Question for mod lovers

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I had the chance to ride both and see what they were all about. My dad having ridden his FZ1 for a while now always told me the FZ's were the better buy, but me being young and attracted to shiny things, I loved the faired sport bikes. Then came me knee injury and surgery, and I began to realize just how pathetic sport bikes are for more then 45 mins. Rode the FZ1 for about a month, and I fell in love with the looks and comfort (though the bike scared the crap out of me). Soon as I could, I bought my FZ6. Dad and I are both modding our bikes for performance and comfort, but the riding position will never change.

Plus I love beating sport bike riders on corners and straight aways with my girlfriend on the back, then laughing as they can't walk after the catch up and get off the bike. :rockon:
I love my FZ6 and the reason i did all the mods to my bike is, for originality. I could have bought the R6 but there are only some things you can do to it. As far as the FZ6, It has the R6 motor in it, but the FZ6 is tuned down. But that my own opinion.
My Naked Fazer was the first time back on a bike since my X7 (first bike). Its a great first timer and mods are fun. will probably buy an R6/1 next year (as a second bike)
i think no matter what bike or vehicle for that matter that someone owns.. modifications are always fun to do.. and it doesn't mean we're trying to make it like another bike.. we're just trying to make it fit our personalities better.. not every persons the same so why should every bike be..;)
As with a lot of people here, I chose the FZ6 for the "riding position". I love the look of the R6 and I really wanted one, but when it came to handing over the "hard-earned", I didn't have enough for the R6.

I haven't modded my bike apart from a set of pipes, and I am very impressed with the whole package as it is. Mainly have the bike as a commuter, would probably be divorced if I got an R6 (missus still doesn't like me having a bike again.. 3 years to the day on the 7th October).

I'll also add, a mate at work just bought an '08 R6, loves the bike, but complains about being uncomfortable and sore, even after a short ride... So glad I got the FZ6 instead.

Not trying to turn my bike into an R6, just \"my\" bike, which does everything i want properly!

The FZ6 is a very under rated bike....


+1, i have developed a very low tolerance for people asking me, "why didnt you get "XYZ" SuperSport bike?" 95% of the time these people dont have one of their own. usually i ask them, "why didnt you get "XYZ" supersport bike"...people dont seem to like that very much

people need to put their godd@mn money where their mouth is

did i already say +1 to wolfman?
Why I bought a FZ rather than a R6:
  • Too tall/big for a R6
  • Saved about $700 a year on insurance
  • Frame looks much better (imo)
  • Looks way better fightered (mostly due to the frame I think :p)
  • Centerstand standard
  • Didn't want to get lumped into the wad of squids pushing R6's around here
  • Turns me on when people ask why I didn't buy an R6/R1
I feel that was a good question, and one I am asked quite a bit. I chose the FZ6 because it was cheaper and more unique than an R6. Insurance cost was the next factor. People often say that I should "upgrade" to a supersport and get rid of my "beginner" bike. After blasting through the twisties in complete comfort (and often quicker and smoother than most of the squids on supersports) they stop asking me. I have now started to ask most riders when they get off their supersports, while they stretching and complaining that we rode 200 km's without stopping, when they are going to "upgrade" to a comfortable bike.

I also really enjoy being the fast guy on the slow bike. We all know that by no means is the FZ6 slow, it just tends to have that perception from most who don't know the bike. When they finally catch up to me, I have to admit that it makes me feel pretty good when they say I "wouldn't have passed them if they hadn't got a leg cramp." Sure thing buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Look's to me like most of us are in agreement, that the FZ6 is preferred because it does everything well and not just one thing great. I was looking for a standard riding position in a sport bike and I knew the FZ6 was it when I saw it. Riding only confirmed it.

I love mine more every time I ride, but is does make my butt sore after about 30 miles, so I am going to mod that with the comfort seat and hope that gets me at least past the 45 miles I commute to work.
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That's a pretty stupid question dude. Just like the FZ6 is the lesser bike? :confused: That's like asking somebody who bought a helicopter why he didn't buy a plane. Perhaps that somebody has different needs???

I bought the FZ6 because she's more comfortable to ride, better suited for my height (6'3), a better street bike (the R6 is a track bike, end of story), and just more appealing to me.

I bought the FZ6 because she's more comfortable to ride, better suited for my height (6'3),

Have you put clip on bars and full faring on it since you bought it? The question was why didn't people who wanted clip ons and full fairing on their FZ6 just get a bike that came that way.
(((((( That's like asking somebody who bought a helicopter why he didn't buy a plane.))))))
No thats like asking some one who bought a helicopter then took off the over head blades and put props in front why they didn't just get a plane to begin with.
For me, its the upright riding position, I'm 57 and the leaning over tank with most of your weight on your wrists is just not comfortable. As far as modding, it makes it personal (Scorpions, K&N air filter and modded air box, Power Commander, bar risers, taller windshield and headlight mod + tweaking things like shifter, brake, clutch and rear shock positions).
Re: Answer for mod haters

so the reason this thread was started was obviously so someone wanted to feel better about themselves/their bike

why not buy an r6? = LOL

why didnt you just buy a kawasaki 1400?
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Re: Answer for mod haters

This question to me is stupid. People like the bike they have, so they mod it for fun or needs.

It's the same thing, why do people dump tons of money on their car, when they could probably sell their car and get a much better one with that money in general? Becuase they like their car, modding is fun and sometimes functional end of story. There are the people who buy things, leave it stock, and that's fine too, just depends on the person. We don't need to reason wtih you why I didn't buy a R6, just think, not that hard.
I have now started to ask most riders when they get off their supersports, while they stretching and complaining that we rode 200 km's without stopping, when they are going to \"upgrade\" to a comfortable bike.

that's gold! :D

And a good point indeed is, that I have added mods to my bike to make it more unique, to personalize it, not to make it faster or be more like a R6.
People who get so angry and hostile about this post have problems as far as I am concerned. Even if he did say my bike was junk I still wouldn't get mad about it. I am happy with it and I don't need to go around fighting every one who doesn't agree with me like some insecure 7 year old punk. Riding my bike makes me feel good. If riding yours makes you need to fight then you aren't digging yours any where near as much as I am digging mine.
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