How to trip a damn traffic light??????????


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May 24, 2008
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Spartanburg, South Carolina
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Guys quick question on a problem I am having. How do you trip a traffic light I keep having to run red lights cause my bike nor me can trip the lights. I sit there waiting watching the cycle of the lights over and over. I finally get pissed off and run the light or get in another lane when cars beside me going another direction get a green. The problem mostly occurs when I'm trying to turn left and can't ever get the green arrow. I see the little marks in the road were you see the sensor wires running around and then back to the light post. I have tried several different areas of the lanes to trip them but no luck.:confused:
A defective signal light it to be treated as a stop sign.

That being said.

Park the bike on the intersection of the wires in the road. Failing that, turn off and restart the bike, or set the kickstand down on the wires.

The ones that doesnt work at are broken, I treat them as stop signs, its in the KDMV code.
That happened to me twice tongiht!!! I was getting pissed to because i was waiting for like 10 min. It sucked so i turned and went around.
i experience the same thing. I saw this lil magnetic bar for sale at the dealership and according to the claim on the product, if you install it on the bottom of the motorcycle and run over the sensor, the magnetic bar will interupt the magnetic field of the sensor and trip the light. My friend bought one and attached it to the bottom of his cbr600rr and it did not work for him. Ive heard of guys trying to run at the sensors at different angles and running along the edge of the sensor instead of through it and getting it to work, but these are just stories ive heard. I myself can never get it to work. Most of the time i just run the light. Check for cameras and police officers before doing this.
As a cyclist I'm used to looking for the wires and parking my wheel right on top of them. I've also noticed that sometimes it's harder to trip a light with the FZ6 than it is with my bicycle. I don't know why. I try to park the bike so the front wheel/header are right over one of the wires, then rock back and forth slightly. If it doesn't work I back up and pick a different wire to park on. I've noticed that most wires are layed out in a rectangle pattern, with four sides and wire down the middle. If you park right in the middle of the lane with the front wheel right on the white line you've usually got the header right over one of the wires.
I usually find the best is to be in the middle of the lane, in the middle of the sensor, i go to the side too much and it doesnt trip it. Also once what i did was get off the bike, walked to the crosswalk button for the pedestrian and hit it and that worked :D It was like 5am so i knew there were no cars coming to help trip the sensor and i didnt want to run the light (i had just gotten the bike at the time) Other than that there was this one light just at my work i had to make a left turn, i would never trip it off so everyday had to run the red light, i treated it as a stop sign...
Put Earth magnets on your center stand by the pads, two on each side. Park inside the loop but closer to one of the wires then with your heel, lower the stand to the pavement and wait 10 - 15 seconds. If that doesn't work, here in NH you treat it as a red light if you sat through one complete cycle and it is safe to proceed. If you pull up to a red and then look around and leave without waiting for the cycle of lights, they *may* choose to ticket you.
I usually find the best is to be in the middle of the lane, in the middle of the sensor, i go to the side too much and it doesnt trip it. Also once what i did was get off the bike, walked to the crosswalk button for the pedestrian and hit it and that worked :D It was like 5am so i knew there were no cars coming to help trip the sensor and i didnt want to run the light (i had just gotten the bike at the time) Other than that there was this one light just at my work i had to make a left turn, i would never trip it off so everyday had to run the red light, i treated it as a stop sign...
OMG haha lol guys thanks for help but thats funny as hell never thought about that. I mean getting off the bike and with that big ass helment sprint to the button, push it, and then sprint back. I bet if there was ppl around watching that was a moment for them. I will have to try that. Seriously thanks for the replies I've tried everything mentioned other than putting the kick stand down. I am going to have to try that next. God that made my day that made me laugh til tears came up.
Put Earth magnets on your center stand by the pads, two on each side. Park inside the loop but closer to one of the wires then with your heel, lower the stand to the pavement and wait 10 - 15 seconds. If that doesn't work, here in NH you treat it as a red light if you sat through one complete cycle and it is safe to proceed. If you pull up to a red and then look around and leave without waiting for the cycle of lights, they *may* choose to ticket you.
Sry I just seen this reply also. I have not tried your suggestion before. By the way whats a earth magnet exactly? Just a regular magnet?
i usually rock the bike back and forth stomp my feet turn right then pull a U turn etc. or just say screw you cops and turn on red......
I have the same problem here in Oz, I have always thought that the sensors where set off by the weight of the vehicle sitting on top the square wired "pads" and that me & my bike where not heavy enough to trigger the weight sensor?

Anyway, it drives you nuts at 4am in the morning, when there are no other cars around...i sit and wait and wait, and wait, as i worry that if i do take off, some cop is going to materialise out of no-where to book me!
Y'all need to move to NC... here they passed a law that lets motorcycles use stoplights like stop signs.
It's about time that somebody brings this up.... i thought I was going crazy thinking I was the only one having problems with these darn lights. They won't trip for me either...:Sport:
I have the same problem here in Oz, I have always thought that the sensors where set off by the weight of the vehicle sitting on top the square wired "pads" and that me & my bike where not heavy enough to trigger the weight sensor?

Anyway, it drives you nuts at 4am in the morning, when there are no other cars around...i sit and wait and wait, and wait, as i worry that if i do take off, some cop is going to materialise out of no-where to book me!

The worst they can do is give you a ticket. If you explain your position they most likely wont, but even if they do, the judge will have to throw it out. Defective signal lights are to be treated as stop signs. Once you know which ones are which I just stop and go.
Sry I just seen this reply also. I have not tried your suggestion before. By the way whats a earth magnet exactly? Just a regular magnet?

Rare-earth magnet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These are very strong magnets and this is what you want to produce a larger field at the road loops. :D I've heard of some people using epoxy to put them on their boots so they can set a foot down on the loop as well.
As a cyclist I'm used to looking for the wires and parking my wheel right on top of them. I've also noticed that sometimes it's harder to trip a light with the FZ6 than it is with my bicycle. I don't know why.

I've noticed this as well. I rarely have this problem on road bicycle and it's mostly carbon fiber and aluminum. First couple times it happened on FZ6, I was like "No way, can't be." I picked up the bike used and while doing the first cleaning, noticed someone had stuck magnets to the centerstand pegs, not doing me much good though.
