Officially Spring


Oct 10, 2010
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South Pasadena, CA
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So especially here in the midwest US, it is definitely spring. I dont know how many people know what craigslist is or ever look at it, but its basically the bargin corner in the news paper only online. Well, I have my phone do searches for certain things every 15 minutes, and since I started looking for my fz6 last fall, I never deleted the search. Well starting this weekend, it has been blowing up with atleast 15 new posts a day of people selling their fz6. some people in financial trouble, others waited all winter to try and get a couple extra bucks out of it. But none the less, this is for sure the start of spring in the midwest!
Nice! Wish I could say the same thing about Spring here.. more snow in the forecast for the weekend.
I found my FZ6 on craigslist, few years ago :D
I got mine on Craigslist a year ago. That was a great spring every weekend was in the 50s. It's 19° F as I write this.
It was in the 60's 70's and even hit 80 for the last couple weeks but this last week of March has seen a return to winter! :( 29 degrees this morning, simply unacceptable! Come on warm air!
funny you guys say you found your bikes on craiglist. i went to look at a jeep i found on craigslist and bought my bike instead. it was in the corner of this showroom and the guy said 2 grand and it's mine. sure it has it's scratches but it runs and drives and is f**king sweet. i likes it. ive already modded a bit on it like the rear tail light and front turn signals and i got brand new tires for it and a new stator and a right side mirror (it was missing) and oil change!! but seriously for 2 grand and it has a clear title come on who wouldn't. LOL sorry off subject i know. LOL:D