I feel like an idiot for asking but...


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Mar 14, 2009
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San Diego, CA
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I cant put the bike on its centerstand :( I have this fear of it falling over when I try to rock it back so I dont ever use it. Id like to to make the chain easier to lube but I dont want my new (to me) bike to take a tumble. So lets hear it from the pros!
The proper way to put your bike on the center stand is to use the leverage proved by the foot lever on the stand.

With your bike on the side stand, grab the handlebar and the rear seat handle, and begin pressing down on the centerstand.

While pushing down on the centerstand allow the bike to become upright and will stabilize on the centerstand and then push all your weight down on the centerstand lever (use your right foot) and pull up.

It should go up easy.
I stand directly behind the bike, grab both the seat rails, press on the center stand, and pull straight back. As you press down and pull back the bike will naturally stand upright as the center stand hits the ground. Once it's up you just pull real hard.
When you touch the center stand to the ground, just put your weight on the stand and you will feel that the bike is on solid footing. All you need to worry about is pulling up! It's intimidating at first, but once you've done this, you'll wonder why you worried so much :)
My biggest problem when I made my first attempts was not touching both points of the centerstand down (ie not straightening the bike enough). If you make sure both are in contact with the ground it will feel more secure and will go right up.
My biggest problem when I made my first attempts was not touching both points of the centerstand down (ie not straightening the bike enough). If you make sure both are in contact with the ground it will feel more secure and will go right up.


My wife couldn't do it until she worked this out. Now she can do it no problem. It's all in "the technique". ;)
only had the bike a few days, and have the center stand figured out.
I stand on the left of the bike, step on the center stand with all my weight, one hand on the left handle bar, the other on the left rear grab handle, as I step down, I pull the back end up and towards the rear and she pops right up!
Not really worried about dropping the bike as I already know I can lift it from almost hitting the ground with one arm... I didn't want my baby to fall lol.
Did you purchase the bike from dealer? It should have been demonstrated and practiced before leaving the shop. Many of us consider this a requirement for filling up at gas station.

Anyhow, as many others suggested, the center stand was designed to use by leverage. I've found the heavier the person, easier to prop up. If you're under 150lbs, you're going to have to lift the rear end a little.
My biggest problem when I made my first attempts was not touching both points of the centerstand down (ie not straightening the bike enough). If you make sure both are in contact with the ground it will feel more secure and will go right up.

this was my biggest problem. I hold onto the handle bars only. I do not use the grab handles in back.
I had a lot of problems with the center stand when I first got the FZ too. It was my first sport bike and I only weigh 127 lbs. so I wasn't even convinced I could do it. I read up on all the techniques and was sure I was doing it right but still couldn't pull the motorcycle up. I just kept at it and eventually got the feel for it. Now I can do it absolutely no problem.

Something important I noticed, though, is that you may want to keep the side stand down whenever getting the bike on or off of the center stand. It won't impair your ability to move it on the center stand but can make it (a little) less likely the motorcycle will fall if you lose control a bit.

I also originally used the handle bars to get it back down onto the ground and it worked for a while but eventually the bike got the best of me and I dropped it doing that (it was a bad way for a small guy like me to do it). Now I stay on the grip and grab bar while pulling it down and rock it slowly until it gets back down.

The weight seems overbearing at first but you eventually get used to it. Just take it slow and think about what you're doing. Just wanted to give a decent warning cause I was a moron and dropped mine because I wasn't thinking far enough ahead.:squid::spank:
My biggest problem when I made my first attempts was not touching both points of the centerstand down (ie not straightening the bike enough). If you make sure both are in contact with the ground it will feel more secure and will go right up.

This is good advice.

Once you feel both feet of the centre stand are on the floor just put all your weight on the centrestand foot and guide the bike. You do not even need to pull hard just guide it.

Practice this on a level tarmac surface a few times and you will soon get the hang of it.

I stand directly behind the bike, grab both the seat rails, press on the center stand, and pull straight back. As you press down and pull back the bike will naturally stand upright as the center stand hits the ground. Once it's up you just pull real hard.

what are you? 10 feet tall?
what are you? 10 feet tall?

Yeah, when I think of someone doing this I imagine it would be a huge danger to the future of your family.:eek:

Might work great, though. Can you give us any more details about how you do it, damnpoor?
Thanks for the info guys! Im deffinently gunna be giving these tips a shot tonight. I bought the bike from a person where I work at and him nor I thought of teaching me how to do it.
I had trouble the first few times. But just like anything else, when you build the technique AND the muscles to do it, it becomes easy.
Well I went and tried it out when I went out to lube the throttle tube on the bar and by following everyones advice and grabbing onto the passenger peg bar it came right up with ease. I overestimated so much I almost fell over because I pulled so hard lol!
There is no such thing as a stupid question. I'm short on one end at 5'4 and I almost always us my center stand in the garage.Just push down on the foot peg and it will rise right up. Have someone spot you for the first few times, it's really easy, it's all in the learning curve. Good luck.

Yeah, when I think of someone doing this I imagine it would be a huge danger to the future of your family.:eek:

Might work great, though. Can you give us any more details about how you do it, damnpoor?

ahaha I laughed at that. Here's a link to a video. It works great for me at 6'-2". And I've never had it tip over and or hit me in the nads :D

Also today I put the bike on the centerstand and it was completely effortless! I'm surprised that I actually didn't even put any muscle into it, it just went right up(foot on the push stand)