obama a nazi ?


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May 12, 2008
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Austin, Texas
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Some at town hall meetings are calling obama Hitler that's crazy! obama is like Karl Marx (marxism) and Bolshevik Communist leader's Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lennin.
Definitely not a nazi.

Powermad, and bent on taking control of as much as they can before the next election? Yeppers.
On that note however, at least Hitler did get the Olympics in Berlin.
On that note however, at least Hitler did get the Olympics in Berlin.

Hitler and the nazi party were far more efficient ,capable and competent than obama, biden, pelosi, reid and his group of clowns. Does anyone think we could have won world war 2 with obama as commander in chief ? He didnt even know what to do with 3 pirates in a small boat with AK47's and he doesnt have a clue a about Iran,afghanistan or the economy. And you are called a Racist if disagree with his policy.
Hitler and the nazi party were far more efficient ,capable and competent than obama, biden, pelosi, reid and his group of clowns. Does anyone think we could have won world war 2 with obama as commander in chief ? He didnt even know what to do with 3 pirates in a small boat with AK47's and he doesnt have a clue a about Iran,afghanistan or the economy. And you are called a Racist if disagree with his policy.
Didn't he have those 3 Pirates shot at the same time by the Navy Seal's?? [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3mdOseNOsQ[/ame]
Didn't he have those 3 Pirates shot at the same time by the Navy Seal's?? YouTube - Kidnapped US captain freed snipers kill 3 pirates
Yes you are correct but it took him and his clown's 4 days to think about it . The Navy knew what to do the first day . obama's order's were to shoot only if the captain's life was in danger....I think the captain and crew's life were in danger the minute the pirate's got on that ship with AK47's. obama's not the hero anyone in their right mind would have ordered those pirates killed the first chance they got and not waited 4 days. He didnt know WTF to do .
Yes you are correct but it took him and his clown's 4 days to think about it . The Navy knew what to do the first day . obama's order's were to shoot only if the captain's life was in danger....I think the captain and crew's life were in danger the minute the pirate's got on that ship with AK47's. obama's not the hero anyone in their right mind would have ordered those pirates killed the first chance they got and not waited 4 days. He didnt know WTF to do .
Oh....... well what do you think about Bush invading Iraq,even though the intelligence showed the 9-11 attack originated from Afghanistan.......did he know what he was doing?....... and just to be clear about my stand point I think the whole Republican,Democrat pick a side stuff is ridiculous... I'm on America's side and I don't think either party has done much for us in a very long time.....and as far as Obama goes I say pray for the man,because he inherited one humongous cluster F@#$ from the previous administration.....and if he fails we Fail !! I don't want to have to learn to speak Chinese!!
I didn't care for Bush B.S. but now we have Obama doing nearly the same thing. Everybody knows, once US troops leave Iraq & Afganistan, everything goes right back to when it first started: MESS. What a waste to re-do Vietnam over there. And, I voted for Obama so I guess I...shoudn't complain. What's this business about Obama being a Nazi? Does he speak German?
I didn't care for Bush B.S. but now we have Obama doing nearly the same thing. Everybody knows, once US troops leave Iraq & Afganistan, everything goes right back to when it first started: MESS. What a waste to re-do Vietnam over there. And, I voted for Obama so I guess I...shoudn't complain. What's this business about Obama being a Nazi? Does he speak German?

If Obama was truly a Nazi and truly had the power of a Dictator, like these loony tunes suppose, they would have already been silenced.

All this Nazi, Stalinist, Commie, Fascist, Socialist, Islamist crap these rightwing fruit cakes keep spewing only shows how incoherent their thought processes have become and that they don't even know that these terms aren't synonyms. :eek:
If Obama was truly a Nazi and truly had the power of a Dictator, like these loony tunes suppose, they would have already been silenced.

All this Nazi, Stalinist, Commie, Fascist, Socialist, Islamist crap these rightwing fruit cakes keep spewing only shows how incoherent their thought processes have become and that they don't even know that these terms aren't synonyms. :eek:

If Bush was a Dictator, Nazi and Fascist like the left wingers called him for 8 years he would still be president and You and Obama ,Pelois Reid and Micheal Moore would be Dead or in Prison. Did you think it was okay when leftwing fruit cakes kept spewing their crap when Bush was President ?
If Bush was a Dictator, Nazi and Fascist like the left wingers called him for 8 years he would still be president and You and Obama ,Pelois Reid and Micheal Moore would be Dead or in Prison. Did you think it was okay when leftwing fruit cakes kept spewing their crap when Bush was President ?

You actually make my point!

Bush would have loved to be a Dictator, however there was the other two branches of government that prevented it. (He is however a Fascist in that he would love for the Government to be just for the service of Corporations and the Wealthy using yours and my money!)

But his use of signing statements to ignore legislation limiting his actions that he didn't like, his minions coming up with new concepts like Enemy Combatants not being covered by the fifth and sixth amendments to provide for indefinite detention and denial of speedy trial, etc, or the eighth amendment against cruel and unusual punishment to allow torture in our name. The creation of Black Prison sites in foreign countries beyond the reach of our justice system. These are all the actions of a would be Dictator.

The fact the Obama is not pursuing Bush and Cheney as war criminals and traitors for violating their oaths of office to protect and defend the Constitution does not mitigate their true crimes.

So what exactly has Obama done to warrant your unfounded accusation that he is a Dictator? And be specific, don't give me some warmed over BS you heard from the retard also known as Glenn Beck, or other Roger Ailes henchmen like Hannity or O'Reilly!