Is this repairable?


Junior Member
Nov 1, 2011
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I wonder if somebody could help me with the damage on my bike.

- The frame is cut (as you can see at the top of the 3rd picture)
- The engine body is damaged, and maybe some parts inside?

Is it repairable?
How much could it cost me to have it repaired?

If it is not repairable, what can I do with it?

that's some hefty damage you have on the frame, IF its repairable it ll cost you a fair amount of money. i would part the bike for parts and get a new bike.

that's the disadvantage of having an alloy frame it does not bend it breaks. metal frames can be bent back to shape.

i'm sorry for what happened to you/the bike
No that is way beyond repairable!!! If you have full coverage your best bet is to tell the insurance company a deer was in your path. If you don't have full coverage and still want to put the bike back together you will need a right side frame half and maybe a whole new/used engine depending on how bad the cracks and damage is
yea dude, but I dont think thats gunna be an easy one to do. Any time theres significant frame damage on a bike its pretty much a write off.
but you can definitely get some good money from parting it out.

at least you seem to be doing better then the bike, and thats what counts:thumbup:
She's toast. The frame is expensive but replacing the motor case will cost even more.
Re: Is this repairable? NO, its not!

Ouch!!!! The edge of the air wins. Whatever it struck its a done deal now. As said above, either one by itself is a total - both frame and engine case, its to be returned to insurance co or parted out.

Hope you or who ever was riding it is OK!
The insurance company won't pay for that to be welded. The engine and frame are integral and I doubt anyone wants to assume liability for a repair so the engine case and frame would probably need replacement. The price of parts and labor will equal a total loss on the bike.
I would take the insurance money and get another.
Thanks for the quick response.

The story is:
15-20 mph in a big roundabout
Highway on top of the roundabout, thus, shadow and ice on a part of the roundabout
Bike slipped until the pavement
Crush mushroom hit the pavement and ripped the frame and the engine :(

Should I take apart some pieces and sell them in ebay?
Scrap it entirely?
Try to sell it like that in autotrader?

Are you not wishing to turn it in to insurance?

Over time (a long time) it could all be sold. Core parts will go quick but its best to part ways and let insurance deal with it unless you love fleebay and packaging up parts.

I'd think you'd get more in piece meal than a complete package but that's just guess. How's the rest look?

Sorry man. . .
I wish I could return it to the insurance... it is 3rd party, theft, fire & Personal Accident coverage only.

The rest of the bike is quite ok (some scratches on the right side, brake lever broken and deposit dented)

Yes, I meant the frame slider/protector. Very scary indeed! I wonder if I should put a complaint against the manufacturer of them.
Notice how the thread is torn...
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I feel like the cold weather weakened your frame. The same concept of cold glass - it gets brittle under cold temperatures and can break with EASE with any kind of pressure.

I feel like dropping the bike in the cold weather, on a cold frame, under the right circumstances - would cause more of a BREAK than had it been warm weather - it may have not have ended up as tragic.

Ebay is a great way to part your bike out. I've seen a number of people successfully part their bikes here on the forum too. Take some pics and start posting. The good thing about trying here first is that you are coming right to a market specifically for the Fz6. No everybody here has or had one at some point in time - and the vast majority of us are always on the hunt for mods, upgrades, or even OEM parts to replace our mishaps. I would try a combination of here and eBay.
How much do you reckon that I could ask for it?

Main damages:
Right side chassis
Engine Block
Fairing and some other cosmetic damages.
Dented deposit

In Good condition:
Insides of the engine
Rear lights
Front left light
Brakes (ABS)
Electronic control board
Fairings on the left side

The motorbike is from 10/2008. 6000 miles.

Definitely a parts-only bike. Take it apart and sell the pieces for whatever they command on ebay. I'm guessing well over 1200 pounds for you to put into a new bike.

Out of curiousity, what brand were those crash bobbins you had on? Did it catch something like a pothole or the curb? This isn't normal for a frame slider...

Sorry to hear but glad you're OK!