New hobby


Squid hater
Nov 10, 2007
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Nicosia / Cyprus
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Well, I am into a new hobby now, so I am thinking of selling the FZ. :eek: J/K. This is my new aquarium. The fish are not in there yet, I am waiting for the cycle to be finished. I have only put 2 little ones to test and ensure that the environment is ok before I get the rest. I'll probably go with Malawi lake fish. They are energetic and colourful. Anyone else into this sport?
Chiclids rock.

They are really personable fish. I love aquariums. For the last five years I had owned a saltwater aquarium design, construction, and maintence service. Its closed now. I still love fishes though.

I hope you have a blast with it.
Bit of advice on your air pump.
Unless you have check valves in the air lines at the top where they turn over the lip and into the water you will want to raise the pump equal to the level of the water.

If not when the power goes out, the pump fails, or during water changes it will back siphon, pour water all over the floor, and possibley electrocute you. I dont really trust the check valves though. I have seen them fail.

Here is what I like to use in freshwater tanks.

Its the Hydor Aerio.
Aquarium Air Pumps: Hydor Ario Turbo Air Pump

It puts alot more O2 into the water and it looks really cool doing it.

Also with you may want to consider moving the rocks down to the glass, they are bad about digging and diggin and dugging untill the rock tower collapses.

Just some ideas, you have probley already thought of them all, just wanted to make sure, so I hope I didnt offend.

I'd probably just keep the fishes simple before you start with Chiclids, esp if you are new to fish keeping. Wolfman keeps them so he maybe able to give you some good advice as well.

...and what wrightme43 says about some non-return valves on the air pump.
Cool hobby! :thumbup: I love fish and have always wanted to have a salt water aquiarium. Had a small 15 high tank with fresh water tropicals a few years ago - they were great to watch. I had some live bearers who used to have babies all the time - they were pretty cute too but usually got eaten by the others.

Have fun - and post more picts when you get your guys established.
Thanks for the advice Steve. I was told about that and I installed some valves. Water cannot go back to the pump. It also has enough power to work properly even if it is lower than the tank. The pump is for 275ltrs while my aquarium holds 150-170 litres I think. The brand of the pump is Tetra, which I was told it is a good brand. Being a newb I have to believe what I am told until I read enough to have an opinion on my own :(

The pump you posted seems interesting though. Never seen one of those before. All advice is helpful and welcomed. I cannot be offended by people trying to help:thumbup: About the rocks, they were tested for stability and they will be tested frequently to avoid cracks on the glass. But in all seriousness, those rocks will take A LOT of effort to even move. And even if they do I am considering of using a special silicone based glue for aquariums to ensure that they'll be going nowhere.
Good deal man, just wanted to cover all the bases.
The very best aquarium stuff comes from Germany, it is all required to use transformers to step down from AC power to low voltage DC power so it cant really hurt you too bad.

TUNZE makes the best of everything, although it is insanely expensive.

LOL imagine that.
Nice tank. I had a cichlid tank for about 5 years. I had about 10 in my 55, they ranged from 3 inches up to about 6 inches or so.

Heres just a few suggestions. Do you have any test kits(Nitrate, nitrite, ammonia) If not I would strongly suggest you get some. The reason I say this is that right now you are cycling your tank with only a few fish, when you add more fish or bigger fish your tank will go thru another mini cycle. It wont harm the fish but with the test you can do water changes when ever the readings get to high.

Do not get the strip tests, they can be inacurate. The drop tests are alot more accurate. Down side the drop type test kits can be a little expensive.

If you only get one get the ammonia. I started out with just the ammonia kit and cycled 5 different tanks with just the ammonia kit.

Cichlids are pretty hardy and will do fine in a new tank, just make sure you check your water peramitters(sp.) very often and do water changes.

Good luck with your new hobby:thumbup:
Thanks for the tips. The test kits are on their way but I got some of these...Do you think they are inaccurate as in AVOID or inaccurate on a small scale?
Well, I am into a new hobby now, so I am thinking of selling the FZ. :eek: J/K. This is my new aquarium. The fish are not in there yet, I am waiting for the cycle to be finished. I have only put 2 little ones to test and ensure that the environment is ok before I get the rest. I'll probably go with Malawi lake fish. They are energetic and colourful. Anyone else into this sport?

From my first glance at the photos I thought you were raising aquatic rocks. j/k.

Fish are cool. I'd love to have a saltwater tank however I'd need a pro to help me so I wouldn't kill them!

Enjoy! :thumbup:
Any test is better than no test, but yeah those are not very good.

Be very careful on your fish choices with Chiclids. Some are very agressive. I prefer the pea**** or aulonocara chiclids. I raised these for several years. Aulonocara jacobfreibergi

Upside, relitively calm, awesome parental behaviour, good personality. Downsides the females are grey, and need to outnumber the single male. You can however let them breed, I had them in a 125g, and made three seperate rock stacks, the babies grew up, and then there were many full coloration males in the tank, with very little fighting. The answer to aggression with chiclids is overcrowding. The downside to that is frequent waterchanges, and extra equiptment.

I really dont reccomend pleco. They seem to make more waste, and just be a pain in the butt. I like these. Chinese Algae Eater (CAE) - Gyrinocheilus aymonieri

Again the reviews say one thing but my experince is different across several tanks. 4 or 5 seem to do fine together, they eat alot of algae, and they have interesting behavior. They have spines under thier eyes and will chase fish that harrass them and stab them, soon the fish learn to leave them alone and thats that no more arguing. Some fish of course are stupid and dont learn, but chiclids learn quickly.

Hope it helps some.
Looks like a great tank. Love Fish, keep Discus myself, used to breed them, but not enough time, or patience these days....Cichlids are cool, a bit messy, very dirty buggers, but very cool to look at.

A friend has two huge Cichlid tanks, and uses very large output Canister filters, plus internal power filters to keep the water clean.

And WrightMe is right, German is best when it comes to Aquariums....TUNZE is the pinnacle, but for a compromise, and still unbreakable quality, Eheim is also very good, and quite a bit cheaper...still expensive compared to most, but worth it.

Good luck.

Thanks again Steve. I wasn't expecting this much help on a motorcycle forum! :D I went for the pleco after recommendations from a friend (he is rather new too) but in case I can get the Chinese CAE I'll give it a go. I hope that the pleco will get along fine with the African cichlids as long as he's larger in size :(

I prefer the pea**** or aulonocara chiclids.

lol @ the **** :spank:
Sorry I have to spell it PeaCack here. LOL LOL

Ehiem makes great well thought out and easy to use products as well.
I bought a very small plec at the start of last year, I've now had to increase the size of my tank to a 300 litre tank, he may be small at the minute but they grow very quickly and then some. My favourite fish are my clown loaches, just act like their name suggests, even down to sleeping on their sides, or if the mood suits them on their tails with their heads upright. :thumbup:
Thanks for the input Wolf. I am keeping notes as of now. I got my equipment with the aquarium (mostly Sera brand and a Tetra pump), but all of your recommendations will be kept in mind when I update/change my equipment. :thumbup: Selecting the fish will be a fun challenge. A local pet shop has imported a new selection of Malawi species last Friday and I'll be going in a few days to get my first cichlids.:cheer: