

Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Sydney, Australia
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So today I had a traffic incident.
I was literally 20m from my carport, at an intersection waiting for a break in the traffic behind one other car, and there was probably a good half metre gap between us. The driver decided suddenly that she was too far into the intersection, and reversed straight into me, knocking over the bike. I didn't even have time to beep or anything. (It wasn't a light knock either, she kept reversing into me, forcing the bike down)

My pazzo clutch lever looks pretty screwed, and the front mud guard fairing is cracked where she reversed into me and actually made contact with the bike knocking it over.

She called her BF as they apparently live nearby since she seemed pretty shocked and we exchanged details.

I'm going to take the bike to my usual service place and get it checked over, just in case there is any damage to the front end that isn't visible.

Anyone got experience with this kind of thing? I'm hoping there isn't major damage, and they offered to just pay for repairs if there isn't, which isn't an issue for me, but I am worried about there being some more serious damage, like fork damage or something.

On the bright side, my Oggy Nobs, seem to have made sure there was no damage to my engine, tank, or anything else, although the top box on the back is a little scratched (but probably saved more damage on the back)
Suck! Glad to hear that you're okay though. I had someone back into my bike, hitting my front tire, and spinning it around on the sidestand in a parking lot.

In the same boat as you not knowing for sure if anything was bent, I asked Yamaha to take the whole front end apart and inspect everything. They of course charge for this, since it's time consuming, so I charged the guy that hit me for the inspection, as well as any parts needed. Well, I'm glad I did, if only for peace of mind. Forks were okay, and so was the rim, but strangely the axle was bent.

If it happened again, I would do the same thing, make the offender pay for an entire breakdown and inspection. Not only is it a matter of safety, if you find damage 6 months from the accident, good luck getting the repairs paid for.
I always leave myself at least one car length in front of me as a safety cushion just in case. I also position myself directly behind the driver rather than stopping in the middle. Why? I'm visible in two mirrors rather than one, and it's much easier to manuever around the vehicle if you're already off set. This includes while I'm riding too.

You have got to get a LOUDER Horn, that's what the horn is intended to do.
I didn't even get a chance to use my horn, so I don't think that volume is really the issue, when I do use it people take note.
I could certainly have been faster to use it (since I didn't get a chance), but I honestly just assumed the driver had put it into the wrong gear, until she reversed straight into me, and with a car behind there was nowhere to go unless I wanted to head onto the sidewalk into school children. She obviously also was paying no attention, since she didn't just tap me, she literally pushed the bike into the ground with her bumper against the front wheel/guard.

While I would say that leaving an entire car space room when stopping may be extremely safe its also extremely impractical, you often get no vision if your at an intersection, and generally speaking when coming to a stop the distance between you and the car in front should be much smaller than that, at least the way we are taught here (you lose points for leaving too large a gap when being tested for a license), and I leave room for people rolling back, particularly on hills or ramps into shopping centres, not for people deciding to go into reserve to try and drive over the top of me.

Since I was turning (at the intersection) I was in the left hand side of the lane (and should have been visible in the review mirror AND the left mirror, and in a shoulder check), ready to turn right, particularly since a left turn was the pedestrian crossing, which is run by a lollipop lady who directs traffic so children can get to school, generally leaving gaps for people to turn out of my street when the children are crossing, since most people go right (towards the main road, rather than left with the crossing blocked).
Its also practically impossible for someone to roll back at this point, since there is a large dip in the road that you have to get over for vision both ways, and you would never roll back over that dip, its too deep and you need your front wheels in it for any kind of vision for turning.
Its hard to accurately judge the distance in hindsight, the gap was probably twice what I leave when driving. If your only interested in having a laugh then **** off.
Here in the states, whenever a vehicle puts it in reverse, their back up lights illuminate, a clear indication that they are backing up. Happened to me while I was at a drive thru getting some fast food. The vehicle in front of me put it in reverse, rather than in drive but before they had a chance to hit the accelerator I was on my 140 decilbel Stebel Air Horn.

Not sure if they have those reverse light in Aus.

And don't mind Tcmalker, he's crashed many times.
She just backed right into you? Gawd, did she even bother look? I don"t know how some people get a licence! What an i-dot.
Well at least you weren't hurt.
I am so sorry to hear about your incident. I had the same thing happen but it was a Semi (lory) that backed up at an intersection onto me. It sure did damage to the front end of my bike.

