OMG!!! U gotta see this

My instructor from riding class told us before we finish the class
He said try not riding on weekend after midnight...there are too many drunk driver got off from bar and club...
I saw many of them and now I got it.....sad those happen...
My instructor from riding class told us before we finish the class
He said try not riding on weekend after midnight...there are too many drunk driver got off from bar and club...
I saw many of them and now I got it.....sad those happen...

Scary stuff, and yes riding after midnight can be scary, just recently on my way home from work at 3am i had an encounter with a group of drunk young kids in a hotted up Jap sports car, who thought it was great fun to try and run me off the road....fortuneatly after realising that they wre not going to leave me be, my FZ6 had enough grunt to power away from them, but if they had hit me am guessing they would have not thought it was so funny, when they got caught. By the way i did nothing to provoke them, was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Worst part about it was, i had to run my bike up to about 140km/h to make my escape, which in a 60km/h zone is not cool, and which could of created another dangerous situation.

Seeing that video makes me realise how goddam lucky i was.
Scary stuff, and yes riding after midnight can be scary, just recently on my way home from work at 3am i had an encounter with a group of drunk young kids in a hotted up Jap sports car, who thought it was great fun to try and run me off the road....fortuneatly after realising that they wre not going to leave me be, my FZ6 had enough grunt to power away from them, but if they had hit me am guessing they would have not thought it was so funny, when they got caught. By the way i did nothing to provoke them, was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Worst part about it was, i had to run my bike up to about 140km/h to make my escape, which in a 60km/h zone is not cool, and which could of created another dangerous situation.

Seeing that video makes me realise how goddam lucky i was.


sell the FZ6



and buy this one!!!!

Almost got run off the road twice already (including one van on the wrong side of the highway), and I've only been riding for 1.5 months.

Buddy up there is right. Late at night there's much less traffic, but a much larger percentage of whatever vehicles out there consist of a) drunk drivers, and b) kids who think it's funny to try and run MCs off the road.
Scary stuff, and yes riding after midnight can be scary, just recently on my way home from work at 3am i had an encounter with a group of drunk young kids in a hotted up Jap sports car, who thought it was great fun to try and run me off the road....fortuneatly after realising that they wre not going to leave me be, my FZ6 had enough grunt to power away from them, but if they had hit me am guessing they would have not thought it was so funny, when they got caught. By the way i did nothing to provoke them, was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Worst part about it was, i had to run my bike up to about 140km/h to make my escape, which in a 60km/h zone is not cool, and which could of created another dangerous situation.

Seeing that video makes me realise how goddam lucky i was.

I have a concealed carry permit and pack always. Someone does that to me it looks like justifiable homocide here in Michigan.
I remember when this first came up in the net, it's a few years old now. The driver was a guy with a grudge apparently and did it on purpose. Something to do with the filming, he didn't get a part or whatever, can't remember now.

I have a concealed carry permit and pack always. Someone does that to me it looks like justifiable homocide here in Michigan.

One more reason I'll never to come to America.
Because drunk kids would harass a motorcyclist, or because the victim would be able to defend himself???

How do you defend yourself against a CAR while you're riding a motorcycle? Shooting him after the car stops would be murder and shooting at a moving car would put others needlessly at risk.

Don't get me wrong....I hope the survivors used a crow bar on that guy.
I remember when this first came up in the net, it's a few years old now. The driver was a guy with a grudge apparently and did it on purpose. Something to do with the filming, he didn't get a part or whatever, can't remember now.

It's amazing that vehicular homicide doesn't bring stronger penalties than it does, especially when it's coupled with drinking. Those are real people with real families who are being killed and maimed by irresponsible people. My cousin was killed in a head-on this summer at Laconia Bike Week by a guy so drunk he was still illegal five hours later. I doubt the guy will get more than maybe three years. Drinking and driving needs to be seriously punished.