It's not cheating!?! I'm in love........


winter soldier
Elite Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Edison, NJ
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With the Yamaha FJR 1300. I drove my buddy to pick up his KTM 950 Adventurer, when I came across the FJR. She is absolutely beautiful, words fail to show how "we" connected. I carressed her curves with long sensual look over, feeling her smooth virgin paint across my hands. Her seat felt like the comforting bossom of a woman. I reached over her handlebar and gave her a good, firm grasp and it was just right... not to close or any slight hint of over reaching. Her already sexy rear was complemented by two matching side cases. Everything about the dealership was a blur for the moment until some young salesman interrupted "us" and ask me if I was interested... DUH, no kidding. What gave it away?? :spank:
I'm telling my Bros and Sis, she's a beauty alright. I know I just spent a fortune on mods within a year of getting my FZ6 but that FJR is unforgetable. The stealership is asking for 13500:Flip:, no negotiation yet. Maybe next year when I'm fully paid with the FZ6. Hopefully the 2009 or 2010 model will have some updated features, I do like the adjustable windshield for starters.:D
I know alot of members are talking about the R6 or even the FZ1, for me it's the FJR.:thumbup: She will be mine, now I just need to save some dowry for her.:wav:
You do say?? Can you elaborate a little more for me? Ultimately I couldn't give a rat's ass about some "club", two wheels is two wheels. I can still be on this awesome site with or without an FZ6 and still get great advice from all. I ride alot with all riders: HD, Suzie, KTM... hell I'll even ride with big scoots 'coz they can go fast.
Well, I heard it on my SV650 forum...they keep thinking I'm in an exclusive FJR club and that those guys don't ride with anyone else...personally I'd get that bike too, and ride with everyone!

good luck saving pennies!
Yea, but did you try the high beams?:D

Did not have the chance to play with her eyes, by the look of things it's a dual hi and lo, isn't it?? Nothing a HID upgrade can't fix. Although I haven't gone on a "real" long ride yet, I do look forward and more keen in touring rides. My last planned ride to Canada was rescheduled due to my buddy's KTM starter problem and his unwillingness to have it look at ealier on or the lack off even later on. It was just recently that I finally convinced him about it. But, I do enjoy the "long" rides and even on short spurts the FJR seat is very comforting to say the least.
To date I'm still deciding which bike to "upgrade" to, I definitely won't go with the R6 or similar bike. Just not my cup of tea, I like to ride sitting up and not forward and down. Which is why I chose the FZ6 as my first bike (comfort). I've thought about getting a KTM like my buddy's for those chance of the moment off roading, in case it comes along. Although the newer 990 Adventurer has a lowered seat, it seems top heavy. So far the idea of sports touring is very appealing. I've also looked at the Honda ST 1300 but it looked like a wanna be GoldWing. I'm not there.......yet. So we'll see. Either way I'll be definitely be here asking questions and posting coz it's a great site.... FZ or not.:rockon:
It is a awesome machine. Its on my short list of:jawdrop:bikes too.
The FJR is (was) on my list... My buddy has a nice '04 that he isn't afraid to ride near my FZ6.

For me, yep - already modded my new this spring 07 FZ6, and then just bought a BMW K1200RS today. Deal... too... good... to... pass... up...

Oy ve! Sorry! My humblest apologies, fizzy friends. Much like the FJR, she's got smooth curves, a tight seat, and thrusts well.

The FZ6 must go. There's only room for one woman in my life. Maybe just one more ride... She's so much lighter and more sprightly than the new girl...
My son had a FJR and then got a BMW 1200S this spring. I took it for a test drive. She rides as pretty as she looks and leaves your heart longing for more, well I guess it's cheating. Before you try the FJR, go to the BMW shop and fondle the 1200S.

Ahhhhh, slippery slope indeed.

I looooove the FJR13. It's so much sexier than it's stable mates (Connie, I love you too, but the FJR has you beat)

I hope you get it! (Jerk... I want one!):Flash:
ah yes the FJR, Hubby owns TWO!!! I like the bike but the FZ is just so much slicker looking and not so blocky looking. Hubby does like my FZ but his FJRs' are his passion.

I've been eyeing the FJR for a few years. Funny, but I parked next to one at work today and caught myself staring just a bit too long. Almost cop'd a seat to see how it feels, but that wouldn't be appropriate, certainly not right in front of the FZ6.
I too really like the look of the FJR, and think the adventure-tourer may be the ideal mixture of comfort, carrying capacity, and still fun to ride. But is it really 2x the bike of the FZ6 (it is 2x the price)? I've only ridden two bikes ever, the other being a Buell Blast. FZ6 seems like a Cadillac to me, as the Blast's thumpy vibrations, small rev zone, mechanical problems, and awkward shifting are still recent memories. Every time I look at a bike review and think "that would be nice" I can't get over how much more expensive it is than FZ6. Given the already pretty darn good qualities of the FZ6, it's hard to imagine getting 2x the value for 2x the price. I guess when it comes to affairs of the heart, it's not all about value. Ask Elliot Spitzer.
Well, your letter sounds like it should on some moto-slut chat room. Did you get drool on the keyboard? J/K! Two wheels is two wheels anyway you look at it, if you can bear the cost, go for it! GRUMPY
even when you do get it, you'll still be on here :thumbup: this site is kinda like a developing child, the more it grows the more it has become a true "motorcycle" enthusiast site less of a one model place. I think there are quite a few members that are fully active that don't or no longer have an FZ6. but thats OK. the welcome attitude here and friendliness toward others are what make this place work. when I log in I feel like Norm from "Cheers" ya know its the kinda place where everyone one knows your name (insert theme song here):D