New to motorcycles- BUTT RASH!!!! :o


Not Here Enough
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
Hi there! Well isn't this an interesting thread. Laugh if you want to but there has got to be someone out there who has experienced this.

*** RASH

I just bought my first motorcycle- a Blue FZ6 07' and I love it. I have never ridden a motorcycle until about two or three weeks ago when it was delivered to my door step. I logged about two hours in some parking lots and was practicing on a hill when all of a sudden a whole mess of cars were behind me waiting. I was forced into 5 o'clock traffic in the dark in a very hilly, twist and turn neighborhood and that was all she wrote.

Since then I have been on the highways, byways, downtown, out of town, but mostly around town to commute my 3mile drive to work. Lately if it is not too cold that commute can turn into 10,15, or even 20 miles.

I LOVE IT! I CAN'T GET ENOUGH. WOW!!! I thought drugs were a lot of fun in my earlier days ( I have quit since) but I have a new one- FZ6.

*** RASH
I realize I am new and I need to take it easy and I am following the manufacturers manual and keeping it slow. I am still not to the " it's fun " stage. I am still learning and plan to keep that attitude- safety.

My problem is *** rash. Some would say go see a doctor. No. I am sure I can save my $30 dollar co-pay. I am sure someone here has an answer.

Mother of GOD PLEASE HELP!! What am I doing wrong? Is it the seat? Am I moving around on it too much and my jeans and boxers are rubbing me raw? Has this happened to any other riders?

For my commute I wear chef's pants as I am a chef. They are very thin and bad for me to ride in I know. So I am going from cold seat to hot kitchen. I rode without any underwear for two weekend riding days because my jeans barely fit- this may have done it.

I am just wondering if this has happened to a lot of other people who are new to riding or if it happened when you started riding.

Is this part of learning to ride? Or is it just because I picked a bad time to start- down here in Birmingham, Alabama it will go down to 31 degrees and be 69 that same day.

Whatever you want to call it I want it to go away. I forget about it when I am riding but when I am not- wow.

Anyone want to help me save $30 bucks on a trip to the doctor?

Burning Bumpy Butt,
**** me man. *** rash from riding a bike????? No way! I do not want to know about anyones arse rash. Help, get me out of here!!!!! (Sorry to be insensitive, I just have a natural aversion to men's butts). Try a doctor. They see thousands of butts:thumbup:
Are you sweating? Human sweat has acidic properties.
First let me congratulate you on the fine choice you have made in a motorcycle. Second, may I suggest you take the time to enroll in an MSF class if you haven't already done so. Teaching yourself to ride may have a very steep learning curve and the MSF classes will shorten that curve and make you a far better rider.

Now to the rash: Riding a bike is much like riding a horse in that you will likely get butt soars and even wrist cramps until you build up time in the saddle. Over time your anatomy will become accustomed to the ins and outs of riding and you will find yourself climbing on and not stopping for 100 miles or more. You may also want to find gear that makes your butt more comfortable. I like wearing silk underwear both in terms of shirts as well as underpants. In your case you may want to find something thicker to protect that tush....LOL

Good luck and stay safe...
LMAO, first congrats on the new bike, perfect choice (except that slower color blue that's a side affect of the blue) you will have alot of fun.
But that would be funny to look at, not that i want to see a mans but that is, just the rawness.........FORGET WHAT I SAID :eek::eek::rockon::rockon:
First let me congratulate you on the fine choice you have made in a motorcycle. Second, may I suggest you take the time to enroll in an MSF class if you haven't already done so. Teaching yourself to ride may have a very steep learning curve and the MSF classes will shorten that curve and make you a far better rider.

Now to the rash: Riding a bike is much like riding a horse in that you will likely get butt soars and even wrist cramps until you build up time in the saddle. Over time your anatomy will become accustomed to the ins and outs of riding and you will find yourself climbing on and not stopping for 100 miles or more. You may also want to find gear that makes your butt more comfortable. I like wearing silk underwear both in terms of shirts as well as underpants. In your case you may want to find something thicker to protect that tush....LOL

Good luck and stay safe...

