Learning how little respect cagers have for bikers

I think rather than "wave them around"- I would catch a clean strip, drop into the passing lane, apply the brakes and let them slip by on the right then fall in behind them.Kind of a reverse pass but I want the danger IN FRONT of me rather than behind. I've got better throttle/stability/control so the road courtesy falls on my shoulders as those semis take a ton of straight road to pass....I would anticipate their response would be first "what the $#@ is that idiot up too" followed quickly by "hey, I appreciate that buddy". This let's us both go on our merry way at our own pace. The last thing I personally want is to be forced to speed up because of a perceived danger behind me....If I felt it was safe to be driving faster, I would be.

Hello! Have you ever had one of those 18 wheelers lose a tire? I mean when the tire shreds apart and starts spitting the rubber debris all over the road, expecially directly behind the truck. The force of the rubber striking you or your bike will be enough for you to crash. It can even smash though a car windshield. Next time when you're travelling on a freeway for a great distance, take a look around the side of the road, most likely you will find remnants of those rubber snakes.
Hello! Have you ever had one of those 18 wheelers lose a tire? I mean when the tire shreds apart and starts spitting the rubber debris all over the road, expecially directly behind the truck. The force of the rubber striking you or your bike will be enough for you to crash. It can even smash though a car windshield. Next time when you're travelling on a freeway for a great distance, take a look around the side of the road, most likely you will find remnants of those rubber snakes.

I believe those tire remnants are referred to as "Jersey Gators" around here, they snap shut on you if you ride over them.
I agree with vegasrider on the blown tire in a cage its bad enough. Also I just got my CDL(Commercal Drivers License) so I drive Semi-trucks for part of my job and let me tell ya after driving a semi and riding a bike :Sport: there is not much difference between the two. You have to total control of the vehicle at all times, have to be on the lookout for idiots all the time, and be ready for the un-expected. One thing I have to point out is a Semi does not stop on a dime for an example for the CDL License guide
going 55mph it will take total of 6 seconds and 290 ft. to stop
thats 60ft of perception distance 60ft driver reaction distance and 170ft Vehicle braking distance
So what I'm saying is that not all truck drivers are jerks and not all bikers are the same there just needs to be more respect on the road all around.
I NEVER ride behind a wheeler or any large truck for that matter. I will do my best to get around them and keep them behind me. Too many items come out of or from under those trucks and can really wreck your day.

As for merging onto a highway, get the speed up so you know you're going to float right into a gap while maintaining speed. Never pull onto the highway going slower than the oncoming traffic. There will be times where the gap isn't there though. Judgement is your own but headcheck, headcheck, HEADCHECK!

Last, in general, if you're on a bike and going SLOWER than the flow of traffic, get the heck off the highway! You don't belong there and will likely get hurt sooner than later and NO ONE here wants to ever hear that this happened to any one of us.

Be safe, be smart, and be careful! Drive like you're invisible and always look for immediate danger all around you while watching the tail lights ahead of you.
Hello! Have you ever had one of those 18 wheelers lose a tire? I mean when the tire shreds apart and starts spitting the rubber debris all over the road, expecially directly behind the truck. The force of the rubber striking you or your bike will be enough for you to crash. It can even smash though a car windshield. Next time when you're travelling on a freeway for a great distance, take a look around the side of the road, most likely you will find remnants of those rubber snakes.

This is a confirmed you better but it in your Rolodex. That tire blow out or snake can kill you and being anywhere around that 18 wheeler is flat nuts. I couldn't agree more Vegas....
By the book, it's actually illegal to "speed up" and pass another vehicle.

The funny thing?

EVERYBODY DOES IT! Even old lady's will do it.
By the book, it's actually illegal to "speed up" and pass another vehicle.

The funny thing?

EVERYBODY DOES IT! Even old lady's will do it.

If that book is referring to overtaking and going beyond the posted limit I could see it...... If it's referring to overtaking while not exceeding the posted limit them we should burn that book...
Point well taken about the blowouts guys and I can certainly agree that having one come undone in front of you at highway speed would rain on your parade. So much for speaking without completely thinking it through. I'll have to give some thought to the options. Locally I deal primarily with two lane blacktop highways with poorly maintained shoulders and LOTS of dogs,deer etc.. Semis primarily consist of log trucks (a chunk of pine bark to the chest isn't any picnic either) that are very poorly maintained and often not even road legal. I've seen their lack of stopping ability and my thought (originally) was that I would rather have them in front of me than becoming a hood ornament. The moral I guess is that we each have to think from ALL angles and ensure that our attempt at mitigating one safety concern/issue doesn't create a bigger one. Thanks for the eye opener.
Point well taken about the blowouts guys and I can certainly agree that having one come undone in front of you at highway speed would rain on your parade. So much for speaking without completely thinking it through. I'll have to give some thought to the options. Locally I deal primarily with two lane blacktop highways with poorly maintained shoulders and LOTS of dogs,deer etc.. Semis primarily consist of log trucks (a chunk of pine bark to the chest isn't any picnic either) that are very poorly maintained and often not even road legal. I've seen their lack of stopping ability and my thought (originally) was that I would rather have them in front of me than becoming a hood ornament. The moral I guess is that we each have to think from ALL angles and ensure that our attempt at mitigating one safety concern/issue doesn't create a bigger one. Thanks for the eye opener.

Let me tell ya about my experience with logging trucks. Them things are a problem regardless of being in front or behind them. The roads they often run have all sorts of debris on them after they get though (especially where they first hit the hard deck). If you are unlucky enough to be behind them you'll often find them loosing all sort of small pieces of wood and such. If I happen to know there are trucks on a particular road I will avoid it like the plague...
Why in the world would you ever wave on a semi to go around you??? You should've sped up to get away from him. I like to ride faster than the flow of traffic so I'm not around all of the idiots.

+1 here.

I prefer trucks to be a small dot in my mirror.
Once, while I was a passenger in a cage, a big rig in front of us lost a tire. The tire belt flew off and it b-a-r-e-l-y missed our windshield. You know what perhaps is even more dangerous? A frickin' LADDER flying off a PU or something! Man, you listen to traffic reports and almost every day it's another report of a ladder on the freeway. One almost hit me about 30 years ago---I barely realized what it was that flew by me that day. I worry more about sh_t flying off plumber,carpenter,contractor trucks more---or equally as much---than big rig trucks. Despite the danger, sometimes I ENJOY being behind (but relatively far back) a big rig. The draft really helps out the gas mileage and it's quieter. And sometimes, there's no choice but to remain behind a big rig. And no, I don't tailgate (I hate tailgaters). As far as waiving a tailgating big rig to pass....oh no! This is already a stupid, reckless driver and he/she will---I think---take this in a predictable way and overreact in a personal manner. It doesn't take much for the stupid drivers to get easily rattled...take things personal. A smart driver will---or try---to take a non-emotional and logical response.