Lubing the chain

Better to be safe and do it without it running, it cant take more then 20 seconds to do the whole chain. Better to take an extra ten seconds to do something then lose a finger.

Man that would hurt. not to mention spoiling the ride!
After oiling I wipe a lot off after making sure it has got into the links.

then I put it on the centre stand and start it up in first gear and GENTLY accelerate. It throws all the excess oil off. Aquick clean up and you are ready.

I posted before and go no response....

How do you lube the cables?????:confused:
I have made a home made job using equipment from the ER. I hasten to add that the equipment was opened in prep for an emergency but was not used. We need to keep stuff sterile and single use. So if its not used its binned.
I will post a picture for you.
It basically consists of a measured chamber with a 2mm line running through it. It has a breather so fluid can move through it and at the business end it has a universal conection that will take any guage needle.
All I do is fill the chamber with the amount of oil I want to run through and then use the very small space between the cable and cable cover to insert the needle.
Hang it up and over night it will slowly drip the oil dpwn the cable.
