I can't believe it...


Senior Member
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
West London
my Gixxer got stolen yesterday! :(

I had it locked (through another chain as well), covered, parked tight between two other bikes (to make it harder to get at) and the b*stards still got it. I guess if someone wants a bike bad enough, they will get it.

It has a tracker fitted so there's still a small ray of hope, but I'm not holding my breath.
my Gixxer got stolen yesterday! :(

I had it locked (through another chain as well), covered, parked tight between two other bikes (to make it harder to get at) and the b*stards still got it. I guess if someone wants a bike bad enough, they will get it.

It has a tracker fitted so there's still a small ray of hope, but I'm not holding my breath.

WTF! Man, you have got some crazy ar$e bad luck...that's 2 bikes in a row is'nt it???

So sorry to hear, that sucks sooooo much! I hope if you get it back, it's ok.

God damn thieves.... I wish someone would find them in the act and beat them senseless. I'm really sorry to hear about your bike. Tow bikes stolen.... that really sucks. I had London was that bad. But who knows maybe It will be returned..... I'm guessing u had insurance though right?
My heart just dropped with the first words:(
I wish there was something that could be said to make you feel better.
There's still hope she will come home :cheer:
WTF! Man, you have got some crazy ar$e bad luck...that's 2 bikes in a row is'nt it???

So sorry to hear, that sucks sooooo much! I hope if you get it back, it's ok.

I hate the area where my office is. It's one of the highest bike theft rates in London. I guess that's no more riding to work anymore.
Wow. I'm sorry to hear that man. That's some $hit luck right there. They didn't take the other bikes? If you ever get it back you should drive it inside and park in the lobby. Either that or talk to the company to have them set up a security cam over the parking lot. You'd think that would not only benefit you but the company as well. Good luck with the retrieval and here's to hoping it's still in good condition.
that sucks man...bikes are tough, gotta get'm locked inside,
outta site or they're easily took...friggin bastages, I just
don't get it either, is it for parts? Not sure about the UK
but here in Canuckistan you'd have real hard time ever getting
a stolen bike registered
Wow... so sorry, man. Terrible luck :(

How long do you have to wait before insurance cuts you a check, assuming they can't find the bike?
Sorry to hear.

Can't help but think that a syndicate is operating in the area. They target you cos they see you have new bikes or different bikes frequently.

But sorry to hear.

It's ok if you cry if you want to.:(

Thieving ****ards!!!!!!!! Oh man I'm sorry to hear this - I was looking forward to seeing it should I make it over with Cloggy to Canterbury in Sept. Hope that you find it in one piece.

Did it happen whilst you were at work during the day?! Is there somewhere at your work that you can install a ground anchor?
this is a serious case of bad luck! im very sorry to hear that this has happened again to you. i hope the tracker helps you to retreive it
when i saw the thread title i thought... "nah, couldn't be"

crazy luck on your part. do you think it might be possible to get a "beater" bike to ride to work? one that people wouldn't want to take but would be safe? stinks that you can't ride to work.
that sucks!! :eek: really sorry to hear about your bike David, I was looking forward to seeing it in September. I really hope that it gets found and that it is in a reasonable state.
What a shame. Why the **** do people have to steal to begin with. Go buy your own for christ sake. Too bad there isn't motorcycle alarms that shock the crap out of people who try and steal there pride and joy. :(
Sorry to hear.

Can't help but think that a syndicate is operating in the area. They target you cos they see you have new bikes or different bikes frequently.

But sorry to hear.

It's ok if you cry if you want to.:(

I agree it's probably organized crime. Even if you catch a thief you can't do something stupid like injure them because it just brings other stuff down on you and yours.
Sorry for your loss, I lost my Jeep Rubicon to thieves last year. I know how you feel. Just let it go and get on with staying healthy, If you don't let it go you'll allow them to steal more than just material. You'll have another bike or get yours back.
So sorry to hear man...I just don't understand people :(

You work so hard to get something and people take the easy way out..

Any luck with the tracking system?
So the update is this: they have finally lost the signal from the tracker completely. That most likely means it's been found and destroyed. However, they do have a fix on the last known location within about 1/4 of a mile. The tracker company is working with the police to see if they can locate the van or the bike in that area. The fact the the tracker has been found most like y means the bike gas been broken down already, but we'll see. Now that it's been 24 hours I'm pretty sure it will be gone (or destroyed).

It's a good lesson in detachment I guess.