I got pinched today...

You got lucky! Kudos for not running.

Did you know that when a LEO asks you that question, you shouldn't answer? It's self-incrimination. Best answer is "No Sir. I don't know why you've pulled me over." And when he says speeding and "do you know how fast you were going?" Then the answer is, "I was following the flow of traffic Sir." Let HIM tell you who, what, where, when and why. ;)
I figured I was had anyhow, I glanced at my speedo after I realized it was a cop and had slowed a little and I saw 96MPH on the speedo so who knows how fast I was actually going when he nailed me...

oh wait a minute... I was going 97. at least it wasn't over 100 that where the real trouble starts.
Traffic school is where all the cool kids go. I get to go on the 6th or 7th of this month. You did the right thing man.

Janette is right though. There is a double standard. between men and women with driving. I am guilty of it too. You can get a ticket for 97 on the ninja though. Then you would win at tickets. Its simple. LOL
That could also totally piss of the cop because he knows you're playing dumb and then you get hit twice as hard.

Yea, cops dont like that too much.

My little story, not to thread jack.

Last day of highschool. Grandparents are at home with the parents waiting on me to get home. Graduation is a couple days away. Sitting a stop light in the Z-28. Best friend beside me in his truck. Light goes green, he turns left I go on straight. Get through the light and hit it. Coming into the first corner I see a car coming, sun was in my eyes and I thought it was a jetta with a luggage rack. Till the rack lit up.... just threw the car into neutral and pulled into a side street. Cop had turned the car sideways in the street behind me. (He was a driver)

He asked how fast I was going.... I said 55.
He said, " I dont like liars."

I said 65. He still wasnt happy and asked again. So i stammered to say I dont know I really wasnt looking. Then he said that they speed I was going he could take my licence on the spot, impound the car and take me to jail. His next words, "get out of the car"

Turns out I was 30 over. 85 in a 55. He let me go. Called my dad and said he felt my father could handle the situation better.

He did.

Story over.


I still have the officers card in my wallet as a reminder. Officer J.A. Camp. Davidson County Sheriffs Department.
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damn Leos(for my friends across the pond) I was riding home today and came into some traffic. I saw an opening and made a pass just as I cleared the traffic I saw an oncoming CHP and rolled off the throttle, but it was too late.
I had the image of pulling a ghost rider and going for it but I decided to just slow down and see if he made the U-turn and came for me... and he did.
I was 1 mile from my house when he pulled me over, if I had pinned it he never would of seen me again.he ask the typical question, "do you know why I pulled you over?" I told him "let me guess...Speeding???" he asked how fast I was going, I said 75, he said he had me on radar at 97 in a 65. he said he was surprised I didn't run. he said most Sportbikers jump on it when he tries to pull them over. I said I didn't think it was worth it. so he decided to "give me a break" seeing how I didn't run from him, and he wrote me up for 80 in a 65. this is the first ticket I've ever got!!! 17 years of a clean driving record down the drain. I should be able to go to traffic school to keep the rates down.

and the legend begins...
No disrespect meant but that radio is far faster than any bike.
Welcome to the club Dan... I've got several in my cage and recently got my first on the bike coming down Big Bear.:rockon:
dude i did the same thing..... was riding with 6 more riders at los angeles forest canyons, as we went up a hill everyone slows down more than the speed limit. i was the sweeper or the last one, aka the slowest we see a cop taking a cornewr on his bike so we just chill, he passes us the opposite direccion he is coiming down, we r going up! passes us and make a u and pulles me over. im thinking if i shoudve booked it but i didnt. thinking he was going to give me a warning because he was a biker to, asks me whats the speed limit, i say 35 when it was 55 so he tells me that he got me at 66, at that time im thinking this is bull shh... cause in order to get me with the radar he needs to be atationary, not coming opposite dirrecion while riding his bike!!! long story short gives me a ticket i didnt deserve and as i am putting my gear on gives me another one for the flush mount turning signals, what a pice o sh....! i was pissed.

now the big question, hbow do the fix tix work

cause im fighting the speeding one!!!
Say Danny, were they shining that spotlight on ya?
no spotlight, but he told me to get off the bike before he got out of his car.
and I'm sure it's procedure but, everytime I moved he "covered" his gun. I think he thought I was being a badass at first because I couldn't hear him very good until I took off my helmet and ear plugs.:D
That could also totally piss of the cop because he knows you're playing dumb and then you get hit twice as hard.

So, these are probably out:

"Because you wanted a better look at my bike?"

"Because you were hoping I had one of these?"

Seriously though, it is never in your interest to incriminate yourself. The cop expects you to lie to them, lie to them! A cop who gets upset with you for doing what they expect was already going to screw you.
It has never let me down! ;) I am dead-serious about self-incrimination though. Never tell them why you think you were pulled over and how fast you think you were going. NEVER!!! :D

I don't know man....I think you always have to play the hand you're dealt.

