Newbie all around


Jun 17, 2008
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Rochester, N.Y.
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Hello All,

Lets see first off just purchased an 08 Raven. Zero miles. I love the sound of anything new with zero miles. (okay 3 tenths on the odo)

I found this forum a few days after committing to the purchase. I read some of the discussion about this maybe not being the best bike for a complete newbie, Yes Thats Me! Oh well took the plunge. I can honestly say I only have almost 100 miles on it but I truly find that using my head and reading some of this advice will see me to a cautious but fun start. I have kept the rpm's nice and low and to be honest probably won't see the high end for quite some time. I am 42 years old (be nice) and with a family my thoughts turn to safety and fun not speed and crazy. I just don't have those quick healing bones anymore.

For those who suggested, I have signed up for the MSF course. It is so popular at least here, that I couldn't get in until October. It is gonna be cold.

Well I will stop killing you with my life decisions. I am truly excited about this step in my life and look forward to the progression in my abilities. It will be nice to have others input as I go along if needed.
Congrats on your purchase and welcome! Enjoy the site and ride safe. :thumbup:
congrats on the bike, and a very good choice in a bike to learn on, the FZ is forgiving, but still has the capacity for you to grow into and never get bored.

Ride lots and post often!!!
Hello fellow Rochesterian! I always like to see another FZ6 rider in the neighborhood. I'm over in Henrietta. I feel your frustration with the MSF class, last Summer I wasnt able to find an available class in Rochester I had to drive all the way over to Angola to find an open class, completely worth it though. Lots of fun and you learn a ton.

Have fun with the FZ6 and welcome to the forum. Soon you'll wonder how you ever got through the workday without it :thumbup:

The MSF has a book available as well.
Proficent Motorcycling by David Hough will help you alot.

Barnes and Noble usually has them in stock.
Welcome! You're following the same path I did, I got my '07 last summer, MY first bike, and learned cautiously and took the MSF course too; I was 48 (be really nice!) and am a thorough convert now. Enjoy! :welcome:
Thanks for all the welcomes. To AJ_Rider, I live out in Chili but spend lots of time in Henrietta so maybe we will cross paths some day. To wrightme43, thanks for the suggestion on the book, if they only have the one I picked it up last week in anticipation of this. I am trying to soak up as much as possible.
Welcome to the forum! I'm new here myself, and us n00bs should stick together :)

Anyways, the FZ6 is my first bike as well. I think you made a good decision. If you keep the rpm's low, you'll have no problem controlling her. She'll grow with you, and when you're ready to crank it up, she'll still be there. You'll have the best time!
Welcome and it's all about havin' fun. My dad's 60 so i don't think your 42 is old at all. We ride all the time, he's the one that got me into it. Whatever you do just don't make the mistake of target fixating like i did a couple months after i started riding...:(. lol. Goodluck!:rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon:
Thanks for all the welcomes. To AJ_Rider, I live out in Chili but spend lots of time in Henrietta so maybe we will cross paths some day. To wrightme43, thanks for the suggestion on the book, if they only have the one I picked it up last week in anticipation of this. I am trying to soak up as much as possible.

If you see a guy on a RED 06 and red jacket waving crazily at you thats me!


I dont wave crazily. I like to look super cool and throw the nonchalant downward 2 fingered biker point. You guys know what I'm talking about...

Not to extend this further but is that what i got the other day from a couple of bikes. They were cruisers. I wanted to give it back but I wasn't to sure i was ready to be letting go. Doooohhhhhhhhhh :Sport:

Oh well hope they don't think i was an a$$. Just really really liked my handlebars at that particular moment.......
Hey congrats on the bike! I too just purchased the 08 Raven couple weeks ago. Had only three miles on it as well and am up to 600 now. Nice to see ur from NY as well. Ride on man!

Hello All,

I am 42 years old (be nice) and with a family my thoughts turn to safety and fun not speed and crazy. I just don't have those quick healing bones anymore.

You made an excellent choice. I learned to ride last year at 48 and the FZ6 is an excellent choice. The powerband in lower rpms keeps you out of trouble, but as you gain comfort, knowledge and experience, the upper range is a blast. Ride smart. While no one can control all the risks of riding, I believe the rider can control 80-90% of them with caution, awareness and striving constantly to improve riding technique. I am amazed that I experience noticable advances about every thousand miles. Things just seem to "click" more. I'm approaching 5,000 miles, so I'm still pretty new, but compared to a year ago - wow! You'll do just fine. :thumbup: