Model year by VIN.. 10th digit is a 0?


Junior Member
Oct 17, 2014
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Hey guys.

I just tried to look up my VIN (JYARJ071000030088), and the 10th digit is a 0, and that doesn't seem to match the VIN codes I can find online (where the model year is the 10th digit, and a letter, not a number).

What is going on here?
Not familiar with the way our VIN numbers are arranged.
But could you be seeing O0,or,0O,,??
Some times I have trouble telling an O(capital letter) or the number 0.
Hopefully it's not like a Toyota pickup I bought new in '74.
When it was time for a new muffler the manual said "if built before August 15,
Use this one,if built after the 15th, use this one."
My truck was built on the 15th.
Neither one would fit without alteration.
Good Luck figuring it out!
Edit: checked my VIN today,10th number is 8,bike is an '08 so I guess it's correct.Hopefully!
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Hey guys.

I just tried to look up my VIN (JYARJ071000030088), and the 10th digit is a 0, and that doesn't seem to match the VIN codes I can find online (where the model year is the 10th digit, and a letter, not a number).

What is going on here?

Don't worry about this. My VIN is the same as yours up until the last 5 digits. For some reason Yamaha have not included the year digit. Mine is a 2006. You probably already know from your research that J is Japan, Y is Yamaha, I can't remember what A is, RJO71 is the model number and the last five digits relate to the production number. Hope this helps.
I know that how it work n cars that the 10th digit is the year but it looks like it is not the same for motorcycles. There is never a O in a serial number its always a 0 and they never use I's either.
I know that how it work n cars that the 10th digit is the year but it looks like it is not the same for motorcycles. There is never a O in a serial number its always a 0 and they never use I's either.

correct, there are no "i"'s or "o"'s
iirc 1 is usa 2 is canada 3 is mexico, J is Japan etc...


^^ bonus points if you know what I have ;)
correct, there are no "i"'s or "o"'s
iirc 1 is usa 2 is canada 3 is mexico, J is Japan etc...


^^ bonus points if you know what I have ;)

Duh, you have these...
2005 JDM FZ6-
2000 Mustang GT-
1999 Escort-red, slow, 4doors, awesome.

Silly Yamihoe
Duh, you have these...
2005 JDM FZ6-
2000 Mustang GT-
1999 Escort-red, slow, 4doors, awesome.

Silly Yamihoe


the 1st vin is my buddies 1999 Firebird.... the "2G" is Canadian General Motors. muhahahahah but otherwise it is the FZ and the GT.