I went down, but I'm back!


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Jun 13, 2009
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So Cal
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Hi guys,

As some of you know, I got a Triumph Speed Triple (1050) few months ago and I kind of disappeared from this forum. I spooled around on the Speed Triple forum, etc…
I kept the FZ6 in the garage, but I just rode it occasionally with my wife, just a few times this summer.

Two and a half weeks ago, on a sunny dry day I was riding the Triumph with a group on Hwy 33 returning to Ojai. It was noon; we were finishing the ride and going to have a greasy lunch.
I was in a left hand turn, leaning at around 50mph, when another rider coming from the opposite direction decided to pass an RV in a blind spot, cross the double yellow line, came all the way in the middle of my lane, and almost killed me.

I tried to avoid a head-on collision which would be deadly at that speed, but I had only a fraction of a second to do something.
I tried to point the bike to the right as much as I could, but the bikes clipped, we both lost control & went down.
I hit a road sign and then I landed into an 8 feet deep ditch.

I have injured my both knees and ankles, and of course bruise all over my body. My both legs were hurting like hell for a week, I couldn't walk for almost a week & I was on pain medicine & anti-inflammatory. It wasn’t easy.
Now I’m much better, I am home in disability for 6 weeks, I go 3 times a week to Physical Therapy and I have to do a bunch of exercises & stretches at home.
I’ve been told I will fully recover and I feel already much better, is just that is a slow process of healing, but I’m coming back.

The other rider went down too, but he had almost no injuries at all, he rode away after the CHP, ambulance, fire truck & helicopter left (yes, it was a real circus there!).

The bike is totaled. Helmet, leather pants & jacket, all damaged. See attached some pics from the accident, right before the CHP re-opened the road.

I will have to cash come $ from the insurance for my bike, and then look for another liter bike. And yes, I have to get better first…

In mean time, the FZ6 is the only bike I have; as soon as I feel better I will take it out & wash it, change the oil and ride it!

So, I’m back!
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Very scary. :(
I'm glad you are healing up, and are around to tell us about it.
And by the way, even if you get another liter bike, you are still welcome to stick around! There are several members that don't even have an FZ6 sitting around collecting dust. :BLAA:

Keep us posted. and :welcome: back! :D
You are very very lucky. Glad you will be back in action soon. Did that idiot get sited for stupidity among other things? If I was the cops he would have gotten major tickets. Good luck on the rehab.
Glad you are healing up and I'm sorry about your Speed 3.

Mike (Prebstar) is on the S3 forum. Not quite as good as this one though.

What are you going to do with the insurance money?

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Glad you are healing up and I'm sorry about your Speed 3.

Mike (Prebstar) is on the S3 forum. Not quite as good as this one though.

What are you going to do with the insurance money?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well, the Police report decided is the other guy fault and his insurance is supposed to pay for everything.
I’m concentrating now at getting better, and in mean time I look after similar bikes. I loved the Speed Triple – a great bike.
I found an MV Agusta Brutale (910) and I was thinking about it, but is kind of too soon since I need to get the $ from the insurance first..
Holy Sh*t dude!! I am so glad you are OK! Be sure to see a doctor, and follow up.

What an assh*le to pass on a blind turn like that! That's exactly why you don't do stuff like that, and if you'd been driving instead of riding you could both be dead, and certainly he would be.
Wow! Glad to see you're not permanently injured or worse! I can only imagine how scary that must've been. I've seen some dumb passes over here on 84 and the like, but dang, that takes the cake for DUMB. :eek: Welcome back!

How is the Triumph totaled? Frame damage? It doesn't even look that bad, considering what happened. I thought it'd be a million pieces.
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Ouch! Sorry to hear of your off.:eek: Get better! You'll be back on before you know it! Heal up and bike up!
Yeah and what Beth said, Just cuz you're on a different bike doesn't mean you can't hang here!
Glad to hear your ok! I ride the 33 a lot and it is fairly safe as most of the turns your can fully see through.

What an idiot for passing at such a dangerous spot
Very glad to hear you are on the mend.... a bike is a replaceable thing. Very happy to hear your wife is supportive, and that the other rider was found at fault. What a jack hole!

A piece of advice: Get a copy of the police report. You are not limited to whatever the insurance companies decide your injuries are worth. You can go after this guy in civil court if you need to to recoup what is not covered by his insurance.
Brutal. Glad you made out ok, and I think the other rider needs to 'get better' before you do... :welcome: back, and keep us posted on your hunt for a new bike!