Liability Coverage Limits?


Oh Noes!!
Jul 25, 2008
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How much are your liability coverage limits?

I'm thinking of getting the lowest limits because I figure how much damage can a bike do to someone else...

20/40/15 = 20k/person, 40k/occurrence, 15k property damage

Anyone have an opinion as to why I should get higher limits?
Well? You can do THIS much damage (but I'll bet you don't go this fast in traffic ;) )


I have 100/300/50. :thumbup: It really wasn't a whole lot more per year for me.
20/40 for uninsured motorist, 50K for property damage + 250k per person for bodily injury and 500k per accident. If you cause someone to loose control and total their car your 15k won't be enough. If you cause someone bodily injury, you could need more. The way I look at it, liability insurance is to protect the rest of my assets. If I am trying to save money, I would raise the deductable or skip the collision coverage.
Well? You can do THIS much damage (but I'll bet you don't go this fast in traffic ;) )


I have 100/300/50. :thumbup: It really wasn't a whole lot more per year for me.

If I do thi much damage, I won't even eed insurance!:eek: Can't sure a corpse!:D
If I do thi much damage, I won't even eed insurance!:eek: Can't sure a corpse!:D

Oh come on! All's you have to do is step off or jump at the last second! Bugs and the Road Runner do it all the time! :rolleyes: ;) :thumbup:

This is very true but should the person in the car survive, they might need some/most/all/more-than of your coverage. :eek:
my liability is 50k per person 100k per accident 50k property for 43.47 6 months.
The stupid high one is NoFault 20,000$ for 288.12 6 months
Comp is 59.32 6 months
Collision is 141.90 6 months
Uninsured 50,000/100,000 is 7.55$ 6 months
Underinsured 50,000/100,000 is 18.29$ 6 months
Death indemnity 100,000 to next of kin is 2.90$ 6 months

What You Need to Know About Motorcycle Insurance - I Ride My Own Read this. It sorta makes you feel ok.

Now read this. Its not ok. Its not ok at all. We are screwed. I have pretty good insurance but holy crap we are screwed.

UTMC :: View topic - Archived Feature: The Truth About Motorcycle Accidents All hail the UTMC.

Notice myth number one. I do have more coverage. 20,000$ worth and I am paying out the ass for it.

Seriously read this article and then think on your insurance. Dont skimp on insurance.
Talk to my friend with multiple fused vertabra in his neck and a messed up leg and arm. There is no money left for his surgery. NONE!!!! They were hit by a idiot. He was in the passenger seat asleep. They were in a quad cab full size dodge truck with a 18 foot trailer. Idiot pulled a U turn on the interstate from the far median in front of them with out a look. Seriously cover your ass with insurance.

Read the UTMC article. Its the truth.
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Nowadays, if you cause a hubcap to fall off it's $50,000. (well, slight exaggeration). But, seriously, property damage: if you only have $20,00 then don't run into a Porsche or some other high end vehicle. I eshew collision and---get this---I just dropped/slid my heretofore cherry FZ6 yesterday (pictures/thread coming soon). But, damage was, thanks to frame sliders, very minimal. I carry 100/300/100 plus uninsured/comprehensive. $260 per year.