I hope you are OK and that the damage to the bike is minimal and can be fixed properly.

Yea the reverse lights came on, and I basically said to myself "What?" and she reversed right into me, not slowly either. I've beeped people at intersections who have grabbed the wrong gear, but it happened pretty fast.
I'll definately be sitting with my finger on the horn from now on though!!

She kept saying "I was thinking about the children" and she seemed really shocked, so I think she thought she had run over a small child, which it could have easily been if they had walked behind her!
Sorry to hear mate. I've had a couple of tools try the reverse over you trick (good ad for filtering BTW). Usually they are slightly in the intersection, and their head usually start making erratic moves just before they select "R" for roll over the poor Bastich on the motor bike gear.

If there is something wrong with the front end, I'm sure your dealer will be able to pick it up, without making it an all day affair, but straight off the bat, see how it feels. If there is an alignment issue, or something's on the p1$$, I dunno about anyone else, but not only do I feel it, but it really messes with my head...proverbial dog whatsit situation..

Not trying to second guess your situation (I wasn't the one there;)), but if you want my attempt at helpful advice, read on...lol.

I try to leave enough room to easily, and quickly slip the clutch, and zip between cars....more for the blind dude that wants to kill me from behind. Once I've got a car or two behind me, I will relax a bit (even slipping into neutral)....but always, ready to smash into gear, and bolt with my foot on the selector at all times.

I watch my mirrors, and try to park as Vegas said, in two mirrors if I can. I watch the movement of the driver's heads, and hands etc, because I feel I can never have enough information about what these idiots are up to. Eg. the last minute search of the car for a lipstick, or lighter etc, which happens just before the light goes green, leaving you sitting between a distracted moron, and a potential attempted drag racer behind....this is the guy who runs over you, and then says, "I didn't see you".:rolleyes:

If they have a nose poking out, I pull up a little further back...you never know.

It probably sounds silly, but as you pull up at the lights, if you are obsessive compulsive like me, you will be slipping the clutch, and clicking down, over and over, even though you are already in first. I also thumb my indicator off at this point, in case I have missed it earlier (unless I am turning, in which case I re-turn it on...lol). At this point I just touch ALL my controls. It keeps me familiar with their position (like I need it), but more importantly brings them to the front of my mind, so at the slightest provocation I am thumbing the horn etc. I do it EVERY TIME. (I know...lol...I'm a total 'tard) but if you make it habit, and totally auto piloted, when the time comes, you see the reverse lights come on in front of you, you'll mash the horn hard and fast, and keep on or pulsate it until they see you. (my first attempted reverse over I was a little selfconcious and gave a short blast, which just made the idiot look around the place while they kept coming, and I had to go again.) Go loud and long immediately, FTW.

None of this may have helped you but if you find something above you like, use it. If you don't...don't...lol.

Whatever you do, don't get stitched as Mr. Nice Guy....nothing worse, I know:(.
Glad you're okay mate! :rockon:

I want to get one of those horns Kenny has. He scared the crap oudda me with that thing on one of our rides. Of course some people are going to hit you anyway because it takes a half hour for them to act on any outside input.
Well as a quick update.
I'm in the process of getting 3 quotes, the first is from the place I bought the bike and get services done, they quoted 3.5k all up and want to replace one front fork. Plus this includes the top box and blinkers that are all scratched (the topbox badly), but I'm not concerned about, and 5 hours work. (Reduces it by like 650ish). This also included a 'R/PRTCT ALM BRKTS' (5VXW07410001) anyone know what this is?

The second quote came out at about 1.3k (just checked the guy forgot to add the price of replacing my fuggered pazzo lever) plus quoted $4.71 for a replacement footrest, since the 'hero nob' was bent to buggery (which the other people quoted $100 to replace). This guy also said the handlebars had been bent, and quoted for a replacement.

The third I'm still waiting on, but seemed to think the handlebars and forks are fine, so I'm waiting to see the final quote, which I am picking up tomorrow.

Totally annoyed at this point since every mechanic seems to have a totally different opinion, and its still riding funny.