm not usually so bold as to walk up to a large group of total strangers and introduce myself. I suppose there are far worse ways to make new friends. And to be honest, you were the perfect blend of "nice, well cared for bikes" with "everyone is in quality riding gear without being crazy full leather suits" so when I had the crazy thought to stop and meet you all...well, you know what happened.

I've been poking around the FZ6 forum and realize I may have broken some group riding rules as I worked my way up to the front. If I did, I'm sorry! I think I was trying to find where I fit most comfortably. I will be much slower on roads I don't know so well!

On the other hand, I might be faster with the new helmet I bought today. I had been looking for an excuse to get a better one (Snell approved, not just DOT). Dropping my *old* one was just what I needed even though I caught it after one bounce.

I'm looking forward to more rides in the future if I am welcome (you've made me feel that I am). I'm a teacher and will have a very flexible schedule in a couple of weeks...hint, hint. Thanks again for making yesterday my lucky day.

I'm lovin' the pictures and videos! You are a great group. :thumbup:

Welcome Jennifer, this is indeed a great group of people. I joined when I bought my Fz6 and found that everyone is very friendly and there is very little in the way of egos, no one is out to prove anything to anybody, just a bunch of people who like to ride.
If you're up to a bit of a ride, then keep an eye out for a meet at my place and ride from here to ACH and beyond, just need to check ACH and make sure it is open. Stay tuned.

Damn, I miss riding you you hoons! :spank:

I have to get down there this summer and shed some rubber with you all. :rockon:
I've been poking around the FZ6 forum and realize I may have broken some group riding rules as I worked my way up to the front. If I did, I'm sorry! I think I was trying to find where I fit most comfortably. I will be much slower on roads I don't know so well!

I'm surprised that there wasn't a preride meeting explaining the do's and dont's.
:welcome: aboard're very lucky to have met up with these guys!
IMO, one of the best group of guys in our family!
Jennifer, you couldn't have hooked up with a better group of riders from this forum than you did with this ride. Friendly, mature, and in control. I only wish that I lived about 300 miles closer to participate more often on these rides.
I'm surprised that there wasn't a preride meeting explaining the do's and dont's.

She did not join us until the end of the ride and was a complete stranger until she introduced herself towards the end of the ride,

but i only saw you pass me when we slowed down for that very brief gathering in julian i didn't see you pass anyone during a real part of the ride +1 for the apology and sincerity as it was not an act of malicious intent:D
That was my first group ride as well. But I felt comfortable right off the bat. There was two rules that I saw. 1) Have Fun 2) Ride Safe. Other then that the Vetrans Lead us well. There was always one leading the way, and stopping the pack at a turn. There was also another at the back to hang with us slow guys. I have not a clue if there are passing rules. But I like to move over for rider's with more experience. Then I try to get some space between them and I, so I don't follow them into the turn at there level.
I have not a clue if there are passing rules. But I like to move over for rider's with more experience. Then I try to get some space between them and I, so I don't follow them into the turn at there level.

IMO, you hit that nail on the head :D

I thought we all did great. The pace was great, we saw some awesome scenery, rode some twisty roads and had a lot of fun.

Revzilla had a rear tire on sale, I ordered one up. Can't ride until I get this one swapped.
Re: Re: San Diego: Fook it! Let's ride! 4-27-13

I'm surprised that there wasn't a preride meeting explaining the do's and dont's.
The route with turns is a little tricky on this southern route and unless you study it well you definitely need a point rider that knows this area. You can end up stranded on a bike with a hungry motor because there are very few fuel ups on this ride.
I always like to have, "TheTalk" about some of the more common mistake when trying to match up with the faster riders. More so if I sense lack in a riders experience. I hate hearing a rider is down.:(
We started out as 9 and Jennifer hooked up with us at the last part of Sunrise Hwy and into Ramona. I stayed behind a little because Jerry so graciously road sweep for most all of the ride.
I could watch our new group member and could see she repeatedly chose great entry speeds and was smooth on throttle through the turns and on it out.
Yup. I've been with very fast groups and once invited one our forum member to go with us. He got separated and took a wrong turn out there. We back tracked to look for evidence of s bike leaving the road. One area had no guard rail and if you shoot off the road you're dropping 200 to 400 feet:( We were out of cell towers so calling was ng.
I have ridden with 80 % of this group before and I know they're savy.
The one critique I have is I don't like jeans.:)

Sent from Moto's Droid using Tapatalk 2 :mikebike:
I guess I made myself sound worse than I am. To clarify, I only moved up when we were all starting back up after being stopped, or when waved on. I was very impressed by the group leadership and it was clear that safety was rule #1 even to someone who joined for the last hour. As a MSF trained rider myself, my comments were meant to let the guys know I welcome any feedback for how to be a safer group rider.
Lets plan a ACH ride, we can stage at my place in Crestline and ride the back side of 138 down to Silverwood lake and then across to Wrightwood and onto ACH to Newcombs Ranch for lunch.
Need to check ACH and make sure it's open, last time(2 weeks ago) the gate was closed at Vincent gap (about 5 miles from Wrightwood).

Dave say hi to Rob for me and you guys have a safe ride:thumbup:


Sounds like ya'll had fun, I hope I can get to the next ride. The ACH sounds like a great idea and considerably closer to me, I'll keep an eye open for when you plan that ride.
Here's your footage:D
Ran out of battery about half way through the ride, need to take shorter clips so the batteries last longer.

FZ6 forum ride part 2 - YouTube


Thank you Jerry! I'm trying to piece together some video from Majde's and my cameras. Hopefully I'll get it done today.

Thank you again for sweeping this weekend. You are a fast rider and I know it can be frustrating not getting to stretch your legs a little!
Great job Brother! :)
Thank you Jerry! I'm trying to piece together some video from Majde's and my cameras. Hopefully I'll get it done today.

Thank you again for sweeping this weekend. You are a fast rider and I know it can be frustrating not getting to stretch your legs a little!
Great job Brother! :)

makes me feel comfortable that someone is back behind everyone especially an experienced rider, like a warm and fuzzy feeling ya know;)
Thank you Jerry! I'm trying to piece together some video from Majde's and my cameras. Hopefully I'll get it done today.

Thank you again for sweeping this weekend. You are a fast rider and I know it can be frustrating not getting to stretch your legs a little!
Great job Brother! :)

Thanks, look forward to seeing how the quality is from Majde's Sony.

My wife says I'm Half-fast, ha ha:D
