New rider


Oct 13, 2007
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Fayetteville, Arkansas
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I have a buddy who is getting ready to buy a motorcycle. He has never owned a bike but says he has ridden a lot.
He says the FZ6 is not a real sport bike and He is determined to get a Honda CBR 600RR or an RC51.
He wants me to take a ride across country as soon as He gets His.
I keep trying to tell Him he is not ready for such an adventure, that he needs to start out with some short rides to get the feel of the bike. he does not believe that riding all day will make Him sore and stiff.
Should I go and watch Him suffer or convince Him to prepare?
I have a buddy who is getting ready to buy a motorcycle. He has never owned a bike but says he has ridden a lot.
He says the FZ6 is not a real sport bike and He is determined to get a Honda CBR 600RR or an RC51.
He wants me to take a ride across country as soon as He gets His.
I keep trying to tell Him he is not ready for such an adventure, that he needs to start out with some short rides to get the feel of the bike. he does not believe that riding all day will make Him sore and stiff.
Should I go and watch Him suffer or convince Him to prepare?

Learning by doing ...,- Let him suffer, - and plan the route so that you have an escape route at any time.
If you see him getting close to breaking point, - tell him that YOU want to stop, - lets him keep his pride and his riding pleasure.
I would say to do whatever you can to talk him into prepairing better for a big ride like that. Take him for a few short rides when he first gets the bike so he can get a feeling for it. But if he is dead set to do the ride right away go with him to offer support if you can.
Go with him, watch him suffer and leave him in the middle of nowhere.

He sounds like a smart arse....

Ok...leave him for a few hours and then go back and find him.

Man tell your boy that FZ6 is very much a sport bike. I can do anything and everything. On a CBR600RR oh no as first bike...that is a beast of a sportbike i tell ya. And is so not meant to take cross country. Now with FZ6...psshh...all the way to anywhere for hours, and your back will not hurt at all.
Let him be sttuborn. I hope your friend is not one of those GXRer riders who get the bike for looks and know **** about riding.
I guess to each of his own.
Not to offend you but if your friend said that your bike is not a "real sport bike", then why does he want to ride with you?? I would think he would want to ride across the country with other people who have "real sport bikes".

If this is his first bike, I would also be very cautious about how close you ride to him; a cbr 600rr is a fast machine and can get you in a lot of trouble very quickly. I love the fact that the FZ6 has all the power I need and I can still enjoy the scenery and ride of the open road.

Just my opinion
He says the FZ6 is not a real sport bike and He is determined to get a Honda CBR 600RR or an RC51.
He wants me to take a ride across country as soon as He gets His.

Since he seems to miss the basic concept that 'sport' in the context of 'sportbike' refers to 'track competition' and not 'touring cross-country,' I doubt you're going to get much through to him.

I have track bikes for the track. I have the FZ6 for the street. Completely different uses.
I say when he gets the bike, take him for a ride...but make it a long-ish one. Not cross-country, blame it on yourself and your time constraints, but take him for a day long excursion. Then a weekend, then suddenly you're free for this huge trip he wants to take. Just remember to keep your own head about yourself, someone is going to have to look out for him when he gets too tired and sore to think straight.
my first concern would be to keep him safe..dont give him any excuses to get into cat and mouse mini races (he's obviosly got an ego) he's gonna be desperate to nail that throttle ...but i WOULD be relentless in the distance department ..give him hell :spank:
Go with him, watch him suffer and leave him in the middle of nowhere.

He sounds like a smart arse....

Ok...leave him for a few hours and then go back and find him.


I agree. In the middle of Kansas corn tell him how comfortable you are on your FZ and you could just ride for days on end.
From your description, sounds like your friend doesn't know too much about motorcycles.

I'm with the majority, he's stubborn, let him find out the hard way, old school that is, live and learn, or for some, die while learning.
LOL........your freind probably wont mention any kind of trip after his first 20miles on a cbr.LOL......... he will be to busy rubbing his sore palms and pumped up forearms.not to mention the family jewels that take a severe beatin(NOT IN A GOOD WAY).....LOL....THEN you ask him has he got his bag packed for the cross country trip on his "REAL SPORTBIKE" ......LOL..hes got a lot to learn and lucky to have a freind like you who gives a crap about him..:rockon:
Aside from what everyone else has already said, concerning the RC51, ignoring how powerful and everything it is, even RC51 owners say they can't stand it for more than an hour or so, a lot of them say it is THE most uncomfortable bike they have ever been on. Good luck with a cross country trip on it.
Aside from what everyone else has already said, concerning the RC51, ignoring how powerful and everything it is, even RC51 owners say they can't stand it for more than an hour or so, a lot of them say it is THE most uncomfortable bike they have ever been on. Good luck with a cross country trip on it.

Over here they are called the VTR SP1/2, and are SERIOUSLY quick for a novice to be riding....A mate of mine hit 290kmph on one and the pipes were GLOWING red once he stopped....He left me like I was on a postie scooter....Comfort wasn't a concern with the design of this BEAST....Good luck TOURING on one....Not very good for Tying anything to either....the FARCE will certainly be with you.....