Riding with Carpal Tunnel...


Junior Member
Jul 8, 2008
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San Fernando Valley
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Hey Guys. I have carpal tunnel, and it seem to be getting worse. At this point I wanna change out the grips on my bike to something thicker, but couldn't really find anything at cycle gear. What do you guys recommend.

Anyone else have carpal tunnel here?

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I had CTS but it has cleared up. It never affected riding it was 99% from using a mouse. Personally I blame spending too much time on this forum, I think I deserve a few million credits compensation.:D

Hope you get yours sorted :thumbup:
I bought a pair of risers from Writeme, I decided not to install them. If you are interested - let me know. It raises the bar up 1" and back 1". I would think that having those installed would help alleviate some pain.:Flash:
I think the people who have installed grip puppies say their grips are a little thicker but also soften the grips. You could also look into the crampbuster which allows you to use your palm to roll on the throttle.

and i think both together would be under $25
Those risers will help & also I got a throttle lock to let me take my rt. hand off the throttle a cruising speeds.:Flash:
for a quick fix progrip makes a set of streetbike grips, and the blue matches my biker perfectly.....nice and thick, little squishy even. Got them from my local motorcycle shop, but if you want I can probably find you the link
I have carpal tunnel from 10 keying at work but it never bothers me on the bike-ust finished a 1200 mile ride in 16ish hour last night, I do find that I constantly readjust my grip, you might want to look at throttle rockers though, that should help at the least.
Part of what may be exacerbating your CT is your wrist position while cruising along. Remember when the doctor diagnosed you, he/she had you extend your wrist and tapped on it to see if it reproduced the pain (Tinnel's sign)? You are essentially doing this while riding while you hold the throttle open. Try repositioning your hand on the throttle if you know you are just going to be keeping speed (ie: highway).:thumbup:
yup i have this and it sucks when riding
even had the never conductivity test on both hands to confirm it!

i changed my bars slightly so they are a bit further back and higher to help with pressure, i cant ride a sport bike for more than 10 mins or my wrists start to hurt, and i get pins and needles in both hands
with the new bars i installed heated grips whcih i think helps but cant confirm

they other week i had a cortisone injection in my left hand and it has helped a fair bit

so best for me was taller,wider bars ( helps with steering as less effort required ) and the injection

there are some exercise you can do to help i would go ask you GP about this
i ride with my right hand partially on the bar end when cruising. i find the friction against the stationary end enough that i can use a very light grip and still hold the throttle. even using just the pressure of your palm works to allow you to stretch your fingers out periodically.

check out the "crossover" thread and give the left hand throttle technique a try:D
oops sorry

basically stick electrodes on your arms and they shock u for 30 mins :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Haha, yeah that sounds about right. I'm in my last year of medical school and have done this to patients dozens of times. It's kind of funny how different each person reacts to their muscles twitching without their control. Good entertainment value.:cheer: