New to motorcycles- BUTT RASH!!!! :o

I never really had problems with a rash but my rear would get pretty sore after only 50 miles or so. I got the Yamaha comfort seat and that didn't really seem to help. I did notice a huge difference though when I bought some Draggin Jeans. Even though the kevlar layer around the hips and butt is not very thick, it seems to be just enough extra padding to make a difference. I'm sure some of it is just racking up miles and getting used to riding but I would highly recommend Draggin Jeans to anyone for comfort and more importantly, as an added layer of protection from the worst rash... road rash.
I've got this repulsive image in my mind of chef's all over the world recycling corn flour, thickening sauces etc. after some sort of ritulistic anal act. It would certainly give an unusually piquant flavour. :D
Right now I am strapped for cash so as soon as I can I am going to get the proper protective gear. I already have a nice helmet and mesh jacket and a good pair of shoes and gloves. Now I need rain gear, proper pants, a frickin' cover for my bike,etc.


I know where you're coming from. Biking gear is proper expensive and took me by surprise when I passed my test 3 years ago. Now I have decent leathers and winter gear (mainly Heine Gericke and Alpinestars) but it takes time to buy everything (actually a lot of stuff I got for birthday/xmas presents) unless you have a spare thousand pounds. I didn't even get proper boots until a year ago. I used workboots which in hindsight wasn't a good idea as they have minimal ankle protection.

I tend not to tell the wife how much they cost when I come home with some nice new gloves or something!!!!!
The cops don't have too see you ride by, that's why they use RADAR!! The red ones are so hot their heat signature bleeds off enough energy to get a RADAR lock at will. In contrast, the cool blue is RADAR reflective making the bike very stealthy and far less apt to gather unwanted attention.......

BLAH...BLAH...BLAH...What was that? Did you say something? I can't seem to hear you!...BLAH...BLAH...BLAH :D
I have seen that at walmart as well. LOL I think we need to have a webbikeworld review of monkey butt powder vs. the butt paste
Ok as they seem to be state side products. Who's gona do the product test. I think that photos aren't neccessary lol.
:needpics: well if we got a female tester..... :rockon: :wav:
Jez can you imagine it, a selection of hairy butted bikers promoting the merits of one over the other. After a stringent road test. How about you all do it on the forth comming trip to the Dragon? Now I think we do need more female test pilots lol.
Ok, I'm game. I'll go buy some this weekend and start the comparison. I really don't know what to base my comparison on so if anyone has any first hand experience with a chapped a$$ let me know.:D
Ok, I'm game. I'll go buy some this weekend and start the comparison. I really don't know what to base my comparison on so if anyone has any first hand experience with a chapped a$$ let me know.:D
Ok welcome to the first volunteer. I have devised a simple yet, I feel effective and importantly replicable comparative test.

1. First off we need two voulunteers of the same weight (lardiness) height and build.
2. Two pairs of k-marts finest Y-fronted brief.
3. 1/2 lb coarse sand not to dry.
4. Two identically laden and fulled FZ6's.

The process.

Said two riders do 2 minutes of stepping. to encourage the flow of natural friction inhibitor (sweat).
At this point an independent adjudicator will perform the tong tip test. To confirm equal saltyness and viscosity in thigh sweat. (im thinking hall of shame winner).
K-mart undies are then sealed with duck tape at leg and pee pee hole areas.
1/2 lb of (not to wet coarse sand) is deposited into undies.
Riders instructed to take of on bikes to complete various challenges. Stop starts in heavy traffic.
Extreme lean angles with one cheek off saddle. To encourage rapid dispertion of (not to wet) coarse sand into thigh and arse grove area.
This activity will last until blood is visible seeping through over clothing.
The riders will then be washed down with a mild citrus and sodium Chloride wash (salt to you).
The chaffed areas will be carefully dried with some 40 grit wet and dry sand paper.

Now the test can continue.
Both creams will be applied by again an independant adjudicator (probably morge tech or trauma surgeon).
The riders will then ride commando style to the final destination.
Where the slight redness will be inspected by all, and photographed for the forum.
This will then form the basis of a qualatitive study questionnaire.
The best cream will be decided by the random panel of 998 members (obviously the two test pilots dont vote). This may sway power.

Good luck

whos the next test pilot?
Now thats funny....

... I was just offering to test the products. No way I'm gonna purposely injure my buttock. Not even for a good cause as this.
Mate your names down, cant pull out now (thats not a great end for a but related reply is it)lol
Ok, I'm game. I'll go buy some this weekend and start the comparison. I really don't know what to base my comparison on so if anyone has any first hand experience with a chapped a$$ let me know.:D

Monkey Butt is horrid...

Man I remember the first time I got it on my Kx 125 when I put a gripper seat cover on it. Next week I got a pair of slidder shorts, case closed.

Another little cure was Vaseline. One of the racers we hung out with used to swear by it. He would just insist on, "No Double Dipping!" I guess you would have had to been there...
