obama a nazi ?

You actually make my point!

Bush would have loved to be a Dictator, however there was the other two branches of government that prevented it. (He is however a Fascist in that he would love for the Government to be just for the service of Corporations and the Wealthy using yours and my money!)

But his use of signing statements to ignore legislation limiting his actions that he didn't like, his minions coming up with new concepts like Enemy Combatants not being covered by the fifth and sixth amendments to provide for indefinite detention and denial of speedy trial, etc, or the eighth amendment against cruel and unusual punishment to allow torture in our name. The creation of Black Prison sites in foreign countries beyond the reach of our justice system. These are all the actions of a would be Dictator.

The fact the Obama is not pursuing Bush and Cheney as war criminals and traitors for violating their oaths of office to protect and defend the Constitution does not mitigate their true crimes.

So what exactly has Obama done to warrant your unfounded accusation that he is a Dictator? And be specific, don't give me some warmed over BS you heard from the retard also known as Glenn Beck, or other Roger Ailes henchmen like Hannity or O'Reilly!

So were did you read that I said obama was Dictator? What I said was leftwingers called Bush a Dictator and a Nazi and everything else for 8 years. Is that specific BS?
not a nazi.
his ideas are working and are useful.
but not all the time.
dial up internet access
Web Design Utah

His policy's are very much like what the Nazis did when they took over in Germany in the 1930's. His ideas are working and are useful only for the over 50% of the people who don't work or pay taxes ! Unemployment is going up NOT down. And more people are losing their homes and most people believe the country is going in the wrong direction. Socialism is not working and has Never worked.
I wouldn't get wrapped around the axle over either president. They both suck. Busch ran up a huge debt and now it's Obama. They both had/have us involved in Iraq/Afghanistan ratholes. Country is rolling downhill. Obama is popular temporarily.Spending near trillion abroad trying to "fix" these two countries while USA goes bankrupt? Meanwhile, Osama bin Laden barbeques hot dogs and marshmallows on the grill.
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You actually make my point!

Bush would have loved to be a Dictator, however there was the other two branches of government that prevented it. (He is however a Fascist in that he would love for the Government to be just for the service of Corporations and the Wealthy using yours and my money!)

But his use of signing statements to ignore legislation limiting his actions that he didn't like, his minions coming up with new concepts like Enemy Combatants not being covered by the fifth and sixth amendments to provide for indefinite detention and denial of speedy trial, etc, or the eighth amendment against cruel and unusual punishment to allow torture in our name. The creation of Black Prison sites in foreign countries beyond the reach of our justice system. These are all the actions of a would be Dictator.

The fact the Obama is not pursuing Bush and Cheney as war criminals and traitors for violating their oaths of office to protect and defend the Constitution does not mitigate their true crimes.

So what exactly has Obama done to warrant your unfounded accusation that he is a Dictator? And be specific, don't give me some warmed over BS you heard from the retard also known as Glenn Beck, or other Roger Ailes henchmen like Hannity or O'Reilly!

You do know your out of your mind right? I love to read what you write, it reminds me of a ballon that slips out a hand and goes blasting around the room. Do you even have a basic understanding of what war crimes are?

Ok now onto your question at the end.


Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1837
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Attempting to take government control of 1/6th of the US economy. (healthcare)
Taking government control of the auto industry and appointing Czars over it.
Paying the investment industry for control of it.

Just a couple quick absolutely correct and proven answers to your question. Twist it, paint it, spin it, but the facts is the facts. You are way in the wrong, and dont have any where to go without making yourself look even more unhinged and delusional.
If Obama was truly a Nazi and truly had the power of a Dictator, like these loony tunes suppose, they would have already been silenced.

All this Nazi, Stalinist, Commie, Fascist, Socialist, Islamist crap these rightwing fruit cakes keep spewing only shows how incoherent their thought processes have become and that they don't even know that these terms aren't synonyms. :eek:

We have all been saying he is not a nazi. He is not a facist. He is a socialist. So is Pelosi, and so is Reed. So is Emanual, and Holder. Read what they write. Watch what they do. Its not rocket science man. If you want socialism thats fine. You are 100% welcome to like it, vote for it, agree with it, and thats the way it is. I am 100% in my right to disagree with it, and fight against it.

Here is a nice test for you.

Send armed officials to 100 Obama supporters houses. They armed officials are to remove the wife and children. Count the number of dead armed officials and extrapolate that to the population of Obama supporters. Most of you are not gun owners and are completly unable to defend or fend for yourselves.

Do the same thing to 100 people who think like me. Extrapolate the results. There are not enough of you. We will fight to defend our family and our homes from the Government. 50,000,000 homes own 270,000,000 firearms. You cant force us to do what you want. The military is on our side. They will not fire on citizens defending the constitution. You cant make us become socialist.

I am tired of this crap. This is a fact lots of black people voted for Obama just because he was black. You know it, I know it, and they know it. They had never voted before in thier lives. Being Black is not a qualification. Its flat bold racism.
So were did you read that I said obama was Dictator? What I said was leftwingers called Bush a Dictator and a Nazi and everything else for 8 years. Is that specific BS?

You said Obama was like Stalin and Lenin? What were they?

Don't start blowing smoke now! What has Obama done to justify your statements? I gave you mine!
We have all been saying he is not a nazi. He is not a facist. He is a socialist. So is Pelosi, and so is Reed. So is Emanual, and Holder. Read what they write. Watch what they do. Its not rocket science man. If you want socialism thats fine. You are 100% welcome to like it, vote for it, agree with it, and thats the way it is. I am 100% in my right to disagree with it, and fight against it.

Here is a nice test for you.

Send armed officials to 100 Obama supporters houses. They armed officials are to remove the wife and children. Count the number of dead armed officials and extrapolate that to the population of Obama supporters. Most of you are not gun owners and are completly unable to defend or fend for yourselves.

Do the same thing to 100 people who think like me. Extrapolate the results. There are not enough of you. We will fight to defend our family and our homes from the Government. 50,000,000 homes own 270,000,000 firearms. You cant force us to do what you want. The military is on our side. They will not fire on citizens defending the constitution. You cant make us become socialist.

I am tired of this crap. This is a fact lots of black people voted for Obama just because he was black. You know it, I know it, and they know it. They had never voted before in thier lives. Being Black is not a qualification. Its flat bold racism.

Yup, when all reasonable chance at of making a rational response escapes you, resort to talk of violence!

That is all the Republicans and the Oligarchy who run this country have to keep weak minded white boys fighting for them. FEAR!

They ship our jobs overseas, import slave labor from abroad to drive our wages to subsistence, and then pull out the race card and tell us all that the reasons we can't live as well as our parents is because of taxing the nice rich man, whose only goal in life is to create good paying jobs for white boys, (right?) but all those Darkies, Asians, and Muslims are taking them from us, and those damn Socialist Liberals are taking away our freedoms and rights to be slaves to the nice Oligarchs.

Why do the corporations call it the Human Resources Department now instead of Personnel? Because we are not a person anymore, we are a resource to be used for their profit and when they use us up, we get thrown away.

Wall Street is proving everyday that they don't give a Rats A$$ about America.

The USA, England, Australia, and New Zealand have the lowest taxes, the lowest wages, lower average health, higher average infant mortality, higher crime and incarciration rates of the industrialized nations. Europe and Japan beat us in all these categories, except CEO Salaries. But, hey, we got that going for us!

Isn't it great being a "Liberal Free Market Capitalist" country instead of a "Conservative Social Capitalist" country like the rest of the industrialized

Oh, and that supposed Reagan Prosperity of the last 28 years? Underwritten by $11 Trillion in national debt. It was all bogus.
Yup, when all reasonable chance at of making a rational response escapes you, resort to talk of violence!

That is all the Republicans and the Oligarchy who run this country have to keep weak minded white boys fighting for them. FEAR!

They ship our jobs overseas, import slave labor from abroad to drive our wages to subsistence, and then pull out the race card and tell us all that the reasons we can't live as well as our parents is because of taxing the nice rich man, whose only goal in life is to create good paying jobs for white boys, (right?) but all those Darkies, Asians, and Muslims are taking them from us, and those damn Socialist Liberals are taking away our freedoms and rights to be slaves to the nice Oligarchs.

Why do the corporations call it the Human Resources Department now instead of Personnel? Because we are not a person anymore, we are a resource to be used for their profit and when they use us up, we get thrown away.

Wall Street is proving everyday that they don't give a Rats A$$ about America.

The USA, England, Australia, and New Zealand have the lowest taxes, the lowest wages, lower average health, higher average infant mortality, higher crime and incarciration rates of the industrialized nations. Europe and Japan beat us in all these categories, except CEO Salaries. But, hey, we got that going for us!

Isn't it great being a "Liberal Free Market Capitalist" country instead of a "Conservative Social Capitalist" country like the rest of the industrialized

Oh, and that supposed Reagan Prosperity of the last 28 years? Underwritten by $11 Trillion in national debt. It was all bogus.

Cue the Circus music.

Dude you are completely disconnected from reality.

Again I dont give a rats ass what color someone is. I go on actions. I do resent and condem your accusation of racism. It makes you look very bad.

I really think you have shown your true contempt for our soldiers.

Its a shame your parents failed you so miserably.
You said Obama was like Stalin and Lenin? What were they?

Don't start blowing smoke now! What has Obama done to justify your statements? I gave you mine!

Yes they were dictators but more importantly whey were hard core communist and thats the point I was making. And communism is where obama wants to take America and if you can't see that your blind. Maybe communism is okay with you, but 90% of Americans don't want it . Move to a communist country.
His policy's are very much like what the Nazis did when they took over in Germany in the 1930's. His ideas are working and are useful only for the over 50% of the people who don't work or pay taxes ! Unemployment is going up NOT down. And more people are losing their homes and most people believe the country is going in the wrong direction. Socialism is not working and has Never worked.

That statement only makes sense to you!

Notwithstanding that Hitler was psychopathic racist on the grandest scale that ultimately lead to the ruin of his country, his use of government power over the economy brought Germany back to industrial prominance from the depression caused by WWI war reparations.

Explain to me why you believe that fiscal economics is only for the benefit of people who don't want to work?

I only hear on the radio from people who want to work but can't find a job? I haven't seen any demostrations by people who only want their government to give them money so they can stay unemployed. They want their goverment to do things to improve their prospects for getting a job.

You know it is their government too!
Yes they were dictators but more importantly whey were hard core communist and thats the point I was making. And communism is where obama wants to take America and if you can't see that your blind. Maybe communism is okay with you, but 90% of Americans don't want it . Move to a communist country.

Only in your mind! Get a grip!