Just out of curiousity...


Oct 26, 2008
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let the bashing begin but honest to god question:

what gear do you guys like to go airborn in? 1st? 2nd?

Before i continue let me say i dont condone stunting on public roads, and always wear your gear. So anyway, the reason I ask is because I've been getting slightly more curious to the limits of my bike. I had an encounter where I really romped first gear and the front end lifted up. So - for the past year or so I've been practicing slipping the clutch here and there. Its a fantastic feeling, but first gear only seems to have enough umph to get it up, not to keep it up.

And 2nd gear seems like in order to hit the sweet spot, I'd have to be doing 60mph - which to be honest scares the piss out of me. So, my question is what gear is your favorite gear to wheelie in? Anything above 3rd seems downright impossible (for me).

Any other tips, suggestions, and experiences are welcomed because from what I understand - the FZ is not the easiest to wheelie with. So I would just like to hear from experienced riders any tips or suggestions.

Again please no bashing, only under controlled situations on private lots do I support exploring your curious side.

Thanks for any input.
Not my cup of tea but I have been around quite a bit of it. Drop a tooth in the front and go up about 5 in the back and you shouldn't have too much trouble. Your bike uses the same rear sprocket as a R6S so if you decide to sprocket it up, it should help your search.

First is easy to wheelie.... supposedly.... not that I would know.....
I've been contemplating that mod for a long while now, -1 up front and +2 on the back....but I'm under the impression that you would need a speedo healer (not to mention a 520 chain?) which I'm not to sure of the complexities of yet. I do love the idea of being in your powerband at almost any RPM though.
You can easily wheelie an FZ6 in 2nd or 3rd, and you don't have to be doing 60mph to do it. You just need to learn how to clutch up a wheelie. And the reason you feel like 1st isn't able to "hold" the wheelie up is because you haven't let the front come up high enough to find the balance point. Once you hit the balance point, you can hold a wheelie for as long as you freakin' want without evening speeding up anymore. Only issue is if you accidentally go past the balance point you'll either fall over backward or knee jerk react tapping the rear brake and slam the front back down.

I'm not condoning this behavior by any means, but no one here is going to stop you from doing what you want.