Riding 2 up - advice?


Nov 4, 2008
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Herndon, VA
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This is my 3rd year riding and I have about 6000 miles total under my belt on two different bikes. I wanted to wait until I had some experience before I took my wife out on the back of the FZ6 and last night we went for a ride. It was just a short ride and there was no drama but what a difference! My wife is petite but the extra weight really changes the stance of the bike (even after adjusting rear spring preload) and you really have to take that into account when braking. I also noticed my shifting was not quite as smooth and I tended to take turns a little slower.

Is there any advice you guys can offer about riding with a passenger on the FZ6? It was fun and she enjoyed it so I'm looking forward taking her out more often.
This is my 3rd year riding and I have about 6000 miles total under my belt on two different bikes. I wanted to wait until I had some experience before I took my wife out on the back of the FZ6 and last night we went for a ride. It was just a short ride and there was no drama but what a difference! My wife is petite but the extra weight really changes the stance of the bike (even after adjusting rear spring preload) and you really have to take that into account when braking. I also noticed my shifting was not quite as smooth and I tended to take turns a little slower.

Is there any advice you guys can offer about riding with a passenger on the FZ6? It was fun and she enjoyed it so I'm looking forward taking her out more often.

the best school is practice.

After a few rides, your wife will know what you will do, before you even do it, and she will anticipate. that will smoothen things up.

important is, for her to sit still while at low speeds (lane splitting at the red light), and to be agile in the twisties and really learn to feel the bike, and go with the flow.

it's also important NOT to do a wheelie.
My best advice would be to make sure she doesn't move back and forth too much. I ask my wife to pretty much stay in the same position as me (if I'm straight up, be straight up; if I lean left, lean left equally, etc.). It definitely changes the handling dynamics. I'm a fairly big guy, 6'3" and 200 and the wife is not petite, so there's a big difference. Mostly, I just don't run hard the way I do solo. :BLAA:
I ride 2-up with my GF a bunch.

-Have her look over your shoulder in the direction of your turn (if you turn left, she should look over your left shoulder).
-Remind her to sit as still as possible at low speeds or stops.
-Get some signals sorted. My GF double taps my leg to stop to pee, two squeezes tells me to slow down, etc.
-Turns; lean, but stay seated since you may yank her off.
-Braking; careful not to push against your bars while braking. Squeeze the lever, and squeeze the tank with your knees to brace yourself.
-Have her brace against the tank using her hands or use the grab rails while braking so your "boys" won't get smashed.
-Take lots of breaks, let her walk around. Remember her butt's not as used to riding as yours.
-This one I figured out the hard way... Make sure her head is not right behind yours at highway speeds otherwise your heads uncontrollably jolts all over the place.
-Tire pressure UP, especially in the rear. Also dial up the rear shock pre-load.