Question for mod lovers

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No what he was saying is \"the FZ6 is a piece of junk compared to the R6, and you need all those mods to make it better. Oh wait, but what you are doing by adding those mods, is basically turning it into a R6. So why didn't you buy a R6 in the first place then?\"

Hey dude, do they have anger management classes in belguim?:Flip:
:ban: :Flip spank:

Jef321, you need to chill out, For "US FZ6'ers WE BOUGHT THE BIKE'S TO MAKE THEM TO DO OR MAKE THEM ORIGINAL"
jef321 YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN WITH YOUR COMMENT'S. Now as far as i am considered and some others Will agree, we bought our bike's to make them the way we want them. I choose the FZ6 cause i liked the look and the sitting upright, And, MODS for our bikes we Cos the mod's.
And, MODS for our bikes we Cos the mod's.

I'm sorry but I think you are being a bit sensitive, plus you're not making any sense here.

I you think Jef321's comments are offensive, then we also have the right to find the thread starter's tone and the way he asked his question a bit arrogant and presumptuous. He could have elaborated instead of attacking us FZ6 (and mod) lovers like that. Djeez.
Ok, I am not one for feeding trolls, but here is a sensible and reasonable answer as to my reasons I mod my FZ6 and didn't 'just buy an R6'.

I had a straight choice between the 2 bikes when I bought 2 months ago. I went with an FZ6 and have done a few mods...

1. For me, the R6 was too focused in seating position. I didn't want to feel like I was on a GP bike all the time and face back/wrist ache after 1 hour in the seat.

2. The R6 was over 5k Euros more expensive.

3. The R6 was just too fast to ride around town.

I have my FZ6, with a screen mod, new exhaust on order, sliders, saddlebags etc. When I want to drive like a lunatic, I can, when I want to commute through traffic in big cities it is a breeze, when I want to take luggage with me, I can. The bike is a great 'all rounder', but not perfect out of the box hence the mods.

The R6 is a supersport bike. Pure and simple. It will always be a compromise in some aspects.
I am lost. Were some posts deleted? I dont see where anyone was asking a stupid question or being mean. Maybe they were deleted?
Closing this thread. Time to move on to more constructive posting people.
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