I got clocked at 104 in a 75 (Nevada) driving my fiance's Nissan Murano from SF to Chicago...I was on a long, straight, down hill stretch of I-80 and the guy was nice as hell.

I was the only car for miles and there was ZERO question as to why he pulled me over. He asked me what speed I had been actually cruising at that morning so I just made the split second decision to level with the guy and tell him 90 to 95 (15 to 20 over) which was pretty much true :). He wrote me a ticket for 90 in a 75.

Pulled over at triple digits 2,000 miles from home and getting to drive on with just a ticket...I felt like I got a good deal but you never know...

If there is a lot of fast traffic, and I'm doing 75-80 in a 65 for example, I'm not admitting anything.
Couple of comments- Last time I ran, I got caught. It was night time and I had him by about 3/4 mile or more and tucked in behind a building to wait him out. As the lights approached I couldn't resist peeking around the building....bad mistake. Once the smoke cleared from his tires and he backed into the parking lot I knew I was had. He actually let me go with a warning for 50 in a 45 believe it or not. He said he was letting me go because technically I DID stop and I was a 15 y/o kid (aside is that he knew my parents as well). He also let me know the only way he caught me was because the reflective stripes on my helmet flashed him like a spotlight.......Only other comment is now that I'm all grown up and wear a badge for a living---- Given two violators in front of me, one answering honestly "I was just playing around and the road was clear so I went for it sir" and one who takes the "I have no idea why you stopped me"....The first one is getting the warning and the second one is going to pay.
"Because you were hoping I had one of these?"
thats priceless!!! that should be standard equipment on all sportbikes!!!
Seriously though, it is never in your interest to incriminate yourself. The cop expects you to lie to them, lie to them! A cop who gets upset with you for doing what they expect was already going to screw you.
it's actually a felony to lie to a police officer, I've never seen anyone go down for it, but you never what to give them more ammo then they already have.there's a difference in not admitting guilt and lying, I don't know I've always been honest, and accountable for my actions. although it would've made a better story if I got away ;)
Not that I would recommend doing it, but if anyone decides to elude the police, you better know the area real good and know where you're going. Plus, you have to make sure that there aren't any other cops around so that their radio becomes useless. IMO...a police cruiser cannot catch a sportsbike on his own, unless the rider makes a mistake like crashing or doing something stupid, besides running from them from the first place.

In Oregon, getting clocked over 100mph is not just a ticket, but an automatic trip to jail! Now, that would make you want to think about running, and wonder how many have? You stop or run, you're going to jail either way :(.
I don't know man....I think you always have to play the hand you're dealt.

I got clocked at 104 in a 75 (Nevada) driving my fiance's Nissan Murano from SF to Chicago...I was on a long, straight, down hill stretch of I-80 and the guy was nice as hell.

I was the only car for miles and there was ZERO question as to why he pulled me over. He asked me what speed I had been actually cruising at that morning so I just made the split second decision to level with the guy and tell him 90 to 95 (15 to 20 over) which was pretty much true :). He wrote me a ticket for 90 in a 75.

Pulled over at triple digits 2,000 miles from home and getting to drive on with just a ticket...I felt like I got a good deal but you never know...

If there is a lot of fast traffic, and I'm doing 75-80 in a 65 for example, I'm not admitting anything.

This has been my experience also. Every time I have been pulled over and answered the CHP honestly when he asks me if I know how fast I was going, I either got off with a warning, or was given a very graciously reduced ticket. Like a ticket for 80 + in a 65 mph when I admitted to going over 100. 15 mph over the limit is the magic number here. Above that you lose eligibility for driving school and the fines are much much higher.

Honesty has always worked out well for me, with CHP anyway. I don't know about police or sheriff.
damn Leos(for my friends across the pond) I was riding home today and came into some traffic. I saw an opening and made a pass just as I cleared the traffic I saw an oncoming CHP and rolled off the throttle, but it was too late.
I had the image of pulling a ghost rider and going for it but I decided to just slow down and see if he made the U-turn and came for me... and he did.
I was 1 mile from my house when he pulled me over, if I had pinned it he never would of seen me again.he ask the typical question, "do you know why I pulled you over?" I told him "let me guess...Speeding???" he asked how fast I was going, I said 75, he said he had me on radar at 97 in a 65. he said he was surprised I didn't run. he said most Sportbikers jump on it when he tries to pull them over. I said I didn't think it was worth it. so he decided to "give me a break" seeing how I didn't run from him, and he wrote me up for 80 in a 65. this is the first ticket I've ever got!!! 17 years of a clean driving record down the drain. I should be able to go to traffic school to keep the rates down.

and the legend begins...
Honesty doe's pay in the end mate, I also believe that running is a losers way out. If we are prepared to gas it a little we know the possible risks that this may entail. Hopefully it will not be to heavy on the pocket.

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