Tell me more about this silk lingerie you like. Do you prefer a French knicker or are you a thong man? :D
Tell me more about this silk lingerie you like. Do you prefer a French knicker or are you a thong man? :D

I actually like the silk for a couple of reasons. First, the silk breaths much better than cotton or poly and the chances of sweat becoming an issue are far reduced. Second, in the event things get cold and they do from time to time, the silk will help retain heat with proper layering. Now, in the summer time forget the rules, it's freeball man....:D
for long rides like 200+ miles I wear bicycle shorts (with padding) under my riding pants (Trousers- for you Brits)

no issues with sweat -- they wick it....

I figure I made riding my bicycle 3791 miles across America this summer with no issues it will work on the FZ6
Mate, you already know the answer....... As, a former chef with 13 years experience in some of the finest establishments in the UK. The answer is quite simple. Riding your bike has just exacerbated the phenomena "Chefs Crutch". You work in an environment were sweat and tears are part n parcel to the job. When you sweat your clothing absorbs it. Chef pants don’t wick said sweat away from your skin. All you’re doing when you ride home is sitting in your sweat ridden underwear. Then it just chaffs away at you. For those of you,not in the know. Chef’s crutch is not contagious. Its similar to joggers nipple or joggers thigh. Shower and change before going home and enjoy the ride. alternatively use the corn flour trick. I’m sorry for those of you who have not worked within the closed circle of culinary chefdom. I can not divulge what the corn flour trick is.

Good luck or as us chefs say Bon Voyage.
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I would seriously suggest getting some proper bike trousers. Chef trousers will not protect you if you come off, even at only 30 mph you will lose the skin on your legs, and anything else that's unprotected as you slide on the tarmac. Believe me I have seen a fellow biker come off wearing a T-shirt at 50 mph and it was not pretty. Just get changed when you get to work, that's what I do. Also bike trousers normally have padding around the back so that should help with the butt rash.

p.s. Well done on getting the blue :thumbup:, it's faster than the red ones :Flip:
Thanks everyone for all the info

Perryn- I cannot believe I have not thought of it. We call it corn starch but I get it. I seriously cannot believe I have not thought of it.

I am planning to take the Cycle Safety course and I do plan on getting proper pants for riding. I did all the research on different bikes, financing, new/used, touring/street, etc. I am so glad I found the FZ6. So I went out and spent all my hard earned cash on my new FZ6 and....doh!...didn't even think about the rest.

Right now I am strapped for cash so as soon as I can I am going to get the proper protective gear. I already have a nice helmet and mesh jacket and a good pair of shoes and gloves. Now I need rain gear, proper pants, a frickin' cover for my bike,etc.

Thanks everyone for the help and yea this does kinda feel like riding a horse but I figured everything would break in as far as physical aches and pains.
It is supposed to rain here for the next few days so I hope the butt will heal up- I am not ready to ride in the rain.

I seriously cannot believe I didn't think about kitchen crotch and the good ole queen of corn.

Kinda funny. I did a search on corn flour/starch and found this.

Google Image Result for

Motorcycles & Corn Flour- who knew? (besides perryn)

Thanks again,

ps. what is up with the color thing I liked the red and the blue and I also like the black. I just figured blue is my favorite color and red screams, " PULL ME OVER OFFICER, I AM FAST."
ps. what is up with the color thing I liked the red and the blue and I also like the black. I just figured blue is my favorite color and red screams, " PULL ME OVER OFFICER, I AM FAST."

Sorry, I couldn't bring myself to participate in this thread.

Now I found a way to do so.

See, the thing is with the red ones, they're so damn fast the cops can't even see you ride by :thumbup:

Good luck with blue ;)
Sorry, I couldn't bring myself to participate in this thread.

Now I found a way to do so.

See, the thing is with the red ones, they're so damn fast the cops can't even see you ride by :thumbup:

Good luck with blue ;)

The cops don't have too see you ride by, that's why they use RADAR!! The red ones are so hot their heat signature bleeds off enough energy to get a RADAR lock at will. In contrast, the cool blue is RADAR reflective making the bike very stealthy and far less apt to gather unwanted attention.......
this is a great thread!!!! LMAO!!!!
it may take you some time for your body to adjust to riding. as far as rash goes I've gotten heat rash in the summer after a long weekend of riding but not in the winter.