Im Alive

Wow! Good to hear from you and see ya upright! Will keep you in our prayers for speedy recovery!
Hey Izzy I know everyone has done wish you the best of luck and so on. I wanted to do the same. So best of luck with the whole situation and outcome. I am like eveyone else glad you are still around and hopefully recover back to 100%. Take care man and best of luck. Later.
Yikes! I just got round to checking the forum and saw your thread Izzy. You should go buy a lottery ticket - you are one lucky guy!! Glad to see/hear that you're doing okay.

I like how someone has painted "TL" on the mangled tank....presumably for "Total Loss".....duh, like it's not obvious?!

All the best,
Izzy, very sorry for your crash. You look well, considering, and I wish you a speedy and complete recovery, hopefully including getting back in the saddle. Also sad to see such a beautiful bike reduced to that, but bikes can be replaced.

Prayers for your healing. Be well.
Thank you all for your kind words. I'm trying to see the positive in all this and you guy's are positively great.
Its funny because when something like this happens you figure out who your real friends are. Even my ex-wife has been there for me when i need something, she has been awesome.

Maybe by spring time i am able to ride again:Flash: